Write a review paper

174 views 8:20 am 0 Comments June 2, 2023

Before we start can you please tell me what topic will the tutor consider.

I need to review it with professorInquiry in the Mathematics Classroom

So once you tell me I will get it approved by him And then you can start working on it

Assignment details 

The objective of this assignment is to write a review paper on a selected topic related to Security. A review paper provides a critical and comprehensive review of a topic through systematic evaluation of published research papers. This assignment will help you to develop an in-depth knowledge on a topic of your interest and identify research gaps that may be pursued later in other studies.


Select any technical topic related to contemporary cybersecurity threats. The selected topic should be narrow enough to write a focused review paper.

Search for relevant sources and select recent research publications related to the selected topic. Make sure that your sources are credible, i.e., coming from recognized journals and/or conferences. Make sure that you read any landmark studies and major theories related to your selected topic. Focus on recent publications.

Narrow down the selected sources to 5 to 6 and carefully read them. Understand the connections and relationships between the sources you have read, i.e., identify themes, trends, debates, conflict, contradictions, and gaps.

Write a review research paper. The writing task is elaborated below.

You may structure your research paper in any suitable manner. However, it must include the following content.

1. Introduction: Establish the focus and the purpose of the paper.

2. Main body: This is the main content of the paper where you present overview of main points of
each source and combine them into a coherent whole. Critically evaluate strengths and
weaknesses of sources. Add your own interpretation where possible. Discuss the significance of
findings. Avoid simple summarizing sources; instead try to analyse trends & patterns, turning
points, contradictions etc. You may create suitable sections and subsections. Do not create a
section heading called ‘main body.’

3. Conclusion: Give an overview of main points and combine them into a coherent whole. Briefly
summarize limitations, applications, and future directions related to your topic, with reference
to the previous discussion.

The referencing style should adhere to Harvard

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