Collaborative Partnership

103 views 8:26 am 0 Comments August 15, 2023

Learner Instructions 2(Collaborative Partnership)Submission detailsStudents Name Student ID Group Assessor’s Name Assessment Date/s The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.Performance objectiveYou will demonstrate knowledge and skills required to develop a collaborative partnership arrangement between a simulated business organisation and a simulated partner organisation.Assessment descriptionUsing the workplace scenario information provided, you will develop a collaborative partnership arrangement between a simulated business organisation and a simulated partner organisation.Procedure1. Review:a. Appendix 1: The simulated business organisationb. Appendix 2: The simulated partner organisationc. Appendix 3: Assessment Templates for possible use or adaptation in completing assessment task requirements2. Review the Assessment Task Scenario.3. Complete and submit the requirements as per the specifications below.SpecificationsYou must:1. meet with your CEO (your assessor) to discuss and approve the collaborative partnership arrangement between the simulated business organisation and simulated partner organisation. During this meeting, your CEO will give you general guidance on how to approach the tasks and benchmark standards of performance, however you will be ultimately responsible for managing, driving and implementing the task, including scheduling and managing consultations, implementing reporting systems and conducting the presentation.2. submit a report on the simulated business organisation:The report must:o outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisationo outline the organisation's mission, purpose, values, objectives and strategieso explain techniques that cultivate collaborative relationships and partnershipso describe data collection methodso explain the external context including social, political, economic and technological developmentso explain emotional intelligence and its relationship to individual and team effectivenesso explain organisational transformation and the management of the stages of change.3. undertake all required consultations.o Consultation 1: Consultation/s with the CEO of the simulated business organisation.o Consultation 2: Consultation/s with the representative from the simulated partner organisationAs part of the consultation process, you are required to complete and submit the following documents from Appendix 3. You must decide on the most appropriate time on when to complete these documents i.e. prior to consultation/s, during the consultation/s or after the consultation/s, and when and which stakeholder/s (if any) to submit the documents to:§ Getting Ready Checklist§ Risk Management Plan§ Collaboration Business Plan
You must also develop and submit a Memorandum of Understanding, which as a minimum includes the items listed in the Memorandum of Understanding section of Appendix 3.
Your assessor will be looking for evidence that you:• Generate trust, confidence and support by demonstrating a high standard of personal performance and conduct• Implement communication strategies to represent the organisation positively• Make decisions in consultation with relevant stakeholders and relevant individuals• Use a range of influencing strategies to increase commitment from staff and stakeholders to achieve organisational requirements and to contribute to desired culture• Establish outcomes to be achieved from the partnership• Analyse and apply models for effective consultation and collaboration within partnerships• Cultivate collaborative communities and partnerships through application of a range of communication solutions• Forge relationships and partnerships between organisations• Establish processes that contribute to the creation and maintenance of a positive culture that embraces collaboration• Establish processes to resolve conflict in a fair, equitable and collaborative manner• Organise and allocate work activities in a cost effective and equitable manner with clear, quantifiable and agreed performance standards• Establish indicators and feedback processes that can be used to evaluate the health of the work environment• Identify and address relevant organisational policies and procedures in partnership plans• Identify and incorporate relevant legal requirements into planning• Form partnerships using collaborative and consultative processes• Plan and allocate resource requirements to accomplish a partnership program• Establish relevant organisational policies and procedures relating to partnerships• Establish reporting systems for reporting results against planned partnership outcomes• Demonstrate and model skills and knowledge to foster partnerships, conduct stakeholder consultation and use strategic and personally enhancing communication skills• Develop collaborative approaches to enhance individual, team and organisational outcomes• Initiate and implement partnerships in line with relevant regulatory, employment and organisational requirements

4. implement partnership reporting systems and conduct a stakeholder presentation.
o You must implement the partnership reporting systems you determined as part of your memorandum of understanding and/or collaboration business plan. Your assessor will play the role of the partner organisation and will provide access to information and documentation to enable you to complete the task.o Where there are any gaps or deviations from the memorandum of understanding and/or collaboration business plan, you are to schedule a meeting with relevant parties and conduct training and coaching to ensure partnership outcomes are met. Your assessor will play the role of the staff members to be trained and coached.o After implementing the reporting systems, you will be required to conduct a presentation to report the findings and overall progress of the partnership in the annual community and stakeholder meeting.
Your assessor will be looking for evidence that you:• Undertake selected community and/or professional engagements that project a positive image of the organisation to the broader community and stakeholders• Encourage staff to undertake activities that develop their personal competence and performance• Empower individuals to develop their own ways of working within agreed boundaries of competence, cultural, diversity and organisational and legal requirements• Implement reporting systems to map progress against partnership outcomes
Candidate: I declare that this work has been completed by me honestly and with integrity and that I have been assessed in a fair and flexible manner. I understand that the Institute’s Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Units of Competency Guidelines apply to these assessment tasks. Signature: ___________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

ScenarioYou are the Career Development Manager at Max Lionel Realty (MLR) which is a Real Estate company with 10 branches in New South Wales. The CEO, Max Lionel, has asked you to develop a collaborative partnership with a local Registered Training Organisation in order to deliver the Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice to 6 internal staff members interested in becoming licensed Real Estate Agents. The organisation has plans to expand to 15 branches over the next two financial years so is looking for a long-term collaborative relationship with a local Registered Training Organisation who can look after all their current and future Nationally Recognised Training needs. Your task is to develop a collaborative partnership arrangement with the local Registered Training Organisation so the strategic objective can be achieved. Your CEO will give you general guidance on how to approach the tasks and benchmark standards of performance, however you will be ultimately responsible for managing, driving and implementing the task, including scheduling and managing consultations, implementing reporting systems and conducting the presentation.

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