Multimedia Marking Rubric

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NSG2PHN Written/Multimedia Marking Rubric – 1,500 equiv: 60%s toward final grade

15-14 Marks

13-12 Marks

11-10 Marks

9-8 Marks

ā†“ 7 Marks

A: Describe selected Australian PHC nursing role. Explain what distinguishes this as a PHC role


Comprehensive description of selected PHC nursing role and responsibilities. Excellent explanation of what distinguishes this as a PHC role.

The discussion includes excellent introduction. Discussion comprehensively supported using relevant academic sources.

Appropriate academic presentation/format with citations correct.

Very good description of selected PHC nursing role and responsibilities. Very good explanation of what distinguishes this as a PHC role.

The discussion includes very good introduction.

Very good discussion support using relevant academic sources.

Appropriate academic presentation/format with few citation errors.

Good description of selected PHC nursing role and responsibilities. Good explanation of what distinguishes this as a PHC role.

The discussion includes good introduction.

Good discussion support using relevant academic sources.

Mostly appropriate academic presentation/format with several/minor citation errors.

Fair description of selected PHC nursing role and limited description of responsibilities. Some or limited explanation of what distinguishes this as a PHC role.

The discussion includes some introduction. Some support using some relevant academic sources.

Some attempt at appropriate academic presentation/format with many/repeated citation errors.

Poor or no description of selected PHC nursing role and responsibilities. Poor or no explanation of what distinguishes this as a PHC role.

The discussion includes poor or no introduction. Poor or no support using poor or no academic sources.

Poor or no use of academic presentation/format with poor/no attempt to use correct citation i.e. major/repeated errors.

5 Marks

4 Marks

3 Marks

2 Marks

1 Mark

B: Outline selected PHC nursesā€™ role in health promotion using template provided.


Inclusion of template with Ottawa Charter health promotion strategies identified and excellent examples of related activity specific to selected PHC nurse.

Appropriate academic/format with citations correct.

Inclusion of template with Ottawa Charter health promotion strategies identified and very good examples of related activity mostly specific to selected PHC nurse.

Appropriate academic format with few citation errors.

Inclusion of template with Ottawa Charter health promotion strategies identified and good examples of related activity with some specific to selected PHC nurse.

Mostly appropriate academic presentation/format with several/minor citation errors.

Inclusion of template with some errors in Ottawa Charter health promotion strategies and poor examples of related activity not specific to selected PHC nurse.

Some attempt at appropriate academic presentation/format with many/repeated citation errors.

Template not included. Errors in Ottawa Charter health promotion strategies identified and incorrect examples of related activity not specific to selected PHC nurse.

Poor or no use of academic presentation/format with poor or no attempt to use correct citation i.e. major/repeated errors.

10 Marks

9-8 Marks

7-6 Marks

5 Marks

ā†“4 Marks

C: Briefly define and describe general characteristics a consumer group and identify (1) common health focus/concern/need for this group that your selected PHC nurse would support within the community health setting.


Consumer group characteristics are comprehensively defined and described with excellent identification of one (1) common health focus/concern/need established as relevant for this group that selected PHC nurse would support in the community.

The discussion includes comprehensive support from relevant academic sources, statistics and/or demographic data.

Appropriate academic presentation/format with citations correct.

Consumer group characteristics are very well defined and described with very good identification of one (1) common health focus/concern/need established and relevant to this group that selected PHC nurse would support in the community.

The discussion includes very good support from relevant academic sources, statistics and/or demographic data.

Appropriate academic presentation/format with few/minor citation errors.

Consumer group characteristics are defined and described with good identification of one (1) common health focus/concern/need established and relevant to this group that selected PHC nurse would support in the community.

The discussion includes good support from relevant academic sources, statistics and/or demographic data.

Appropriate academic presentation/format with several/minor citation errors.

Consumer group characteristics have limited definition and description with some identification of one (1) common health focus/concern/need with limited relevance to this group and the selected PHC nurse in the community.

The discussion includes some support using some relevant academic sources, statistics and/or demographic data.

Some attempt at appropriate academic presentation/format with many/repeated citation errors.

Consumer group characteristics have poor or no definition and description with poor/no identification of one (1) common health focus/concern/need with poor or no relevance established to this group and the selected PHC nurse in the community.

