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TEXT =AT; -‘cleep’fa’rj2gest TeG V,T”tettr: °””‘ lm CampeMive
CORE READING MATERIALS Wm, W. C. 8. Mauborgne, R. (2015L Blue ocean sbategyr How to create uncontested awl. space and make the camped. irrelevant Harvard Business Press, arvard. GSalvo, G (20111 “The fall of K.. A tale of Disruptive Technology a. Bad Business”, Forties, avaiMble at: Mipt/AwAv.forbes.comMites/daviddisalvd2011/10/02/Warv-sawas-kodak-crumbled/ [Accessed is February 20171 Michaelson, G MiWaelson, Art of Sun ThmThe A of War dr Managers, 50 SPadgic Rules Updated tor Today’s &I.e.. FeW Media, New York. Pringle, C. s Kroll, M. (1997), Why Trafalgar was won before it was fought: L.sons .m resource-based 4e,ohe, Academy Of Management Exe cud, Vol.11 No.0, pp 73-89. Christensen, C. M. (1995), “Disruptive rvchnologies Catching the wave”, Halyard Budness Review Vol. 73 No.1, pp.03-53. P. (1995), “Leading change: Why trans…ion efKrts Harvard Business Review, Vol.73 No.2, pp.59-57. Rumelt, R. (20111 The pWls of bad s.tegy”, McKinsey Quarterly, June, 77.3039.
OTHER TEKT REFERENCES ustea below are books which are text referances to suppod your learning. You are not repaired to purchase these hooks as copies are addable in the library for shrdent use. Fred, 0. (2015) Strategic Management Concepts and Cases, le ed., Prentice Hall, London. wheaten, T.L. stab ., (2015), Concepts in ..Mc Management and Business le ed., P.rson, ewJery. Johnson, G, sta, (2010), Expbring Strategy, If,’” ed., .. Hall, London. Pod. M. E. (one), Compedive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior penbnnance, Simon and Schustr, New Tear. Sharma, R. S. (2003), The monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fade About Pudding Your Dreads A, Reaching Your Destiny, Harper, San Francis.. Lenge., V. 0994 “Applying MinNberg’s theories on organNational configuration to archival appraisal”, Archive., Val. 5, 0032-85.

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