Strategic Appraisal Report

114 views 10:08 am 0 Comments August 18, 2023

Assignment – Strategic Appraisal Report


Strategic Appraisal Report– This analysis is expected to give students the opportunity to evaluate a company of their choice and use the strategy tools discussed in this course. You will act as a consultant who has been asked to give a status of the organization to the board of directors. 

Board members are short on time so it is very important that your report is concisely written and free from speculation and drama.  Please use this template and view the video [insert video here] that clearly outlines the assignment expectations. You must apply APA style citations for your references and your report should be a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 7 pages. Additional academic writing support options are available here.

Any submission received past the due date will receive an automatic 15% deduction.

Your report should include the following:

The organizations vision/mission statement

The external environment including:

Segments of the environment that currently impact the firm

Porter’s Five Forces Model

The internal environment including:

Resources, capabilities, and core competencies

Value chain analysis

SWOT analysis

Business model

Type of business-level strategy used

Competitor analysis

International opportunities

Organization structure & leadership



This is the Grading Rubric for the assignment.


Additional information from the Professor

Dear Scholars,

Welcome to BUSA 665- Leading Organizational Strategies! 

My name is Dr. Daniel Zimmerman, your instructor for this course. I have been teaching at EU for over 4 years and have been teaching internationally for 15 years. My research interests include organizational development and change, along with strategy consulting.

Your course will begin on 7/3/2023 and will run for seven weeks. Your D2L course contains weekly Learning Modules. Each week, you will work through a mini lecture section, giving you an overview of the week’s topics, readings, and objectives. Though this is a self-paced course and there is only one deliverable due, it is important that you keep up to date with your course work.  Moreover, please read all the announcements.  

Announcements that must be read:

Template for your Strategic Analysis

Video on how to complete your Strategic Analysis

APA is required and all work must be proofread.  APA for this assignment refers to in-text citations and references and not the format of your paper.

OV Score through Turnitin should not be over 20%

AI detection will be enforced so do not use it 

Word of advice- many students rush through this information and struggle with the quizzes and struggle with the final project. Take your time with this material. This is excellent material that will provide a value for years to come. 

I look forward to having you in class this term. If you have questions, please contact me. Email works best. You can expect me to respond within 24/48 hours. 


Dr. Daniel Zimmerman
[email protected]

Strategic Report Template

Daniel Zimmerman posted on Jun 26, 2023 9:20 AM


To help with the consistency of this project, I have developed this mandatory template to be used for your final project. 

Please be sure to use this template, remove all information that is not required, i.e the directions and fill in your information.  I have made this process so simple for you so that you can concentrate on your analysis and recommendations.  Do not change up the template, do not add any title pages or pictures to your title pages, simply complete the assignment with any required charts, graphs, or elements that might help the BOD make concise, specific, and quick decisions. 


EU BUSA665 SA Template (6).docx

(18.11 KB)

Final Strategic Report- Please watch

Daniel Zimmerman posted on Jun 26, 2023 9:19 AM




Here is a 21 minute video on how to do your strategic analysis and the expectations of the assignment.  Please be sure that you do watch this.  If you do not and you do your work wrong, then that will be on you, as I do not allow for re-do’s. This is a different type of paper- this is not an academic paper-it is BUSINESS REPORT.

Remember, you are a master’s level student and the expectations is that you are very professional and are submitting a professional deliverable at the end of the class.  If you do not know how to do something, the expectation is that you learn how to do it.  Figure it out, go to an outside source for additional assistance.  

Last, your audience is the Board of Directors.  I am not your audience and your BOD does not know what you read in our text.  Understand your audience- you are an external consultant being paid a lot of money for this analysis.  

I hope that this sets the tone for the course and the assignment.


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