Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait
Islander Cultural Safety
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
Record of Assessment Outcome
Student Name: | Student ID: |
Summary of evidence gathering techniques used for this assessment: | |
O Questioning O Case study O Projects O Professional Practice Experience | |
The evidence presented is: | |
O Valid O Sufficient O Authentic O Current | |
Unit Result: | Competent O Not Competent O |
The student has been provided with feedback and informed of the assessment result and the reason for the decision. | |
Assessor Name: | Date Assessed: |
Assessor Signature: | |
SCEI Contact: | [email protected] |
Student declaration on assessment outcome
I have been provided with feedback on the evidence I have provided. I have been informed of the assessment result and the reason for the decision. |
Student Name: | Date: |
Student Signature: |
Student Assessment
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Reasonable Adjustment | |
Was reasonable adjustment applied to any of the assessment tasks? (please tick) Yes O No O If yes, tick which assessment task(s) it was applied to. O Questioning O Case study O Projects Provide a description of the adjustment applied and why it was applied. |
Name of Assessor: | Assessor Signature: |
Name of Student: | Student Signature: |
Student Declaration |
Plagiarism constitutes extremely serious academic misconduct and severe penalties are associated with it. By signing below, you are declaring that the attached work is entirely your own (or where submitted to meet the requirements of an approved group assessment, is the work of the group). I certify that I have read and understood the Southern Cross Education Institute’s PP77 Assessment and submission policy and procedures. This assessment is all my own work, and no part of this assessment has been copied from another person. I have not allowed my work to be copied by another person. I have a copy of this work and will be able to reproduce within 24 hours if requested. I give my consent for Southern Cross Education Institute to examine my work electronically by relevant plagiarism software programs. Student Signature: …………………………………………………. Date: ……../………./……………. |
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Assessment Task 1 – Questioning
Submission No. | Result | Score | Date Assessed | Assessor Name | Assessor Signature |
O First submission | O S O NS | ||||
O Re-submission 1 | O S O NS | ||||
O Re-submission 2 | O S O NS | ||||
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory | |||||
Feedback to the Student: |
Assessment Task 2 – Case Study
Submission No. | Result | Score | Date Assessed | Assessor Name | Assessor Signature |
O First submission | O S O NS | ||||
O Re-submission 1 | O S O NS | ||||
O Re-submission 2 | O S O NS | ||||
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory | |||||
Feedback to the Student: |
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Assessment Task 3 – Projects (Part A & B)
Submission No. | Result | Score | Date Assessed | Assessor Name | Assessor Signature |
O First submission | O S O NS | ||||
O Re-submission 1 | O S O NS | ||||
O Re-submission 2 | O S O NS | ||||
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory | |||||
Feedback to the Student: |
Assessment Task 4 – Professional Practice Experience
Submission No. | Result | Score | Date Assessed | Assessor Name | Assessor Signature |
O First submission | O S O NS | ||||
O Re-submission 1 | O S O NS | ||||
O Re-submission 2 | O S O NS | ||||
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory | |||||
Feedback to the Student: |
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Instructions to Student
Refer to the following documents to plan the delivery and assessment of this unit.
CHCDIV002 Unit of Competency CHCDIV002 Delivery and Assessment Plan CHCDIV002 Assessment Mapping Tool CHCDIV002 Student Assessment |
To be deemed competent in this unit of competency all assessment tasks must be assessed as satisfactory by the
assessor. Once each task is assessed, the outcome needs to be recorded in the student academic file and in the
academic progress sheet by the trainer/assessor. The academic progress sheet must be returned to the data entry
officer, who will enter the data into the Student Management System.
Assessors must follow this assessor guide which provides guidelines and sample responses to assess student’s
assessment. If the assessors need any assistance with assessing student tasks, they can seek assistance from the
Training Manager (Melbourne) or Campus Manager (Adelaide).
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
The unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural
safety issues in the workplace, model cultural safety in own work practice, and develop strategies to enhance
cultural safety.
This unit applies to people working in a broad range of roles including those involved in direct client service,
program planning, development and evaluation contexts.
The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New
Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.
To achieve competence the following assessment tasks must be successfully completed in the time allocated with
the essential resources. Your trainer/assessor will give you the due date to submit the assessments and provide
you with feedback after assessing your work.
