Strategic Management in Tourism & Hospitality

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ASSESSMENTHuman Computer Interaction TEMPLATE___________________________________________________
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Subject Title Strategic Management in Tourism & Hospitality
Subject Code HOS801
Lecturer / Tutor Martin Groen
Semester February 2018
Assessment Title Assessment Two ± Individual Report 1
Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4
Assessment Type Individual
Weighting 30%
Word Count 1,500
Due Date Week 9
Class Submission Lecture Tutorial x
Submission Type Paper Copy x Turnitin x
Format / Layout of Assessment Report:
ICMS Cover Page
Table of Contents
Synopsis / Executive Summary
Reference List
x x x x x x x x x
Assessment Instructions Each individual student will write a 1,500 word report
on a critical strategic management issue for an
organisation of their choice in the Tourism and
Hospitality industry.
Students are encouraged to engage with a Tourism
and Hospitality business identified in the course or
draw upon their own industry experience to uncover a
key strategic management issue for a business in the
Tourism and Hospitality industry.
Some key areas of strategic management in the
Tourism and Hospitality industry that may be of interest
could include the following; competition, resources,
competitive advantage, business level strategy,
corporate level strategy, organisation structure and
controls, globalisation, entrepreneurship, leadership
and sustainability.
This assessment seeks to develop the critical thinking
skills and abilities of students through the identification
of a relevant strategic management problem for a
Tourism and Hospitality business and the development
of a viable strategic solution for that problem.

ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE___________________________________________________
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Individual students are to submit their written Report of
no more than 1,500 words in the Tutorial session of
Week 9.
Important Instructions
This Assessment is individual and contributes 30% to
the final mark for the course.
The word count limit is 1,500 words (plus or minus
10%), excluding Appendices, References and
Times New Roman 12 point font and 1.5 line spacing.
APA referencing as per 2018 ICMS Style Guide.
Header to contain student names and identifier
numbers only.
Footer to contain page number only.
Plagiarism Declaration attached as first page inside the
cover page.
Last page of the Originality Report attached as second
page inside the cover page.
Refer to and comply with, all the relevant requirements
for a Business Report as listed in the ICMS Style
Guide and note particularly the penalties that apply to
non-compliance with the word count limit and late
Grading Criteria / Rubric A Grading Rubric is posted in the subject Assessment
block on Moodle. This Assessment represents 30% of
the final grade for the course.


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