Psychology 301

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Psychology 301: Research Methods I Assignment #6 Research Ethics Page 1 Research Ethics (Part I, Part II, & Part III) Part I: Ch. 4 Study Guide (20 points) Due Date: Monday, June 27, 9:00 a.m. via email Part II: Quiz on Ch. 4 (20 points) Due Date: Tuesday, June 28 during class Part III: Ethical Reasoning Essay (40 points) Due Date: Monday, July 4, 9:00 a.m. via Turnitin on Blackboard This is individual, independent work. If you collaborate with others, you must generate individually different answers. Only a typed, hard copy is accepted. No late submission is accepted. Part I: Study Guide for Ch. 4 Ethical Guidelines for Psychology Research (20 points) 1. Read Ch. 4 of the 4th edition and complete the 20 questions on the reading guide for the chapter. For each question, please include elaborated, concrete answers. Answers without detailed descriptions will not be graded. 2. Your answers must be handwritten for this assignment. 3. Submit your work by Monday, June 27, 9:00 a.m. via email. Please send me your handwritten work as a scanned document or a jpeg (each page of your work should be one picture). Part II: Quiz on Ch. 4 (20 points) 1. A 20 multiple choice quiz on Ch. 4 is given during class on Tuesday, June 28. Part III: Ethical Reasoning Essay (40 points) 1. First, choose one of the 4 case studies (#2, #3, #4, and #5) listed below (these case studies were taken from APS Teaching Psychology by Dr. Deborah Ware Balogh at Ball State University). 2. Then, in your ethical reasoning essay, answer the following three questions: a. Recognize two or more research-related ethical issues presented in the case study and describe them. In describing your recognition of ethical issues in the case study, you should refer to the APA’s Five General Principles of research ethics that are essential to the research methods in psychology presented in Table 4-1 on page 99 (i.e., Beneficence and nonmaleficence, fidelity and responsibility, integrity, justice, and respect for people’s rights and dignity). Which of the APA’s Five General Principles are relevant to the ethical issues you recognized in the case study? Identify and describe these general principles in one paragraph. Although it is not required, you may also refer to APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct posted to Blackboard which list more ethical principles and more detailed descriptions than the textbook chapter. b. In the next paragraph, you apply two or more relevant APA General Principles you identified in the previous paragraph to the content of the case study. Each of the Five APA General Principles pertains to a few different ethical standards in psychological science. As discussed in Chapter 4, pp. 99-112, these research methods-related ethical standards include an institutional review board, Psychology 301: Research Methods I Assignment #6 Research Ethics Page 2 informed consent, deception, debriefing, research misconduct (i.e., data fabrication, data falsification, and plagiarism), and animal research. Therefore, for instance, if you identify the APA General Principle of “respect for people’s rights and dignity” for (a) above, you could apply “informed consent” as an important ethical standard. You should explain how informed consent is part of respecting people’s rights and dignity in psychological research, and how it is relevant to the case study you selected. Your answer must be concrete and explicit with significant detail and accuracy. c. Next, identify at least two or more Catholic and Franciscan ethical concepts and principles you would consider relevant and apply them to the case study you selected. You may refer to Catholic and Franciscan ethical concepts and principles on page 4 of this document. Your answer must be concrete and explicit with significant detail and accuracy. d. Because it is an essay, you must include a brief introduction paragraph and a brief concluding paragraph. And because the paper must be written in APA Style, you must include a title page. On your title page, please indicate the case study # you have selected. You must not copy and paste the case study into your paper. 3. In writing your ethical reasoning essay, refer to the AAC&U’s ethical reasoning rubric on page 5 and the writing rubric on pages 6-7. Your essay will be graded by these 2 rubrics. 4. Your essay must be written using APA style 7th edition and the writing style that you have been using for your research proposal in this course. You are expected to include the References section citing the Morling textbook on the last page of your paper. Please see the Writing Style Guidelines for both APA style and writing style elements on pages 6-7. 5. Submit your ethical reasoning essay via a Turnitin submission link on Blackboard by Monday, July 4, 9:00 a.m. via Turnitin on Blackboard. For your ethical reasoning essay, choose just one case study. If you are retaking this course, you must choose a different case study from the one you chose in the past. Case #1 – Exclude this case study – Dr. Etsuko will use it to explain the assignment. A developmental psychologist is conducting research on physiological correlates of orienting responses in newborn infants. What is his obligation with respect to sharing each child’s data with the child’s parents? Does it make a difference if the data suggest the presence of neurological abnormality in some participants? Case #2 A local business is interested in making better decisions about which employees should be encouraged to pursue a career track in management. They ask a psychologist to administer and interpret personality tests that include measures of creativity, ego strength, and introversion/extroversion to a group of new employees. Should he honor this request? What issues are raised if the instruments used by the psychologist were developed using samples of white, middle-class men? What if the psychologist also is asked to administer an integrity test to evaluate each new employee? Case #3 A psychologist who conducts research on jury characteristics has reported that potential jurors with specific demographic characteristics are more likely to render verdicts that favor the defense in certain types of felony cases. An attorney who is defending an accused rapist offers her a position as a consultant. She is asked to