Data collection for an upcoming quality improvement project

102 views 7:53 am 0 Comments August 2, 2023

Prospective ruses Retrospective Data lection Techniques 1assignment asks you to read seal short writings on the strengths e weaknesses of collecting data using specie versus retrospective an ach. You are then given a scenario where you are asked for input on how Assignment best to proceed with data collection for an upcoming quality improvement project. You are asked for your recommendation on which approach to use as well as a justification for your recommendation. Word Count: 300 words you are the administrator for cardiovascular services and you have been asked by Alice Silvestre, the Director of Quality Management, to provide input into a quality improvement project involving your area. Of particular interest is the data collection process and whether data should be obtained on a prospective or retrospective basis. Your facility already collects and reports an enormous amount of data for other quality initiatives and you are a bit concerned about the resources required to pursue yet another project.

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