Key Assessment Information
Research Report based on researching a contemporary business issue related to the use of
IS. This assessment will provide an opportunity for the students to critically evaluate contemporary issues related to the use of information systems , data management and insights communication. The students will interrogate the organizational dynamics and role of an information professional within the business environment.
In the Research Report Assessment, the students will undertake a research individually about one of the research domains listed below. The research comprises two stages. Please submit your report as a word document to the VU Collaborate drop box.
3000 Words 40% Session 10
The Learning Outcome(s) of this assessment task is to:
- LO 2: Critically evaluate contemporary issues related to the use of information systems, data management and insights communication;
- LO 3: Devise and exemplify the career development strategies and networking actions as well as interrogate the professional activities aimed at creating and promoting professional visibility and credibility in the job market;
- LO 4: Argue the role played by IT professionals in influencing and achieving business goals with a view of innovation and entrepreneurship; and
- LO 5: Interrogate the organisational dynamics and role of an information professional within the business environment.
Choose one topic from the list of the subjects :
01 An Overview of Ethics
Ethics for IT Professionals and IT Users.
03 Cyberattacks and Cybersecurity 04 Information Privacy and Government 05 Intellectua l Property
06 Freedom of Expression
The report includes the sections such as:
- Introduction (250 words)
- A summary of Magazine Article (1000 words)
- Argument by the literature review (1500 words)
- Conclusion (250 words)
This assessment is divided into 2 stages. To get started on your assessment task, please follow the instructions below;
- Stage 1: Outline ‘current practice’ in one of the listed above areas. To do this, your lecturer should confirm your subject.
you sbould refer to the following websites a
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