16 SucceSSful BuSineSS Plan s e c r e ts & s t r at e g i e s
The Four Cs
Each founder or key employee in worksheet. Check the level of impor CoNTrol Over own work responsibilities Over own time, work hours, etc. Over company decisions and directio Over products/services Over other employees Over work environment Over social/environmental impact of Over own future and business’ future Other:_________________________ ChallENgE Long-term problem solving Critical problem solving (putting out f Handling many issues at one time Continually dealing with new issues Perfecting solutions, products, or ser Organizing diverse projects & keepin Other: ________________________ CrEaTIvITy Determining the design or look of pro Creating new products or services Devising new business procedures/p Identifying new company opportunitie Creating new business materials Devising new ways of doing “old” thi Other: ________________________ CaSh List approximate dollar ranges for eac Income needed currently__________ Income desired within 12–24 months_ Income desired in 2–5 years _______ |
small companies or startups should complete their own copy of this tance to you in each area. ___________________ h of the following. Measure wealth as the value of stocks or the company. |
Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Not
Important Important Unimportant Important
g the group goal-focused
_______________ Wealth desired in 2–5 years_________________
_______________ Wealth desired in 6–10 years________________
_______________ Wealth desired in 10+ years_________________
© 2019, Rhonda Abrams