PSY372: Criminal Psychology in Singapore

113 views 10:55 am 0 Comments August 23, 2023

Ray is a 15-year-old Singaporean male youth offender who was first caught for upskirt offenses when he was 13 years old. At that time, he was let off with a police warning.

Based on previous file information, it was found that Ray had lost his biological father who passed away in a road traffic accident when Ray was 7 years old. He was reportedly close to his father and enjoyed spending time with him. From age 9 to 10, Ray had experienced sexual
abuse by his maternal uncle who lived with his family back then. His uncle would watch Ray shower and take nude videos and photos of him. Ray was subsequently placed in foster care for a year for his safety and protection. He currently lives with his mother and younger brother.

The lack of structure, supervision, and guidance was a feature of Ray’s childhood and adolescent years. Ray’s mother struggled to support the household following her husband’s passing. Gaps in caregiving were also evident as Ray shared that there were several occasions
when his mother did not return from work and there was no food at home.

As a child, Ray was described to be small-built and shy. School reports indicated that Ray used to be a victim of bullying by his classmates when he was in primary school. Academically, Ray had repeated one year of primary and one year of secondary education and was assessed to be of borderline intellectual functioning. Socially, Ray appeared to be isolated and often spent time alone. It was also indicated in his file information that Ray has some trauma symptoms and struggles with anxiety.

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