Poor or no support using poor/no academic sources, statistics and/or demographic data.

Poor or no use of academic presentation/format with poor/no attempt to use correct citation i.e. major/repeated errors.

5 Marks

4 Marks

3 Marks

2 Marks

1 Mark

D: Identify health resourceĀ your selected PHC nurse would use to support the health literacy for your chosen consumer group in relation to the identified health focus/concern/need.


Excellent health resourceĀ identified for consumer group in relation to health focus/concern/need. Excellent explanation of the nurseā€™s role in supporting consumer education and health literacy.

The discussion includes comprehensive support from relevant academic sources.

Appropriate academic presentation/format with citations correct.

Very good health resourceĀ identified for consumer group in relation to health focus/concern/need. Very good explanation of the nurseā€™s role in supporting consumer education and health literacy.

The discussion includes very good support from relevant academic sources.

Appropriate academic presentation/format with few/minor citation errors.

Good health resourceĀ identified for consumer group in relation to health focus/concern/need. Good explanation of the nurseā€™s role in supporting consumer education and health literacy.

The discussion includes good support from some relevant academic sources.

Appropriate academic presentation/format with several/minor citation errors.

Limited health resourceĀ identified for consumer group in relation to health focus/concern/need. Limited explanation of the nurseā€™s role in supporting consumer education and health literacy.

The discussion includes limited support from some relevant academic sources.

Limited academic presentation/format with many/repeated citation errors.

Poor or no health resourceĀ identified for consumer group in relation to health focus/concern/need. Poor or no explanation of the nurseā€™s role in supporting consumer education and health literacy.

Poor or no support using poor/no academic sources.

Poor or no use of academic presentation/format with poor/no attempt to use correct citation i.e. major/repeated errors.

20 ā€“ 19 Marks

18-16 Marks

15-13 Marks

12-10 Marks

ā†“9 Marks

E: Critique the selected health resourceĀ using the template provided.


Template included with comprehensive critique and excellent identification of the strengths / weaknesses / appropriate suggested improvements provided for:

Areas for consideration

i.e. consumer and/or staff feedback.

Layout and Design

i.e. general appearance/typing and spacing/images, graphs, tables & charts/ culturally safe and consumer centred.

Organisation and Style

i.e. content/readability/tone.

The discussion includes comprehensive support from relevant academic sources.

Appropriate academic presentation/format with citations correct.

Original health resource submitted.

Template included with very good critique and very good identification of the strengths / weaknesses / appropriate suggested improvements provided for:

Areas for consideration

i.e. consumer and/or staff feedback.

Layout and Design

i.e. general appearance/typing and spacing/images, graphs, tables & charts/ culturally safe and consumer centred.

Organisation and Style

i.e. content/readability/tone.

The discussion includes very good support from relevant academic sources.

Appropriate academic presentation/format with few/minor citation errors.

Original health resource submitted.

Template included with good critique and good identification of the strengths / weaknesses / appropriate suggested improvements provided for:

Areas for consideration

i.e. consumer and/or staff feedback.

Layout and Design

i.e. general appearance/typing and spacing/images, graphs, tables & charts/ culturally safe and consumer centred.

Organisation and Style

i.e. content/readability/tone.

The discussion includes good support from some relevant academic sources.

Appropriate academic presentation/format with several/minor citation errors.

Original health resource submitted.

Template included with some critique and limited identification of the strengths / weaknesses / appropriate suggested improvements provided for:

Areas for consideration

i.e. consumer and/or staff feedback.

Layout and Design

i.e. general appearance/typing and spacing/images, graphs, tables & charts/ culturally safe and consumer centred.

Organisation and Style

i.e. content/readability/tone.

The discussion includes limited support from some relevant academic sources.

Limited academic presentation/format with many/repeated citation errors.

Original health resource submitted.

Template incorrect/not included. Poor or no critique and poor or no identification of the strengths / weaknesses / appropriate suggested improvements provided for:

Areas for consideration

i.e. consumer and/or staff feedback.

Layout and Design

i.e. general appearance/typing and spacing/images, graphs, tables & charts/ culturally safe and consumer centred.

Organisation and Style

i.e. content/readability/tone.

Poor or no support using poor/no academic sources.

Poor or no use of academic presentation/format with poor/no attempt to use correct citation i.e. major/repeated errors.

