Course Code and Title | MKTG6002 Marketng |
Assessment | Assessment 1: Research Case Study Report |
Individual/Group | Pairs/Group |
Length | 3000 – 4000 words |
Learning Outcomes | a) Outline and implement the marketng research process and identfy a range of methods of acquiring, using and storing data b) Critcally evaluate the relaton of marketng process with the resources of an organisaton and client needs with regards to the creaton of value for the organisaton |
Submission | Flex Students: Due End of Module 3 Online Students: Due End of Module 3 |
Weightng | 40% |
Total Marks | 100 marks |
ï‚· To enhance a clear understanding of the importance of marketng in modern business and to
and provide a grasp of effectve contemporary marketng practces;
ï‚· Provide a theoretcal overview of marketng theory and practcal applicaton of innovatve
marketng strategies;
ï‚· Build research methods relatng to samples and inferences partcularly in relaton to market
research data collecton and analysis.
How the assessment fts into the subject/course:
Marketng in the 21st Century has drastcally evolved and is a critcal component of business
administraton. The design of Marketng plans is integral to business organisaton and the assessment
for this subject aims to provide students with group and individual work to apply effectve marketng
Linkages between Assessments 1 and 2:
Assessment 1 requires students to create a case study and review marketng plans. Assessment 2
requires students to devise a marketng plan of products or services offered by their own
organisaton and to consider how the marketng plan will add value to their organisaton.
As a research task students will create a case study of a social enterprise and evaluate its marketng
plan. Students will work in pairs or groups of three to explore how the social enterprise developed its
market and engaged market appeal.
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The development of the case study must incorporate the following elements:
ï‚· Identfy and analyse the market for a partcular service of product;
ï‚· Explain and justfy how the social enterprise was developed and for what market.
ï‚· Analyse the importance of creatvity and initatve undertaken to develop a compettve
social enterprise;
ï‚· Critcally assess and evaluate the Marketng Plan;
ï‚· Evaluate impacts such as fnancial, social and politcal issue which may impact on marketng
ï‚· Demonstrate commercial awareness of product/service provision
ï‚· Identfy and compare relevant market trends and analyse the implicatons of market and
environmental trends
 Apply the 4 P’s strategies and explain feasibility ensuring consistency with analysis of the
market as well as providing recommendaton for strategy
Output/Deliverable and parameters of the Assessment
One submission of a case study and review of a marketng plan consistng of 3000-4000 words.
Students may incorporate a range of mediums and formats in the case study e.g. Electronic tools and
mult-media, etc.
ï‚· An electronic library and reading guide is provided to all students including a range of etextbooks and journals available through online journal databases including EBSCO.
ï‚· Access to examples of case studies.
ï‚· Identfcaton and Analysis of Market
ï‚· Applicaton of knowledge to practse
ï‚· Knowledge and skills demonstratng creatvity and initatve
ï‚· Assessment of Marketng Plan
ï‚· Team Work skills
Learning Outcomes
ï‚· Outline and implement the marketng research process and identfy a range of methods of
acquiring, using and storing data.
ï‚· Critcally evaluate the relatonship of marketng process with the resources of an
organisaton and client needs with regards to the creaton of value for the organisaton.
