Is success an objective

152 views 8:39 am 0 Comments June 2, 2023

Word of the Day…


Is success an objective or subjective concept?

What is your idea of success?

How important other people’s opinion is to you when considering your success?

Compare the two images below. Which one would you choose to describe the idea of success?

Definition of Success in Cambridge English Dictionary:

The achieving of the results wanted or hoped for”.

Enjoy the video!

Michelle Obama’s Best Advice For Students | How To Succeed In Life

Written assignment

5 Techniques to Study Effectively

Creating Memory Palaces

You walk through an environment that you know, like your house, and place objects in specific places. Then you match the things that you want to learn with those objects. So, when you try to remember that information, you don’t just think of it, you actually think of where you placed them (the characteristic of that place, the colour, the light…). You repeatedly do this until you master the information you have to learn.

The Protégé Effect

One of the best ways to remember information is to explain it to other people. Why? Because in order to explain to the others, you have to understand first (depth of processing). So, teach others what you have to learn!

The Feynman Technique

Write the name of a concept on a blank piece of paper. Below, you write an explanation as if you wanted to teach it to someone. Identify what is missing, review and simplify as much as you can.

The Zeigarnik Effect

It is easier to remember an uncompleted task than a completed one, because not completing a task creates a task specific tension in our brain, which boosts our cognitive function. We keep thinking of what we have to do/learn next and this helps us remember that information better. A good way to create such tension is to take a break frequently and do a different activity for a few minutes (e.g., Pomodoro Technique: take a 5-minute break every 25 minutes of study).

Distributed Learning

It is better to space your study out than to cram.

Less effective techniques (reading many times, highlighting, spending hours and hours) vs highly effective techniques.

Enjoy the video!

5 BEST Ways to Study Effectively | Scientifically Proven

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