Refer to the table below for the summary of Assessment Task for this unit:
Assessment Task Number |
Assessment Type | Notes |
1 | Questioning | To be completed by the due date provided by the trainer/assessor |
2 | Case Study | To be completed by the due date provided by the trainer/assessor |
3 | Project | To be completed by the due date provided by the trainer/assessor |
4 | Professional Practice Experience |
Professional Practice Experience will be completed in SCEI approved service |
Students may need to spend some hours outside the class hours without supervision to complete the
All assessment tasks must be satisfactory to achieve competency in the unit
All the units of competency must be deemed competent to complete the qualification and obtain a certificate
The assessment requirement for this unit are presented clearly in the Unit of Competency located at:
In the Student assessment, you must be able to:
o Answer all questions
o Complete all assessment tasks within the required timeframe
o Complete all skills assessments tasks to a satisfactory standard
The following resources are required for this assessment:
o “Effective Communication with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People” article (QLD
Government QLD Health)
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Reasonable Adjustment
For information on reasonable adjustment please refer to the Student handbook located at:
Record of Assessment Outcome
After all of the assessment evidence has been gathered from the assessment tasks for this unit/cluster of units of
competency the Record of Assessment stating your result will be completed.
Information for the Student
If you do not understand any part of the unit or the assessments you are required to undertake, please talk with
your trainer/assessor. It is important that you understand all of the aspects of the learning and assessment process
that you will be undertaking. This will make it easier for you to learn and be successful in your studies.
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Instructions for completion |
You are required to answer all questions in Assessment Task 1 – Questioning Responses to the questions may be typed or written Written responses must be legible and in pen NOT pencil Use of correct grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational skills Use of APA referencing must be used where original sources other than your own have been used – to avoid plagiarism Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of competency on each piece of paper you attach to this assessment document Submit to your trainer/assessor by the due date |
DUE DATE | The trainer/assessor will inform you of the due date |
Cultural Safety
Q1. What does it mean for a clinic or a hospital to be culturally safe?
Q2. Why does a clinic need to be culturally aware and competent towards all communities?
Q3. List three (3) benefits that having a culturally inviting attitude in clinics and hospitals
Q4. How can hospitals build a more culturally diverse environment?
Q5. Describe the experience that someone of ATSI decent may have when accessing a service that is not
culturally competent or safe.
Q6. List three (3) things that someone of ATSI descent may see in a service that is culturally competent and
culturally safe.
Evaluating Cultural Safety
Q7. A. Give at least two (2) examples of how the service could get feedback about whether their service and staff
practices really are culturally safe and competent?
B. Explain the legislative context for cultural safety of Aboriginal children and adult’s cultural safety?
Q8. How does the Early Learning Framework support these legislative rights?
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Q9. Self-determination refers to a person’s ability to make their own decisions. Self-determination should be a big
part of how children develop their sense of identity. Give an example of how you would encourage selfdetermination in a childcare activity or program.
Cultural Bias
Q10. What is cultural bias?
Q11. Being aware of our cultural bias which will likely leave many of us to focus on a western approach to our
work, what we can do, in ECEC, to make sure we are inclusive of all cultures.
Q12 Reflection of own bias – provide an example of a time that your own cultural background and values may
have influenced the way you work or interacted with others?
Q13 Write in detail about the diversity of Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander cultures. (500 words minimum)
Q14. How will you reflect awareness of own and other cultures in work practices?
Do you feel awkward when encountering an Aboriginal or Torres Islander at your clinic? There can be many
reasons why we might feel awkward around people. You might not be accustomed to being around certain
groups of people, or you may even have grown up in a family/school/community that brought you
into conflict with people who were different in some way. Remember that there are many areas of life
where differences can be expressed. You may want to spend some time thinking about how those differences
have made you feel uncomfortable in the past. Sometimes it is difficult to identify assumptions because we think of
them as true, or pay little attention to the way we think. This may not be an easy task, but it can be valuable to
identify preconceptions that you didn’t realise you had.
Write them down below:
Type of person you feel uncomfortable around. |
Aboriginal Men |
How are they different from you? |
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Why do you think you feel uncomfortable around them? |
Do you think you feel this way as a result of the impact of the diverse practices or personal experiences? |
List some similarities between yourself and this group of people. |
What are some methods that you could use to understand these people better and feel more comfortable
around them? What could you do?
Q 15. Answer the following questions to evaluate the extent to which cultural safety is integrated in own work
and workplace.
a) Considering cultural safety, what is the reason for (each particular) service to exist in an organisation?
What is the purpose of the organisation? Why do individuals work there?
b) Explain cultural safety, explain what does cultural safety actually mean in own work and in
c) Explain its importance in relationship between service providers and Indigenous people and evaluate how
it is integrated into your own work and workplace.
Q16. Develop, document and explain the analytical framework/ways to support the delivery of services and
programs that are culturally safe and encourage increased participation.
