Section One
- Analyse current legislative framework and national guidance that underpins the safeguarding of adults.
- Analyse local systems, procedures, and agencies relating to adult safeguarding and their own role within these.
- Explain how national and local guidelines, policies, and procedures for safeguarding effect:
• day-to-day work with individuals
• own responsibilities towards individuals, their families, and carers, as well as team members - Analyze how investigations into serious failures to uphold individuals’ rights to live free from abuse and neglect have impacted national policy.
- Evaluate legal provisions in relation to whistleblowing and information sharing.
- Evaluate own role in leading a response to suspected or disclosed abuse or neglect.
- Explain how and when to engage others in relation to responding to safeguarding concerns.
- Evaluate issues relating to consent to share information and own responsibilities to share information about suspicions or disclosures of abuse or neglect.
- Describe local systems, procedures, and agencies relating to children’s safeguarding and own role within these.