Original health resource not submitted.

5 Marks 4 Marks 3 Marks 2 Marks 1 Mark
F: Redevelop health resource using application of critique to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of health literacy


Excellent redevelopment of health resource demonstrating application of critique in modifications. excellent knowledge and understanding of health literacy.

Redeveloped health resource submitted.

Very good redevelopment of health resource demonstrating application of critique in modifications. Very good knowledge and understanding of health literacy.

Redeveloped health resource submitted.

Good redevelopment of health resource demonstrating application of critique in modifications. Good knowledge and understanding of health literacy.

Redeveloped health resource submitted.

Some redevelopment of health resource demonstrating limited application of critique in modifications. Limited knowledge and understanding of health literacy.

Redeveloped health resource submitted.

Poor or no redevelopment of health resource demonstrating poor or no application of critique in modifications. Poor or no knowledge and understanding of health literacy.

Redeveloped health resource not submitted.

Total /60

Assessed by: Usually your workshop facilitator

Feedback: Via LMS

As advised in Workshop 5 your assessment written section needs to include:


Your introduction should clearly outline the direction of your essay. Hopefully your introduction contains a clear statement that include a little background information (what is the context) and an outline of main points for discussion. You need to make the key concepts and focus clear to your reader. As this assessment is a combination of both written and multimedia it does not adhere to the usual formal academic presentation requirements however the key academic requirements remain the same as outlined the marking rubric.

WRITTEN SECTIONS (composed of multiple paragraphs)

Every paragraph should start with a topic sentence (the topic sentence states the main idea the paragraph will be focusing on).

Each paragraph should focus on one main idea.

Remember to explain your key ideas clearly. Sentences should be supported with evidence and in-text references must be provided.

Make sure your sentences are clear and end with a full stop. Please read your assignment out aloud

As a general rule of thumb a sentence should consist of less than 40 words. If the paragraph is relatively long a concluding sentence needs to be. The concluding sentence needs to sum up the main ideas expressed in the paragraph.

A linking statement may be used to help the essay flow. After completing a paragraph, please remember to check your spelling, punctuation and citations.


Once you have completed writing your conclusion please make sure it:

Draws together the main points of your Assessment and does not introduce any new topics

Answer what the introduction says what you will do in this assessment.

Ends with a strong final statement that leaves the reader engaged.

For you to consider as you develop your Assessment written section:

Academic presentation, formatting and citations for assessment written component.

The introduction and conclusion summarise the content of assessment written component comprehensively.

Paragraphs present a single concept.

Excellent use of topic sentences and linking sentences to support comprehensive flow in discussion.

Line spacing is correct.

Headings, and dot points are not used in the essay.

Grammar and spelling is correct

APA 6th referencing is correct.

The introduction and conclusion summarise the content of the assessment written component.

Paragraphs present a single concept.

Very good use of topic sentences and linking sentences to support flow in discussion.

Line spacing is correct.

Headings, and dot points are not used in the essay.

Grammar and spelling is/mostly correct

APA 6th referencing with few/minor errors.

The introduction and conclusion summarise the content of the assessment written component

Paragraphs usually present a single concept.

Good use of topic sentences and some linking sentences to support flow in discussion.

Line spacing is correct.

Headings, and dot points are not used in the essay.

Grammar and spelling may have small errors.

APA 6th referencing with some/minor errors.

The introduction and conclusion may not provide a summary of the assessment written component appropriately.

Some paragraphs present a single concept.

Some attempt to use topic sentences/linking sentences with limitations in flow of discussion.

Line spacing is mostly correct.

Headings, and dot points appear in the essay.

Frequent, repeated errors in grammar and spelling

Frequent/repeated/major errors with APA 6th referencing

The introduction and conclusion may not provide a summary of the assessment written component content of the appropriately.

Paragraphs present multiple topics/concepts.

Line spacing is not correct.

Headings, and dot points appear in the essay

Major, repeated errors in grammar and spelling

Major, repeated errors with APA 6th referencing/does not adhere to APA referencing.

Your assessment is required to be supported using appropriate, relevant and academically credible resources such as peer reviewed journals or professional websites. As this assessment focuses on the Australian community health setting, it is expected the majority of supporting resources will be Australasian.

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