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Instructions for completion |
Read the case study provided and answer the questions that follow Assessment requirements may be hand written or typed If hand written, the writing must be legible and in pen NOT pencil Use of correct grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational skills Use of APA referencing must be used where original sources other than your own have been used – to avoid plagiarism Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of competency on each piece of paper you attach to this assessment document Submit to your trainer/assessor by the due date |
Due Date | The trainer/assessor inform you of the due date |
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Case Study
Jane is a nurse practitioner working on a night shift on a Friday. Alinta, a 35 year old woman comes to visit her at the clinic. Alinta enters the clinic. She looks different. She looks shy. The receptionist is sitting behind the desk and watching Friends; a comedy show on her laptop. She sees Alinta approach the desk but does not look at her and the conversation follows like this: Alinta: Can I see the GP please, I have a back ache. Receptionist: Fill in the form and hand it over to me. The pen is on the desk. Hahahaha (‘laughs at a joke from Friends’) Alinta fills in the form and gives it to the receptionist. Receptionist: The GP is out. But Jane, the Nurse Practitioner is here. She can take care of your problems. I’ll call her. Take a seat. Alinta: But I want to see a GP. I have met him before. Receptionist: Like I said, he is out. Jane is very good at what she does. Don’t you want to see her? You have Medicare. It’s free anyway. Alinta: I am sorry. I will come later. Alinta leaves the clinic. |
Use the “Effective Communication with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People” (QLD Government QLD Health) or handout provided by your tutor to reflect on the above conversation. a. List what happened in the conversation that may not have been culturally competent? |
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
b. Re-write the above conversation to be more culturally competent.
c. Jane over hears the conversation and identifies a critical issue that the receptionist did not communicate properly with the patient. Assuming you are Jane, what communication techniques and work practices would you use that show respect for the cultural differences of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. |
d. There is another Aboriginal colleague working in the clinic as a Pharmacist. Would you like to take his help in making the clinic a more culturally safe place to be? What could he be additionally consulted for? |
e. You decide to develop the following strategy for improved cultural safety. All of the following strategies are correct, except: Support the development of effective partnerships between staff, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their communities Identify and utilize resources to promote partnerships Devise and document ways to support the delivery of services and programs that are culturally safe and everyone would participate automatically. Integrate strategies that encourage self-determination and community control in services and programs |
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
F. Which other interpreters and colleagues as cultural brokers (Aboriginal and /or Torres Islander) can you engage with, according to the situation needs? |
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Instructions for completion |
Read each part of the written assessment outlined below and follow the instructions and questions All parts of the written assessment must be completed and submitted to the trainer/assessor for marking Use of correct grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational skills Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of competency on each piece of paper you submit for assessment |
Due Date | The trainer/assessor will provide a date and time for this assessment |
Project- Part A
A proposal to the management.
You are working as a Nurse in Rockhampton, Queensland. You notice that your hospital co-workers show less
empathy towards patients of Aboriginal and Torres Islander descent. Some of the patients do not speak fluent
English and your colleagues poke fun at them. There are 3 interpreters available however, they remain busy most
of the time. Often, it becomes difficult to explain the doctor’s orders in the absence of interpreters. You decide
to write a strategic proposal to the management of the hospital to promote cultural safety and competency in the
Hospital in a period of 3 months and methods to evaluate the outcome.
Make sure you include the following in your proposal:
| Identify critical issues that influence relationships and communication with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people Establish key aspects of cultural safety in consultation with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people Use communication techniques and work practices that show respect for the cultural differences of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people Evaluate the extent to which cultural safety is integrated in own work and workplace. Engage with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander interpreters and colleagues as cultural brokers, according to situation needs Support the development of effective partnerships between staff, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their communities Identify and utilise resources to promote partnerships Reflect awareness of own and other cultures in work practices. For Evaluating the program make sure you ; |
| |
o | Agree outcomes against which cultural safety strategies can be measured |
o Involve Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in evaluations
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
o Evaluate programs and services against desired outcomes
o Revise strategies based on evaluation with appropriate engagement of Aboriginal and/or Torres
