Research Proposal Assessment

126 views 7:51 am 0 Comments September 4, 2023

List of Research topics for HI6032 Research Proposal Assessment
Research topics sourced from Lecture 2
1. Application of digital business models by:
Financial institutions
On-line retail business
Government agencies
for business advantage
2. How businesses can leverage disruptive technologies for competitive advantage. Choose
a particular business field.
3. Social media as a driving force for democratisation and how business can take
advantage of it for competitive advantage.
4. Use of social media for collaboration, marketing, management, human resources,
productivity. Focus on a business field or industry.
5. Social media features that businesses can leverage to their advantage. Focus on a
business field or industry.
6. Ways in which a business can leverage online communities for competitive advantage.
Focus on a business field or industry.
7. What is the network effect, and how can a business leverage network effect for
competitive advantage? Focus on a business field or industry.
8. Ways in which a business can leverage enterprise mashup technology for competitive
advantage. Focus on a business field or industry.
9. Ways in which a business can use social monitoring services to improve its competitive
advantage. Focus on a business field or industry.
Research topics sourced from Lecture 3
10. Research the advantages that cloud computing technology has over the traditional
infrastructure model.
11. Explain the three main cloud delivery models. Select one model and research how a
particular business can leverage it for business advantage.
12. Explain the four main cloud deployment model. Select one deployment model and
research how a particular business or industry can leverage it for business advantage.
13. Select a business that uses cloud computing technologies and research some of the main
issues and challenges it faces such as cloud computing security and Ethical issues
arising from the use of cloud computing.
Research topics sourced from Lecture 4
14. Research the main advantages that enterprise systems have over traditional types of
information systems.

15. Select a business type or category and research how it can leverage supply chain
management system for business advantage.
16. Select a business type or category and research how it can leverage a customer
relationship management system for business advantage.
17. Select a business type or category and research how it can leverage an enterprise
resource planning system for business advantage.
Research topics sourced from Lecture 5
18. Select a business in the retail industry. Research how retail industry drives e-commerce
in the chosen business in terms of how it conducts business-to-business, business-toconsumer and business-to-employee transactions.
19. Select an online retail business. Research its sell-side and buy-side ecommerce
transaction activities and how it leverages various ecommerce technologies for
competitive advantage.
20. Select a small to medium size business. Research how it overcomes its e-commerce
challenges of cyber security, competition, order-fulfillment, customer experience,
website development and visibility and so on.
21. Select a business that utilises e-commerce. Research how it is leveraging mobilecommerce (M-Commerce) to enhance its e-commerce activities and become more
22. Social commerce refers to e-commerce transactions delivered via social media. Select a
business that utilises e-commerce and research ways in which social commerce is
enhancing its e-commerce activities and making it more competitive.
23. Select a business that uses e-commerce and social commerce. Research some of the
security threats and challenges it faces and how it overcomes them.
Research topics sourced from Lecture 6
24. Select a government that you are familiar with. Research the types of cyber threats and
attacks it has encountered, the consequences of those threats and attacks, the sources of
those and the subsequent cybersecurity measures it took to overcome them.
25. Select a health care system that you are familiar with. Research the types of cyber
threats and attacks it has encountered, the consequences of those threats and attacks, the
sources of those and the subsequent cybersecurity measures it took to overcome them.
26. Select an education system that you are familiar with. Research the types of cyber threats
and attacks it has encountered, the consequences of those threats and attacks, the sources
of those and the subsequent cybersecurity measures it took to overcome them.
27. Research a number of organisations that have experienced cyberattacks. Identify the type
according to whether it is one of the following crimeware (Spyware, adware, malware or
ransomware) and identify the attack vectors (the weak points in the system that allowed
the attack to occur.)
28. Cyberattacks can be carried out against critical infrastructure such as government
facilities, emergency services, water and wastewater, transportation, health care services

etc. Research a government you are familiar with and study how such cyberattacks had a
negative impact on national security, economic security, health care security and so on.

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