advise the defense team about which potential jurors should be eliminated during the voir dire process. Should she accept the position? (The voir dire process is the second stage of the jury selection process, and potential Psychology 301: Research Methods I Assignment #6 Research Ethics Page 3 jurors answer questions regarding their qualifications to participate in a case as jurors. These questions are intended to find out whether potential jurors have any personal interest in the case, whether they are related to or personally know defendants and their lawyers, prosecutors, or witnesses, and whether potential jurors have any prejudices that may influence jury decision making. From Hand book for Trial Juors by United States District Court, Southern District of New York. Case #4 A psychologist is a guest in a weekly radio “call-in” program. Listeners are invited to ask questions. During a show on treatment of depression, a listener calls with a “question” about someone he knows who seems “down.” He reports that this acquaintance has been missing work frequently, seems irritable most of the time, and has made comments about “getting out of the rat-race for good.” The psychologist, concerned that the caller may be actually speaking about himself, tells the caller that the friend is clinically depressed, is a likely suicide risk, and should be seen by a mental health professional as soon as possible. The psychologist then offers an appointment time in her schedule the following morning if the caller will bring his “friend” to the office for evaluation and referral to a local physician. Has she followed ethical guidelines in handling this situation? Case #5 A psychologist who conducts qualitative research on social support and major life stresses is interested in how parents cope with the death of a young child. He decides to research the use of Internet sources of support. Posing as a parent who has recently lost a child, he subscribes to several listservs and participates in discussions in several chat rooms. He prints postings and discussions for his data analyses and quotes from these transcripts in his publications. What ethical concerns exist? What additional issues arise if the psychologist harvests the lists, not as a participant, but by accessing archives? Psychology 301: Research Methods I Assignment #6 Research Ethics Page 4 Catholic and Franciscan Ethical Concepts and Principles Catholic and Franciscan Ethical Principles Principle of the Golden Rule – Whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1992, sec 1789). Pauline Principle – One may never do evil so that good will result from it (CCC, 1992, sec 1789). Principle of Charity – Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself (CCC, 1992, sec 1789). Principle of the Common Good – There is a common good that humanity is responsible for ensuring and attaining (Compendium of Catholic Social Teaching, 2005, secs. 160-184). Principle of the Preferential Option for the Poor – the poor and marginalized should be the focus of particular concern (Compendium, 2005, secs. 182-184). Catholic and Franciscan Ethical Concepts Character Command Common Good Dignity Divine law Duty/Obligation/Responsibility Habit Haecceity Happiness, the Good Life Human Goods Moral Rights Motive/Intention Natural Law Person Role Model Vice Moral Virtues (examples below) -Care (for human life, for self, for the earth, for the marginalized) -Charity (Love) -Compassion -Peacefulness -Kindness -Gentleness -Mercy -Forgiveness -Generosity -Modesty -Respect -Openness -Courage (Fortitude) -Humility -Justice -Prudence -Temperance Psychology 301: Research Methods I Assignment #6 Research Ethics Page 5 C o n s c i e n c e L O 3.4 S c o r i n g R u b r i c Adapted from the AAC&U Ethical Reasoning VALUE Rubric Feature Capstone (4) 9-10 points Accomplished (3) 6-8 points Developing (2) 3-5 points Beginning (1) 1-2 points Ethical Issue Recognition (10 points) Student names and explains, in significant detail and without inaccuracies, two or more ethical issues present in the case. Student names and explains, with some detail and without inaccuracies, two or more ethical issues present in the case. Student names and explains one or more ethical issues present in the case, but with limited detail and/or some inaccuracies. Student names at least one ethical issue present in the case. Application of Ethical Concepts and Principles (10 points) Student names and explains, in significant detail and without inaccuracies, how two or more ethical concepts and principles apply to the case. Student names and explains, with some detail and without inaccuracies, how two or more ethical concepts and principles apply to the case. Student names and explains how one or more ethical concepts and principles apply to the case, but with limited detail and/or some inaccuracies. Student names at least one ethical concept or principle applicable to the case. Understanding and Application of Catholic and Franciscan Ethics (10 points) Student names and describes, in significant detail and without inaccuracies, how two or more Catholic and Franciscan ethical concepts and principles apply to the case. Student names and describes, with some detail and without inaccuracies, how two or more Catholic and Franciscan ethical concepts and principles apply to the case. Student names and describes how one or more Catholic and Franciscan ethical concepts and principles apply to this case, but with limited detail and/or some inaccuracies. Student names at least one concept or principle of the Catholic and Franciscan tradition that applies to this case. Writing style (10 points) Student includes brief well-versed introductory and concluding paragraphs as well as the reference section. Student writes without any typos, grammatical errors, and/or punctuation errors. Student writes using APA style without errors. Student includes brief appropriate introductory and concluding paragraphs as well as the reference section. Student writes with only a few typos, grammatical errors, and/or punctuation errors. Student writes using APA style with a few errors. Student includes brief introductory and concluding paragraphs as well as the reference section. Students write with several typos, grammatical errors, and/or punctuation errors. Student writes using APA style with several errors. Student does not include brief