MKTG6002 Assignment 2 Marketing Strategy Plan

121 views 7:45 am 0 Comments August 22, 2023

MKTG6002 Assignment 2 Marketing Strategy Plan

Briefing 1
Purpose – Having understood external factors impacting on the business (specifically

marketing) conceptualise and design a marketing strategy for the company/brand Donald B Industry – Australian chocolate confectionary manufacturing

Market – chocolate confectionary retailing to consumers in Australia (exclude overseas markets)

Product category – chocolate confectionary (exclude others)
Corporate & Product Brand Name – Donald B (chocolates and retail stores) Business objective – grow the brand (assume just in Australia)

Current chocolate products – assume packaged chocolate in flat plastic trays in cardboard outer packaging, and loosely packed cellophane wraps. Variety of milk chocolates with different ingredients

Current product positioning – mid market. Not mass market like Cadbury or Nestle, but not as upmarket as Lindt or Ferrero Rocher. Similar market positioning to Darrell Lea

Current distribution channel – two wholly owned chocolate confectionary stores, one in the Melbourne CBD, one in Chadstone Shopping Centre.

Suggested Report Structure
Cover Page (feature name, student number, course, assignment name)

Table of Contents (all major section headers, include page numbers for each)

Introduction (topic at hand, purpose of assignment, parameters, assignment structure)

Background (review key findings from the macro-and micro environmental analysis)

Segmentation Analysis (segment the consumer mid-market chocolate confectionery market, using variables from the four segmentation variables, naming the segments)

Segmentation Attractiveness Assessment (select best two possible named segments, and justify choice e.g. size, possible sales volume, possible profitability)

Target Market Choice (identify chosen named segment from the two above, justify choice, profile a ‘typical’ target market consumer in this segment, including likely purchasing and consumption behaviour)

Positioning Choices (review possible bases/approaches to positioning, select most appropriate, justify choice)

Recommended Positioning (describe performance and perceptual attributes wish to convey to consumers and compete on against key direct competitors)

Marketing Strategy Alternatives (discuss Porter’s general business strategy choices – cost leadership, product differentiation focus, then discuss each of Ansoff’s four alternative growth strategies for Donald B)

Marketing Strategy Choice (choose one Porter general business strategy from the three, justify choice, choose one Ansoff growth strategy from the four, and justify choice)

Overview of Recommended Strategy (discuss in broad terms how the marketing strategy choice will be expressed in terms of each of the four marketing mix elements, and how the four will fit together/work together in an ‘integrated’ marketing strategy)

Product Decisions (focus on existing products? introduce new products? hold, expand or contract product lines? packaging, labelling and branding?

Pricing Decisions (pricing objective? associated pricing strategy? price above, at or below direct competitors? policy regarding sales promotions, and ‘sales’?)

Distribution Decisions (retain, or close down current two Melbourne stores? open additional Donald B stores? supermarkets? 3rd party owned chocolate confectionary stores? wholly owned online store? direct sales to business like restaurants, cafes, hotels from factory?)

Communications Decisions (brand image and personality to reflect recommended positioning? communications elements to be used – advertising, database marketing, events, press releases, other? non-digital and digital media platforms to be used?)

Prospects & Challenges (overview of the realistic prospects for Donald B in the chocolate confectionery market, highlight key challenges likely to be faced)

Bibliography (sources used in the main body, and those used as background reading)

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