Inventory and Warehouse Management Systems

122 views 8:52 am 0 Comments August 24, 2023

Course learning outcomes covered

LO2: Evaluate inventory management and warehouse performance using appropriate measures to make recommendations for innovative cost and service level improvements in logistics and supply chain networks.

LO3: Evaluate practices to develop strategic and operational recommendations for optimising such practices in enterprises and their domestic and international logistics and supply chain networks.

Resources for this assessment

Sources provided in course, Library and independent student research

Background to this assessment

Companies that are rated as performing well in terms of Inventory and Warehouse Management are typically able to demonstrate the use of effective systems, control mechanisms and efficient operations that are able to flex as demand fluctuates in these uncertain times. The companies who lack these components are prone to higher operating costs, inconsistent inventory levels and poor service levels leading ultimately to reduced shareholder profitability and bad customer experience.

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