SIT716 Computer Networks and Security

115 views 8:53 am 0 Comments September 8, 2023


Pass Task 5.1P Module 4 Journal


In this task you will demonstrate the work that you have completed and the understanding you have gained from the module indicated above. There are three parts to this pass task (questions appear starting on the next page), as follows:

  • Part 1. Specific Questions – short answer questions requiring you to work with content relating to several topics examined. The questions appear in the unit content which you will need to review.
  • Part 2. Reflection Questions – reflect on what you have learned and demonstrate you have understood the context for the learning conducted.
  • Part 3. Evidence of Learning – a collection of artifacts demonstrating that you have completed a study of the content of the unit for this module.
  • Part 4. Workshop Completion – demonstrate you participated in completing the workshop and explain what you learned.Page limits are indicated below for Parts 1 and 2. These limits are based on text that is formatted reasonably, e.g., 2cm margins, 11 or 12 point font, appropriate headings/spacing, etc. If your submission significantly exceeds these limits, either in answer length, by using tiny fonts, no spacing, etc., then your submission will be returned to you without review for corrections. There is no requirement/expectation that your answer will reach these page limits (no minimum length, only an approximate maximum).

    Submitting Your Task

    Prepare your submission using the word processor of your choice and submit a PDF to OnTrack. Start each section on a new page beginning with a clear heading (use bold/underline/larger font, etc.)

    Citations and Referencing

    When completing assessment it is necessary to acknowledge the work of others that you have relied upon. For written submissions, we achieve this using citations and references. Failing to correctly identify the work of others is known as plagiarism, an issue of Academic Integrity, and is subject to penalties.

    If your submission to this task has involved using the work of others, you must include citations and references where appropriate. Deakin provides a web site that explains how to use citations and references, and includes explanations of various referencing styles:

    You may choose any of the styles described on the above site, however you must apply your chosen style consistently for this task (you can use other styles in other tasks if you wish).

    Note that any bibliography/list of references is not included in page limits.

Answers to Parts 1-3 must be your own, however you may discuss these questions with other students and/or your workshop supervisors to get ideas/insights.

Part 1. Specific Questions (limit: 1 page)

Throughout the content in the unit site (CloudDeakin), you will find a number of articles for this module with ‘Assessment’ panels requiring you to complete an activity. You must complete all these activities and include your answers in this section. Note that the task resources provided with this question sheet includes a checklist so you can ensure you have answered all the required questions.

Answers to these questions must be your own, however you can discuss these questions with other students and/or your workshop supervisors to get ideas/insights. These questions are not intended to be challenging, instead most of these questions you should be able to answer immediately after studying the unit content.

Part 2. Reflection Questions (limit: 0.5 page)

  1. What are the most important lessons in this week/these weeks? Why do you think they are the most important? How will you apply these in your future learning/future career?
  2. Which topic/s did you find the most challenging and what did you do to overcome those challenges? Did you learn anything you didn’t expect in overcoming these challenges?

Part 3. Evidence of Learning (no limit)

In this section you are required to demonstrate that you have completed a study of the topics in the module. Module 0 (welcome module) in the unit site (CloudDeakin) includes discussion of the kind of content you should include in this section. Note that the task resources provided with this question sheet includes a checklist so you can ensure you have addressed each topic in the module.

Part 4. Workshop Completion (no limit)

In this section you are required to demonstrate that you have completed the workshop activities for this week/these weeks. Questions 1 and 2 below can be completed individually or shared between group members, however Question 3 must be completed individually.

For each workshop in this module:

  1. List the students who participated in the completion of these workshop tasks and briefly summarise the contribution of each member to completing these tasks.
  2. Include the results of any discussion questions and provide two or more screenshots demonstrating you have completed any practical activities required in the workshop activities and briefly summarise what is shown in the screenshot.
  3. (Individual) Explain what you learned by completing these activities.

Note: the answer to each of these questions should be very short, e.g., one or two sentences for each question/screenshot.

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