introductory or concluding paragraph. The reference section is missing. Student writes with numerous typos, grammatical errors, and/or punctuation errors. Student does not follow APA style. Total: / 40 points For the writing style in the above rubric, please refer to the rubric on the next page. Psychology 301: Research Methods I Assignment #6 Research Ethics Page 6 Writing Style Guidelines APA format – Refer to the APA Style 7th Edition Highlights Handout and APA Style Tutorial Videos posted to Blackboard. – In-text citations must be part of a sentence, whether they are placed in the middle of a sentence or at the end of a sentence. In-text citations must appear before a punctuation mark at the end of a sentence. – There should be no punctuation before a publication year if authors’ names are NOT in the same parentheses as the publication year. There should be no comma after a parenthesized publication year if the authors’ names are the subject of a sentence. – Use “and,” “&,” and “et al.” appropriately in a citation – you must know when and where to use each. – Format your paper using 12-point font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margin all around. – For your entire paper, your paragraph setting should be “double-spaced,” not “multiple” for line spacing, with “before” and “after” being “0 pt.” – Make sure that the font of the running head and the page number match the font of your text (i.e., Times New Roman). – The running head and page number should be 0.5 inch from the top of the page whereas the right and left margins should be 1.0 inch. – Do not justify at the right; align text only at the left. – Use page breaks only where appropriate. There are no page breaks between the introduction and discussion sections. – There should be no extra line space between paragraphs or between section. – There should be no blank page between sections or at the end of a paper. – Do not use article titles in the text. They should appear only in the References section. – Do not use researchers’ initials or first names in citations. Initial, should appear only in the References section. No first names are used in APA style. – Use numeric numbers appropriately. At the beginning of a sentence, you must spell out any number. A sentence cannot start with a numeric number. – The first sentence of each paragraph must be indented by 0.5” except for an abstract. – Each sentence must be ended with an appropriate punctuation mark. – There should be only one space, not two, after a period between sentences. – At the end of a sentence or in the middle of a sentence, any punctuation marks (e.g., a comma, a period, or a question mark) must be placed before a double quotation mark. – Know the difference between a single quotation mark (‘) and a double quotation mark (“). Use double quotation marks for any definitions, survey items, and rating scale labels. You must cite the source for the definitions in accordance with APA style. No other direct quotes must be avoided. See below in the writing style section. – The References section is in APA style. Writing style including spelling, grammar, punctuation, direct quotes, sentence tense, sentence structure, overall flow of your paper Your Turnitin’s similarity score should not be higher than 10%. – Any plagiarism, cheating, or copying of your own previous work or others’ work including your classmates’, with or without citation, whether it is intentional or not, will result in a grade of 0% on this assignment. It will be dealt in accordance with the University’s academic dishonesty policy and will be reported to the Office of Academic Affairs. There is no exception to this policy. – If your section paper does not include components indicated in the instructions or if it is not polished, it is assigned a grade of 0% for the entire paper. – Late submission is assigned a grade of 0%. – Proofread, edit, and revise your section paper thoroughly. Your paper should be free of typos, any grammatical errors, and problems with sentence structure. – Write concisely. Eliminate repetitiveness and redundancy. – Use punctuation, including apostrophes and quotation marks, correctly and appropriately. – Do not include any direct quotes, except for definitions of specific psychological terms or questionnaire items. – Paraphrase any information you take from articles and other sources in your own words. – Do not use “I,” “we,” or “you” and their pronouns (e.g., my, me, our, us, and your). Use the third person singular (e.g., a person, an individual, or one) or plural (e.g., people, individuals) form as the subject of a Psychology 301: Research Methods I Assignment #6 Research Ethics Page 7 sentence. – Make sure that your subject noun and its pronoun match. If you use “a person” or “an individual,” its pronoun must be singular (e.g., she, he, her, his, him, etc.) and it cannot be plural (e.g., they, their, them). – Be mindful of sentence tense. – Use professional language (e.g., children, mother, father, police officers, that is, perhaps, based on, etc.) and avoid colloquial language (e.g., kids, mom, dad, cops, meaning, maybe, based off, that being said, when it comes to …, etc.). – Use uppercase and lowercase appropriately. Variables names and disorder names should not be capitalized except the first letter at the beginning of a sentence or unless it is a proper noun. – There should be no space after a hyphen. – Self-related words need a hyphen after the word “self” without a space after the hyphen (e.g., selfinterest, self-identity, self-esteem, etc.). – Avoid contractions. Use “cannot” rather than “can’t,” “do not” rather than “don’t,” and “it is” rather than “it’s.” – Avoid semi-colons; they should be used only in very short sentences. Semi-colons make your sentences too long and convoluted. – Do not use a comma, a semi-colon, or a colon after the phrase “such as” when listing examples. – Abbreviations such as “e.g.,” “i.e.,” “vs.,” and “etc.” should be used only in parentheses. In the sentence, they must be spelled out as “for example,” “that is,” “versus,” and “and the like.” – Know the differences between “than” and “then,” between “affect” and “effect,” between “whereas” and “while,” and between “apart from” and “a part of.” Use them appropriately. Use “because” instead of “since” and “whether” instead of “if.”

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