Recruit, Select andInduct Staff
Name: StudentID:
EmailAddress: Class:
Unitname: UnitCode:
Theevidence Ihavesubmittedforassessmentismyownwork,and
The evidence I have submitted for assessment has not been shared with otherstudents, and I have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure that my work cannotbeaccessedbyotherstudentsthatmayseek tosubmitmyworkastheirown, and
All of the sources of information used to prepare my work have been, or may beaccuratelycited,and
I retain a copy of all my original for my own records, or for resubmission if required byAcademiaAustralia,and
I have read and understood Academia Australia’s policy regarding plagiarism, and Iaccept the right of Academia Australia to investigate suspected plagiarism, and to actinaccordancewith thepolicyand procedureIhave read.
Dateof Submission: / /
You must achieve a satisfactory outcome for each of the required criteria of this assessmenttobedeemedsatisfactoryforthis assessment.Youmustachieveasatisfactoryresultfortheassessments for this unit of competency to achieve a competent result for the unit. If one ormore of the assessment results are not satisfactory, you will beNot Yet Competentfor thisunit.
Youmayfollowthe AssessmentAppeals process intheStudentHandbook( arenotsatisfiedwith:
theconditions orstructure oftheassessment
The student handbook has the steps for reassessment if you receive aNot Yet Competentmark anddonotwanttoappeal.
WherestudentshavehighlightedLanguage,LiteracyandNumeracyissuesreasonableadjustmenttothe assessment can be made. Should you receive a ‘Not Yet Competent’ or ‘Resubmit’ result for theassessment you will be given the opportunity to re-submit your assessment work with anyamendments requested byyour trainer.
Theadjustmentmayincludeactions suchas:
If a student requests or is identified as requiring reasonable adjustment to the training andassessmentprocessadetailedtrainingandassessmentplanincludingtimetables,notesregardingthe required adjustments, and any related communications regarding the adjustments must bemaintainedinthestudents file.
The RTO Manager must review and authorise any request for ‘reasonable adjustment’ to ensure thatany adjustments and resulting outcomes are not affecting the integrity of the training and assessmentprocess.
Locationof andcompletiontimeframesforassessment
The location of the assessment will depend upon the nature of the assessment. Direct observation ofstudent’s skills will be assessed in class at Academia, the timeframes for these assessments will berelated to the scheduled times of the practical classes. Other assessments such as; role plays, inclass activities, presentations and knowledge questions will be conducting in the classroom. Thetimeframes and due dates for these assessments, as well as any reports, projects or researchassignments,aredocumentedinthestageoutlines.Stageoutlinesarehandedoutatthebeginningofeachterm.
Interviewing techniques and skills are very much in demand as a hospitality manger. Hospitality has a high staffturnoverwhichhasnegativeimpactsuponyourbusiness;itisessentialtorecruittherightstaffthatwillhavetheskills and personal attributes. This assessment is a role play where you will simulate an interview process. Thisassessmentisintwo parts.
You must remember that you will be interviewing as if it is for a real industry position. For this reason, it isimportantthat youlookandactprofessionalaswouldbeexpectedfrom ahospitalitymanagerandapplicantintheindustry.
Q1.Basedonyourchosenresume/applicantfromassessment2,youarenowtoconductaninterview.Youneedtodesign an interview sheet (minimum 10 questions) you will use this as your guide in the interview and this will becommunicatedtoyourcolleaguesandrecordedforfuturereference.
Thequestion youdesignaretonotonlyevaluatetheapplicant’squalifications,theyarealsoaimedatassessingiftheapplicanthas therightskills,attitude,andaptitudefortheposition.Includethefollowingpoints:
SECTION1:Interview Comments Y N Applicantname Date,time,location. Special adjustments requested bytheapplicantforthe interview? Securityclearance/carparkrequired?
Keyselectioncriteriafortheposition Listhereyourselectioncriteriafortheroleyoucreated inassessment1. Introduction Describe to the applicant the skills and personalattributesyouare lookingforinthisposition,andthenatureoftherole.
Q1-10 Pleaselisttenquestionsin dotpointandrecordtheapplicant’sresponseinthiscolumn. -
Resumeevaluation Lookthroughtheapplicantsresume,discusstheirpriorworkexperience. Conclusion Wrap up the interview, thank the applicant forcoming,adviseyouwillbe intouch tolet themknowifthey weresuccessful. SECTION2-:Evaluation Thissectionstobecompletedbyyou Evaluationoftheskills/qualificationsof the applicant, are these suitablefortherole?Explain. Does the applicant have the requiredattitudeandpersonalqualitiesfortheposition? List and explain which oftheseyouidentified. Does the applicant meet theselectioncriteria?Brieflyoutlinethereasonforyourdecision. Referencescheckedandsatisfactory? Section3: Approval This section simulates an approval in line withorganisational policy to inform the applicant oftheir success in getting the position. Give thissheet to your trainer to look at, summarise theinterview and evaluation and get their approval tooffer the position to the applicant (imagine theyaretheownerofthebusiness). Iapprove (name)to beofferedthepositionof
Nowthatyouhavewrittenyour questionsheet,interviewyourchosenapplicantfromassessment1inclass.Gothroughsection one with the applicant and record details in the comment section of your question sheet. Evaluate theirperformance throughout the interview. Briefly summarise your candidate’s performance and their suitability for theposition. Obtainapprovalfromyour trainertoproceedwith theofferletter.
Write brief letter to the applicant informing them of their success in getting the position. This letter must include thefollowing:
Interviewsheet,evaluation,andletterofoffer | NotAttempted | NotSatisfactory | Satisfactory | Excellent | Comments |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | ||
SITXHRM004Recruit,SelectandInduct Staff |
Special adjustments requested by the applicant for the interview? Securityclearance/carpark |
Keyselectioncriteriafortheposition identifiedanddiscussed | |||||
Teninterviewquestionsestablishingqualifications,skills,attributes | |||||
Resumeevaluationanddiscussion | |||||
Evaluationoftheskills/qualificationsoftheapplicant |
Identifiesiftheapplicanthasthe attitudeandpersonalqualitiesfortheposition | |||||
Identifiesiftheapplicantmeetstheselectioncriteria | |||||
Section3: Approval
Managementapprovalobtainedfortheofferof theposition totheapplicant |
PARTB | |||||
Letter ofoffercontaining,companylogo, contactdetails
job title, salary/hourly rate/superannuation contributions, start datelocationand timeof inductiontraining, howtoreplyandacceptthe offer. |
TotalMarksoutof27 |
Student issatisfactoryforthis assessmenttask: Yes NotYet
/ /
Trainer’sSignature Date
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