System Analysis and Design

145 views 9:56 am 0 Comments July 29, 2023

System Analysis and DesignMarketing Research and Data Analysis

You are required to design a system that can perform the above activities and maintain a database containing data relevant to those activities. Carry out “process modelling” and “data modelling” to achieve this purpose.

Content and Structure: You are required to submit a report of at least 800 words excluding references

Provide a justification of why this system needs to be developed and ensure that you are professionally convincing to senior management.

Provide a description of the business case and justification about the business benefits from implementing this system.

Describe the project scope and provide a brief cost and schedule analysis.

Create a Use Case diagram to show the actors and a sequence diagram for at least one of the processes

Develop data flow diagram (DFD level 0 and Context Diagram with at least 1 process exploded).

Prepare entity relationship diagram, to model the data requirement relevant to this system. Make use of Crow’s foot notations in ER diagram. Indicate Primary and Foreign keys clearly. Make sure the data is in 2nd Normal Form.

Create 3 screen interfaces a (main menu, an input screen and a report).

Create a Gantt chart to show the project schedule in Excel or MS Project

The marking will be based on the design; it is not necessary to implement the system.

Case Study 2

Wenty Library prides on monitoring and controlling the daily transaction of the library. They are using the information system to maintain the information on their books, members and transactions efficiently. The system provides facilities to update records of available books, members and transactions of the members (issuing and returning of books) with printing, exporting and searching facilities. Consider the following set of information given to you:

• Library has over 15,000 books. Information stored about books include unique ID, title, ISBN, publication year, author and publisher.

• A book might have many copies. Each copy of a book is uniquely identified by copy ID and book ID.

• A book is written by one or many authors. An author is characterized by author ID name and date of birth.

• A publisher is referenced by unique publisher ID, name and address.

• A publisher publishes many books.

• A member can borrow one or many books. Library members are identified by member ID. The library stores each member’s name, address, date of birth and contact number.

• Each time a member borrows a book, system records the member ID, the book copy borrowed, the date book borrowed and the expected date the book will be returned.

• A member can reserve one or many books. The reservation date is also being recorded.

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