Strategic Business Planning

120 views 8:28 am 0 Comments June 2, 2023

Nottingham Business School

Full-time MBA Programmes

Strategic Business Planning BUSI49677 2022/23

Group Report to Client

Weighting: 70%

Word Length: 2500 words maximum.

Credits: 10.

Submission date: Friday 12th of May 2023.

For this assessment, we require you to submit a single group report to the Module Learning Room Dropbox in NOW. You are not required to print and submit separately a copy of your work. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Assignment

This assessment tests learning outcomes (a) to (i).

One of the key requirements of any senior leader is the ability to create feasible, viable and sustainable projects to drive a business/organisation forward and respond to changing market conditions. Given the fast-paced, erratic, and dramatic nature of change facing contemporary organisations, the need for effective strategic business planning as a skill for senior leaders is crucial. This module continues the learning from previous modules and is the capstone module at this stage. You will be briefed on a business issue by a client and will be tasked with creating a strategic business plan for them, at all times working with them to help improve their organisational performance. It also provides an opportunity for you to take an integrated approach to disciplines covered elsewhere on the programme while you investigate a real-life organisational problem.

The Strategic Business Planning module aims to enable you to rigorously investigate an issue of strategic relevance in an organisation or industry alien to your previous experience. EMBA students who have previously taken part in the Senior Leadership Apprenticeship may develop their Strategic Business Plan further. Whatever students choose, they are expected to focus on a strategic plan that is relevant to their client(s). For Full-Time MBA students the topic should be something of contemporary interest to the business community. 

Module Learning Outcomes

After this module you should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

Critically evaluate different models and concepts to support business planning and interpret and apply these in an organisational context

Identify, interpret and evaluate internal and external conditions to identify business opportunities to support organisational improvement

Construct a convincing business plan which addresses the needs of different stakeholders.

Use relevant theories to create a feasible, viable and sustainable organisational improvement plan.

Work collaboratively with others, adhering to the specific terms of reference for the project.

Solve complex problems and make decisions, establish criteria and evaluate options, and communicate effectively in a written proposal.

Reflect on the strategic business planning process and the links to senior leader knowledge skills and behaviours.

Skills, qualities and attributes

Articulate a critical understanding of the contemporary issues, theories and conceptual frameworks used to explain and guide conventional strategic management and leadership activities in organisations nationally and internationally

Demonstrate a critical understanding of a range of strategic models that can be utilised to explore and guide effective and responsible action in dynamic global organisational environments.

Critically appraise the range of tools and techniques required to transform the culture and capabilities of organisations to meet the challenges of a turbulent and dynamic business environment. (K/U). (GENERAL)

Demonstrate the ability to make recommendations for organisational practice based on theoretical insights through a process of experiential or applied learning. (K/U)

Demonstrate independence in creativity, critical thinking and intellectual curiosity in both the application and synthesis of knowledge.

Analyse a variety of relevant data used in diverse contexts to support effective decision-making in the management and leadership discipline. (SQA)

Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the wider social, environmental and economic sustainability issues and their interrelationships which may be impacted by or have an impact on organisational activities. (K/U)

Work collaboratively in diverse teams (SQA)

Take personal responsibility for continuing professional development and develop the capacity to be an effective and reflective practitioner. (SQA)


As a group, you are required to produce a report of 2500 words which brings together learning from across the qualification. It should rigorously investigate an issue of strategic relevance which is theoretically underpinned, and usually involves primary and literature-based research. At all times you be responding to and managing the needs of your client

Suggested Structure:


This is an ‘executive’ summary of your paper. It should identify the purpose of the study, the research design/methodology/approach, the key findings/conclusions and any practical implications (see any academic paper in your field for examples).


This should tell the reader what they need to know before reading the substance of your paper. In particular, you should address what you are doing (primary aim/objective); why you are doing it. (background/relevance/importance of your research); where you are doing it (context/organisation/market segment); and how you will pursue it (research sub-questions/objectives).

Literature review

This should summarise the theoretical basis for your research. You should critically engage with around 4-6 key literature strands or themes (the conceptual domain). Critically engaging means establishing the context and structure of your chosen area and its significance; exploring the relationships between these themes as they relate to your context; synthesising current views and suggesting new perspectives and distinguishing the theory development that has been undertaken in your chosen area; and highlighting gaps in knowledge or work which still needs to be done. At the end of this literature review, you should develop a conceptual model that identifies key themes and their relationships, and how these might sensibly be structured to guide subsequent research.


