Analyse the Case Study documents

93 views 9:49 am 0 Comments July 29, 2023


This assignment revolves around the Case Study, which may be found as a separate PDF document in theMarketing Research and Data Analysis Resources/Assignment 1 section of the subject Interact site.

The objective of the assignment is to apply and consolidate skills acquired in the requirement and analysis disciplines through analysis of a simple case study, and to express the results through the relevant UML diagrams.

Part A – Vision (20 marks)

1. Analyse the Case Study documents and produce a Vision document for a software system to meet the needs identified in the Case Study. Make sure your Vision document:

a) Identifies the business case for development of the proposed system, identifying both the problem it is intended to solve, and the benefits to be expected from solving it.
b) Identifies all the stakeholders relevant to the system and their interest in it.
c) Identifies the key features of the proposed system
d) Clearly identifies the scope of the system
e) Identifies key considerations and constraints which affect the technical solution to be developed.

Use the Vision template provided in the Resources section for Assignment 1. (20 marks)

Part B – High Level Functional Requirements (20 marks)

2. Analyse the Case Study documents and produce an initial high level functional requirements specification. Document these requirements with:

i. A use case diagram for the functional requirements of the entire system. (10 marks)
ii. Short use case descriptions for all use cases. (10 marks)

Part C – Detailed Functional Requirements (40 marks)

3. Detail the functional requirements for the system’s critical core use case. Document these requirements with:

i. A full use case description for the critical core use case. (10 marks)
ii. An activity diagram that shows the normal and major alternate flows for the critical core use case. (10 marks)
iii. A system sequence diagram showing the user’s inputs and system’s responses for the critical core use case’s normal flow. (10 marks)
iv. An operation specification for the most important single interaction between user and system during the critical core use case’s normal flow. (10 marks)

Part D – Object Modelling (20 marks)

4. Develop a domain model for the Case Study. Document your model with:

i. A domain class diagram showing inheritance and compositional relationships (10 marks)

5. Analyse the behaviour of the most important stateful object of the system and document this behaviour with:

ii. A state diagram (10 marks)


This assignment elicits performance of taught skills in the requirement and analysis areas relevant to the following learning objectives:

be able to analyse and validate system requirements;

be able to produce and validate analysis and design models for a system;

be able to demonstrate use of a CASE tool to document the models in a system

Marking criteria


How well does the Vision document address its intended purpose?

How well is the business case addressed in business terms?

How well are stakeholders and their interests identified?

How well are all key features identified and described in business terms?

How well is the scope of the system identified?

How well are key constraints and considerations identified?

How suitable for release to stakeholders is the document?


High Level Functional Requirements

Use Case Diagram

Is a correct concept of use cases demonstrated?

Is correct UML syntax for use case diagrams applied?

Short Use Case Descriptions

Is a correct concept of use cases demonstrated?

Are all use cases identified and briefly described?

Detailed Functional Requirements

Full Use Case Description

Is a correct concept of use cases demonstrated?

Are all facets of a full use case description addressed?

Are normal, alternate and exceptional flows identified and described, correctly?

Activity Diagram

Is a correct concept of activities and flows demonstrated?

Is the activity diagram consistent with the full use case description?

Is correct UML syntax for activity diagrams applied?

System Sequence Diagram

Are correct concepts of actors lifelines and messages demonstrated?

Is the SSD consistent with the full use case description?

Is correct UML syntax for activity diagrams applied?

Operation Specification

Is a correct concept of an operation demonstrated?

Is the operation specification consistent with the full use case description and the SSD?

Are all facets of an operation specification addressed?

Object Modelling

Domain Model Class Diagram

Is a correct concept of domain objects demonstrated?

Is the domain model correct and does it support the use cases identified?

Is correct UML syntax for domain class diagrams applied?

State Diagram

Is a correct concept of object state demonstrated?

Is the state diagram for the domain object correct?

Is correct UML syntax for domain class diagrams applied?

Detailed objective standards for the criteria may be found in the Marking Criteria document in the Resources/Assignment 1 section of the subject Interact site.


Submit assignments either as a single word processed document compatible with Microsoft Office, a PDF (.doc, .docx, or .pdf formats only) or as a single zip file containing all files submitted for the assignment.

Note: no other compression format apart from zip is acceptable. Any assignments submitted using some other compression format will be regarded as ‘did not submit’.

Any diagrams must be contained in a word processed document, presented as images, or as an exported XML file from Visual Paradigm. Visual Paradigm Projects are not an acceptable format.


You must submit your assignments as a single ZIP file containing all required documents.

Documents must be Microsoft Office compatible or PDF format.


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