Strait Islander people
1. The proposal should contain :
a. A Problem Statement : 50 words
b. How you identified the problem : 100 words
c. Proposed strategies : 500 words
d. Expected Outcomes : 250 words
e. Evaluation of the Outcomes :250 words
f. Conclusion : 100 words
2. Word limit for the paper is 1250 words.
3. It should be in Times New Roman. Size 12. Spacing 1.5
4. Use formal language.
5. Citation is not required as this is a proposal paper.
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Project- Part A Evaluation Checklist | |||
Student’s Name |
The student has included/ demonstrated the following | Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory | |
Presented the proposal in the instructed format | O | O | |
Has respected the word limit | O | O | |
Used formal language. | O | O | |
Identified critical issues that influence relationships and communication with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people |
O | O | |
Established key aspects of cultural safety in consultation with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people |
O | O | |
Evaluated the extent to which cultural safety is integrated in own work and workplace |
O | O | |
Used communication techniques and work practices that show respect for the cultural differences of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people |
O | O | |
Engaged with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander interpreters and colleagues as cultural brokers, according to situation needs |
O | O | |
Support the development of effective partnerships between staff, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their communities |
O | O | |
Identify and utilise resources to promote partnerships | O | O | |
Agree outcomes against which cultural safety strategies can be measured | O | O | |
Involve Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in evaluations | O | O | |
Evaluate programs and services against desired outcomes | O | O | |
Revise strategies based on evaluation with appropriate engagement of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people |
O | O | |
Assessor’s general comments/observations: | |||
Assessor’s Name |
Assessor’s Signature |
Date | Outcome (Please circle) |
S (Satisfactory) |
NS (Not Satisfactory) |
Student’s Name |
Student’s Signature |
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Project – Part B
Aboriginal and Torres Islander History.
For this assignment, you are expected to demonstrate understanding and knowledge of the Aboriginal and Torres
Islander culture and write a 1500 word essay. You are expected to cite and represent your sources of
information properly.
Make sure you include the following in your Essay:
Diverse culture and history Historical, social, political and economic factors affecting Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their engagement with community services and health systems including: Politics and how the impact of European settlement brought about socio-economic issues in regards to loss of land and cultural heritage Values of law and kinship |
| |
| |
Racism and discrimination Past and present power relations. Own culture, western systems and structures how these impact on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander people and their engagement with services Factors that contribute to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander ill health and common diseases experienced by these groups of people Impact of racial trauma on individuals ‘decision-making, communicating, understanding and retaining information Propose ways to involve Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander people in the planning and delivery of services and programs |
| |
| |
1. The proposal should contain :
a. Introduction in 150 words
b. Body in 700 words
c. Conclusion in 50-100 words
2. Word limit for the paper is 950 words.
3. It should be in Times New Roman. Size 12. Spacing 1.5
4. Use formal language.
5. APA/MLA/Harvard format of referencing is compulsory.
For details on citation, refer
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Project Part B- Evaluation Checklist | |||
Student’s Name |
The student has included/ demonstrated the following | Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory | |
Presented the proposal in the instructed format | O | O | |
Has respected the word limit | O | O | |
Used formal language. | O | O | |
Explored Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture and history | O | O | |
Understood the politics and how the impact of European settlement brought about socio-economic issues, loss of land and cultural heritage. |
O | O | |
Stated values of law and kinship. | O | O | |
Understood racism and discrimination | O | O | |
Understood past and present power relations | O | O | |
Explored own culture, western systems and structures how these impact on Aboriginal and/or Torres strait islander people and their engagement with services |
O | O | |
Identified factors that contribute to Aboriginal and/or Torres strait islander ill health and common diseases experienced by these groups of people |
O | O | |
Explained impact of racial trauma on individuals ‘decision-making, communicating, understanding and retaining information |
O | O | |
Proposed ways to involve Aboriginal and/or Torres strait islander people in the planning and delivery of services and programs |
O | O | |
O | O | ||
Assessor’s general comments/observations: | |||
Assessor’s Name |
Assessor’s Signature |
Date | Outcome (Please circle) |
S (Satisfactory) |
NS (Not Satisfactory) |
Student’s Name |
Student’s Signature |
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria
of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that
the candidate has:
Promoted Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety in the context of at least 1 workplace
Researched culture and history, the impact of European settlement, loss of land and culture and the
importance of law and kinship
Evaluated ways to improve communication with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples who may
be clients or colleagues.
Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through performance. List
of observations are listed in Professional Practice Booklet. Your performance will be observed by your
trainer/clinical instructor regarding your skills and performance related to this unit of competency during clinical
placement related to this unit of competency.
You will be assessed on the basis of satisfactory/unsatisfactory response for these task listed in observation
checklist in your clinical placement work book of this unit. Please refer to Professional Practice Experience
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
CHCDIV002 – Version 1.1 Sep 2017
Assessment Task 4 – Professional Practice Experience
It is critical that the candidate demonstrate the ability to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit: You will be assessed on the basis of satisfactory/unsatisfactory response for each task |
Tick appropriate column as per students assessment: S= Satisfactory NS=Not satisfactory |
S | NS | ||||||||
Promoted Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety in the context of at least 1 workplace e.g. but not limited to: make a poster/pamphlet, promote/engage via communication/education, participate in related continuous improvement |
Researched culture and history, the impact of European settlement, loss of land and culture and the importance of law and kinship |
Evaluated ways to improve communication with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples who may be clients or colleagues. |
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