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Learning Rubrics
Assessment Atributes |
Fail (Unacceptable) |
Pass (Functonal) |
Credit (Profcient) |
Distncton (Advanced) |
High Distncton (Exceptonal) |
Identfcaton and Analysis of Market 25% Outline and implement the marketng research process and identfy a range of methods of acquiring, using and storing data. |
Neglects to sub-categorise labour market sectors and/or salaries applicable to specifc jobs. |
Identfes the area within which employers are competng for labour. Within the labour market determine the salaries being paid for specifc positons. |
Uses available data validate the market areas, market compettors, and job matches (benchmarks). Identfy market trends such as: ancillary pay, merit and pay practces. |
Establish, adjust, and/or recommend salary structures that will allow the business to effectvely compete for staff within specifc classifcaton levels or grades. |
Compare competng insttutons by the type of industry/insttuton, comparability of services, size (as reflected by FTE or fnancial profle), and business status (government, for proft, not-for-proft). |
Applicaton of knowledge to practse 25% Critcally evaluate the relatonship of marketng process with the resources of an organisaton and client needs with regards to the creaton of value for the organisaton. |
Limited understanding of the internal and external business environment. Lacks a global perspectve for potental market and trends. Uses a limited range of informaton as the basis of recommended practce. |
Understands the internal and external business environment including commercial context and market forces. Understands local and global markets/trends. Accesses relevant informaton. Adequately utlises informaton from a variety of sources. |
Understands the impact of fnancial, social, politcal, environmental issues on the business. Demonstrates commercial awareness of product development/service provision. Understands the business. Can prepare and presents business |
Evaluates the impact of fnancial, social, politcal, environmental issues on the business; and where relevant, as they relate to different countries where the business may operate. Demonstrates commercial awareness of product |
Demonstrates cultural sensitvity. Analyses the impact of fnancial, social, politcal, environmental issues on the business; and where relevant, as they relate to different countries where the business may operate. Critcally demonstrates commercial awareness of product development/service |
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Gathers/utlises compettor knowledge. |
cases/proposals. | development/servi ce provision and cost relatonships. Understands the business and its risks. Can prepare and presents business cases/proposals. |
provision and cost relatonships. Holistc understanding of business and its risks. Assesses the impact of informaton and communicaton systems on the operatons of the business. Critcal understanding of the global market opportunites and compettve environment. |
Knowledge and skills demonstratng creatvity and initatve Critcally evaluate the impact of the applicaton of the marketng mix on consumer behaviour. 20% |
Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge Key components of the assignment are not all addressed. |
Adequate Knowledge or understanding of the feld or discipline. Key components of the assignment are all addressed. Ofen conflates/confuses asserton of personal opinion with informaton substantated by evidence from the research/course materials. |
Thorough knowledge or understanding of the feld or discipline/s. Supports personal opinion and informaton substantated by evidence from the research/course materials. Explores the limits & strengths of current knowledge Demonstrates a |
Highly developed understanding of the feld or discipline/s. Discriminates between asserton of personal opinion and informaton substantated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Evaluates the limits |
Demonstrates a sophistcated understanding of the feld or discipline/s. Systematcally and critcally discriminates between asserton of personal opinion and informaton substantated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Extends the limits & |
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capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. |
& strengths of current knowledge. Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. |
strengths of current knowledge. Mastery of concepts and applicaton to new situatons/further learning. |
Assessment of Marketng Plan 20% Explore the role of marketng in embedding principles of sustainability, ethics and social justce within an organisaton. |
Identfes unrelated market and environmental trends. Incompletely identfes compettors or lacks full defniton of the 4P’s (product, price, place and promoton). |
Identfes relevant market and environmental trends. Identfes some direct and indirect compettors. Identfes and explains some of the 4P’s of marketng. 4P’s strategies are feasible and consistent but are not supported by a market analysis. |
Identfes and analyses the relevant market and environmental trends. Identfes the appropriate direct and indirect compettors. 4P’s fully explained and supported by market analysis. |
Identfes compares and contrasts relevant market and environmental trends. Identfes the direct and indirect compettors and conducts a compettve analysis of some of them. 4P’s fully explained and supported by market analysis. |
Identfes and compares relevant market trends and analyses the implicatons of market and environmental trends. Identfes the major direct and indirect compettors as well as conducts an analysis of compettor strengths and weaknesses with an eye toward identfying a strategic opportunites. 4P’s strategies are feasible and consistent and fully supported with analysis of the market and provide a recommendaton for strategy. |
Team Work | Does not partcipate effectvely in a team environment. |
Partcipates effectvely in teams. |
Contributes to small group discussions to reach agreement on |
Understands group dynamics and team roles. |
Builds team’s identty and commitment. |
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10% | Places individual goals ahead of the group responsibility. Hinders the group process and upsets the schedule. |
Identfes team and individual goals, tasks, responsibilites and schedules. Contributes to group processes. Supports the team. |
issues. Works together with others towards shared goals. Renegotates responsibilites to meet needed change. |
Facilitates team development. Renegotates responsibilites, tasks and schedules to meet needed change. |
Leads teams. Evaluates teams’ outcomes. Implements strategies for enhancing team effectveness. |
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