Facilitate your engagement with reflective practice

120 views 7:54 am 0 Comments August 15, 2023

Word limit 600 words -/+10% (including references and subheadings)
Description of assessment task
The overall objective of this task is to facilitate your engagement with reflective practice in relation to
collaboration. Reflection is a tool used in professional practice that enables you to move beyond
describing your experiences to analysing and leaming from them.
You are required to respond to the following question using the Kolb experiential learning cycle. More
information about reflection is provided on Moodle in the Assessment Hub. A rubric is provided at the end
of this document.
How you establish a team is an important consideration in supporting effective collaboration. Using the
Kolb experiential learning cycle:
e Select a picture from unsplash.com or pixabay.com (or your own) that captures what
collaboration means to you and why team formation is important.
« Describe what that picture represents and relate it to an experience of team formation either
related to the team for this course, in other courses, or in prior experiences of work, study, or
e Provide reflective observations on how that team was established.
« Explain how these observations relate to at least one concept covered within the first two weeks
of COMM1120.
« Explain how you might approach team formation in the future when establishing a team based
on what you have leamed from this reflection.
e Structured using the Kolb’s experiential learning cycle.
e Reference with a citation to at least one concept from the first two modules of COMM1120.
e Word document (Not PDF or other text formats)
e Headings / subheadings to identify sections if nec

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