This section should detail what you discovered. It should summarise your key findings (that is, the results of your analysis in tables and graphs if quantitative, and analytical themes/example quotations if qualitative) and include whatever you wish to discuss in the next section. Whether this is a description, tables or charts will depend on your method of analysis and outcomes. Retain the ‘raw data’ but do not include it here – you should make it available if requested, however.


This section should explore the implications of your discoveries, in respect of your research sub-questions/objectives, your conceptual domain (the literature review) and your conceptual model. It should summarise what insights have you been able to develop and provide a coherent argument that draws upon these insights – and that is critical (as necessary) to both your findings and their implications.


This should summarise what you now know as a result of your research; the key outcomes from your discussion and the implications of these outcomes for your overall research question/objective. If relevant, adjust/elaborate on your conceptual model. Following your critical reflection, what would you advise for the future to your subject organisation and/or society at large or someone who may wish to repeat/continue the research?


Listed alphabetically by author’s surname, to Harvard standard.


Use for the following if appropriate:

Transcriptions of interviews. These do not need to be written up in perfect English but should help us see whether what you have interpreted is accurate, and more importantly, should also aid your analysis.

You may also use appendices for supporting quantitative data which is not appropriate in the main body but may help us understand how your analysis has been carried out.


There is no requirement for this work to be written or presented in a formal business report format. As a group, you are free to be as creative as you want to be to communicate your proposals to your client. This may be using the structure of a formal report or applying the structure to create a document that is much more graphical and visually based. However you chose to present the plan is up to you, but it must adhere to the below.

It requires a continuous, coherent narrative, but permits sub-headings for the structure and organisation of ideas.

Requires an abstract and a contents page.

Includes any figures (diagrams, tables, etc) within the text at a position that helps explain the point they illustrate.

Begins with ‘introduction’ and ends with ‘recommendations’.

Finishes with a list of References. The Reference list should detail those literature sources that have been cited within the text. A separate bibliography of sources explored but not cited may also be included but is not required.


Technical Requirements

Word count: 2500 words maximum. The word count must be detailed in the submission and grades will be deducted for either not detailing the word count or exceeding the word count.

A front sheet should detail your group name, student numbers and course.

You should include the submission sheet contained on the NOW page.

A contents page is required.

Pages should be numbered.

Use the ‘Harvard’ system for citations and referencing (see ‘Citing and referencing: a guide for users’, NTU LLR). Do not use a numerical system for citing.

Formatting: Verdana 10pt font, 1.5 or double line-spaced.

Marking criteria

NBS Feedback Form for Postgraduate Coursework


Strategic Business Planning BUSI49677 2022/23

Student Number and Name


Assessment Element (as stated in the assessment brief)

Element 1

Element 2

Element 3

Element 4

Supervisor name


Assessment submission date

Please refer to the Module Learning Room Dropbox Folder for the date you were due to submit.

Date Feedback Uploaded

Please refer to the Dropbox folder for the date on which your feedback was uploaded.


Critically evaluate different models and concepts to support business planning and interpret and apply these in an organisational context

Identify, interpret and evaluate internal and external conditions to identify business opportunities to support organisational improvement

Construct a convincing business plan which addresses the needs of different stakeholders.

Use relevant theories to create a feasible, viable and sustainable organisational improvement plan.

Work collaboratively with others, adhering to the specific terms of reference for the project.

Solve complex problems and make decisions, establish criteria and evaluate options, and communicate effectively in a written proposal.

Reflect on the strategic business planning process and the links to senior leader knowledge skills and behaviours.

Element Grade

The overall grade for the work is based on a holistic assessment and is determined by how well the criteria have been met overall and not the sum of the individual aspects of the work.

In the matrix below, grades awarded against each criterion indicate that the relevant aspect of the work can be more readily associated with that category than any other. Allocation of a grade does not indicate that work exactly matches the associated description.

Exceptional Distinction

High Pass

High Commendation

High Distinction

Mid Fail

Mid Pass

Mid Commendation

Mid Distinction

Low Fail

Marginal Fail




If a zero grade, select the appropriate comment below:

NS – No work submitted or submitted > 5 working days after the deadline

NK – Work submitted and is in moderation

NE – Work is not yet submitted, and the student has an Extension

NN – Student did not attend an exam

Component, learning outcomes and weighting


Marginal Fail




Identify, interpret, and evaluate internal and external conditions to identify business opportunities to support improvement. (15%)

The conditions are not identified; no research is presented. No justification and no rationale were offered. Future opportunities are not identified.

An inadequate level of analysis: The analysis is confusing – the rationale is unclear to the reader/client – all are vague/general.

