Leading, Managing and Developing People

119 views 10:44 am 0 Comments August 17, 2023

Leading, Managing and Developing People

Assessment Task 1 – Team Analysis Report Marking Rubric

Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7

Bell Emere


General Comments

Hi Emere,

I understand that assessing and comprehending this paper was challenging. However, I want to emphasize that there is great potential for improvement in your writing. One key aspect that can significantly enhance your work is taking full advantage of structured academic paragraphs.

By structuring your paragraphs effectively, you can provide clarity and coherence to your ideas. Start with a topic sentence that explicitly links to the task and presents a clear finding. Subsequently, support your topic sentence with evidence, including principles, concepts, and concrete examples. For instance, since you were asked to position your team according to the Tuckman model of team development, your topic sentence should express your opinion about the team’s current stage. Then, refer to the behaviours consistent with that stage, cite relevant references, and provide workplace examples to validate your finding.

Additionally, I noticed occasional issues with referencing. It is important to avoid making a claim about your team or leader and then referencing, as this limits your analysis. Moreover, there were formatting errors in your references, such as unnecessary page numbers unless you are directly quoting. Please consult the formatting guide and referencing guide for proper guidance in this area.

I understand that there were challenges with expression as well. Some of your sentences were long and covered multiple ideas, making it difficult to establish connections with the topic sentence and follow your arguments. However, I could see your attempts at critical analysis, and it is evident that you possess a good understanding of the subject matter. Improving how you express your understanding is key.

I strongly encourage you to review the “Preparing for Academic Study” documents, including the formatting guide and referencing guide. Revisiting webinar one will also provide detailed insights into preparing an academic report, particularly in the first hour. Additionally, consider taking advantage of the free service called “Studiosity,” which can assist you with spelling, grammar, and expression. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your success coach for further support as well.

Remember, you have the potential to excel. With perseverance, utilization of available resources, and a focus on refining your expression, you will undoubtedly see improvements in your work. Keep up the good work, and don’t hesitate to seek assistance when needed. Your dedication and commitment will lead you to success.

See my comments in Turnitin.

Doc Martin

Fail (0-49%) Pass (50-64%) Credit (65-74%) Distinction (75-84%) High Distinction (85-100%) Result
  Presentation and report format fail to meet prescribed AIM standard. Presentation and report format just meet AIM standard. Presentation and report format to prescribed AIM standard. C standard plus convincing conclusion – what do you want the reader to be left thinking? Excellent use of headings and sub- headings. D standard plus introductory and linking sentences used appropriately to guide the reader. Faultless presentation, spelling grammar, and punctuation.


Demonstration of a poor level reading and/or lacks inclusion of requisite references in Harvard reference style. Demonstration of acceptable reading – some reference to less relevant or older sources. Inclusion of requisite references in Harvard reference style with some minor errors. Demonstration of wide reading and inclusion of requisite references in Harvard reference style. Demonstration of significantly wider reading and inclusion of requisite references in Harvard reference style. Demonstration of exemplary reading and inclusion of requisite references in exacting Harvard reference style.


  Academic writing inappropriate to postgraduate level of study. Poor wording or expression. Academic writing just appropriate to postgraduate level of study. Sufficient wording and expression. Academic writing appropriate to postgraduate level of study. Clearly articulated Report writing style. Academic writing at a high postgraduate level of study. Convincing argument logically progressed throughout Report. Academic writing at a very high postgraduate level of study. Clear, well supported and compelling argument presented.


 Format (15%) Poor structure, lacks logical flow to argument. Basic structure and flow to argument. Well structured, logical flow to argument. Very well structured, with strong flow of argument. Excellent structure and flow to argument.


  0-6 7-9 10-11 12-13 14 – 15


Lacks knowledge of concepts. Basic knowledge of concepts. Concepts are defined inconsistently or poorly. Demonstration of knowledge of concepts. Concepts defined. In depth demonstration of knowledge and concepts. Exemplary demonstration of knowledge and concepts with contrasting viewpoints faultlessly discussed.


 Concepts (25% No, or poor, use of concepts to support arguments or recommendations. Basic use of concepts to support arguments or recommendations. Concepts support the argument or recommendations being made. Concepts strongly support the argument or recommendations being made. Exceptional and detailed use of concepts support the argument or recommendations being made.


  0-12 13-16 17-19 20-21 22-25


Lacks any significant analytical thinking in relation to concepts. Demonstration of analytical thinking in relation to concepts. Demonstration of strong analytical thinking in relation to concepts. Basic demonstration of analytical thinking in relation to concepts. Demonstration of exceptional analytical thinking in relation to concepts.


 Analytic Thinking (25%) Little or no evidence of analytical thinking in relation to workplace examples. Demonstration of basic analytical thinking in relation to workplace examples. Demonstration of analytical thinking in relation to workplace examples. Use of analysis tool Demonstration of strong analytical thinking in relation to workplace examples. Demonstration of exemplary analytical thinking in relation to workplace examples. Significant additional analysis.


  0-12 13 – 16 17 -19 20-21 22 – 25


Practical Application (15%) Little or no evidence of practical application within a team situation. Some evidence of practical application within a team situation. May lack detail or clarity of argument. Good detail and clarity of evidence of practical application within team situations. Demonstrates very good application of concepts, models and analysis to multiple team situations. Demonstrates significant and detailed application of concepts, models and analysis to multiple detailed team situations.


0-6 7-9 10-11 12-13 14-15


Recommendations (20%) Recommendations not included in Report or poorly articulated and not linked to analysis. Recommendations included in Report or poorly articulated and not linked to analysis. Recommendations well-articulated; clearly presented and drawn from analysis Recommendations are clearly stated, in priority order, and are clearly drawn from the analysis presented in the Report. Recommendations exceptionally well- articulated with significant detail of how they will be actioned and very clearly drawn from analysis.


  0-9 10-13 14-15 16-17 18-20




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