The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking

144 views 11:09 am 0 Comments June 7, 2023

Critically analyse a recent article related to the The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry in light of the role of ethical values and human dignity in economic decisions.
You will find such articles in daily newspapers as well as in more dedicated economic/business journals such as The Economist magazine. Factiva, an electronic database system available through the Library also allows you to search for newspaper articles on specific topics. Requirements The article analysis is comprised of a written paper of no more than 1500 words. In preparing your business article critique you should: 1. Provide a brief discussion of the article and point out the three most important issues contained within the article. Do not simply summarise. 2. Point out the underlying concepts which are relevant to the article 3. The article should be properly referenced at the end of the paper and include a copy of or a link to the article.
A suggested structure to you critique may be: 1. Intro – (background info about ethical values and human dignity in economic decisions, overview of components to be discussed) 2. Brief discussion of article and three most important issues 3. Underlying concepts relevant to article 4. General critique – whether you agree/disagree and why 5. Conclusion

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