A good analysis of the conditions with passing reference to literature and research; Conditions are stated, but the analysis is very general.

A very good analysis of the conditions faced by the client. These are derived from literature and a wide research base. The analysis is concise and very clear.

An excellent analysis of the conditions faced by the client, resulting from a critical engagement with the literature and wider research. The analysis has originality with wider significance to the client.

Critically evaluate different models and concepts to support strategic business planning and interpret and apply these in an organisational context. (15%)

Insufficient evaluation of models and concepts that would support a strategic business plan within the context of the client.

Confusing/erratic summary of basic literature, models, and concepts. What has been produced is mostly descriptive in style.

Good coverage of literature, models and concepts which suggests only a basic understanding of how they might support a strategic business plan for the client. The style is largely descriptive with some basic evidence of critical evaluation of the client’s context.

Very good coverage of literature, models and concepts which suggests a strong understanding of how they might support a strategic business plan for the client. The style is professional with strong evidence of critical evaluation of the client’s context.

Excellent coverage of literature, models and concepts which suggests a very strong understanding of how they would support a strategic business plan for the client. The style is professional with strong evidence of critical evaluation of the client’s context.

Use relevant theories to create a feasible, viable and sustainable organisational improvement plan demonstrating an understanding how best to create a convincing plan for key stakeholders. (25%)

No awareness of the relevant issues. The material is unclear and confusing. Any data is presented without proper context or explanation.

Poor awareness of the relevant theories to create a feasible, viable and sustainable organisational improvement plan for the client, demonstrating some understanding of how best to create a plan for the client. Any data is presented with little explanation (mostly unclear).

Good awareness of the relevant theories to create a feasible, viable and sustainable organisational improvement plan for the client, demonstrating an adequate understanding of how best to create a plan for the client. Any data is presented clearly.

A very good awareness of the relevant theories to create a feasible, viable and sustainable organisational improvement plan for the client, demonstrating a strong understanding of how best to create a plan for the client. Any data is presented clearly.

Excellent awareness of the relevant theories to create a feasible, viable and sustainable organisational improvement plan for the client, demonstrating a strong understanding of how best to create a plan for the client. Any data is presented clearly.

Solve complex problems and make decisions, establish criteria and evaluate options, and communicate effectively in a written proposal. (25%)

Very little or no evidence of an understanding of the problems faced by the client. Some disjointed facts were offered with no logical argument made, with no evaluation. Any written documentation is missing or very poorly presented

Limited analysis of the complex problems faced by the client. There is limited discussion and or evaluation of the options available to the client, with this being supported by a weak written plan. The proposals do not or are only vaguely linked to the issues faced by the client. Written documentation is poorly presented and is very poorly related to the client’s situation.

A good analysis of the complex problems faced by the client. There is an appropriate level of discussion and evaluation of the options available to the client, with this being supported by an adequate written plan. The proposals link well to the issues faced by the client. Written documentation is well presented and relates well to the client’s situation.

A very good analysis of the complex problems faced by the client. There is a strong discussion and evaluation of the options available to the client, with this being supported by a strong written plan. The proposals link very well to the issues faced by the client. Written documentation is professionally presented and relates very well to the client’s situation.

An excellent analysis of the complex problems faced by the client. There is a strong discussion and evaluation of the options available to the client, with this being supported by a strong written plan. The proposals link very well to the issues faced by the client. Written documentation is professionally presented and relates very well to the client’s situation.

Work collaboratively with others, adhering to the specific terms of reference for the project. (20%)

There is no awareness of group work and individual behaviours within a team setting. Dysfunctional team behaviours are exemplified.

Limited awareness of group work and individual behaviours within a team setting. Functional-only collaborative work and team behaviours are exemplified.

Good awareness of group work and individual behaviours within a team setting. The group delivers an adequate outcome to the client through effective collaborative and supportive group relationships.

A very good awareness of group functionality and individual behaviours within a team setting. The group delivers a strong and professional outcome to the client through very effective and highly collaborative supportive group relationships.

An outstanding awareness of group functionality and individual behaviours within a team setting. The group delivers an exceptional and highly professional outcome to the client through exceptionally effective and highly collaborative supportive group relationships.

What did you do well in this coursework?


What you can do to improve your future coursework.


Below, if applicable, are highlighted some additional online resources that are maintained by the NTU Library, and that you can access via your NOW Student Help Learning Room. Engaging with these resources and the feedback provided above can also support you to enhance specific aspects of your work.


Managing your time


Presentation skills

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