Introductory Econometrics Assignment 2

143 views 9:30 am 0 Comments July 4, 2023

Important notes:Sample Page

  1. This is an individual assignment. This assignment is worth 20% of this unit’s total mark. Marks will be deducted for late submission on the following basis: 10% for each day late, up to a maximum of 3 days. Assignments more than 3 days late will not be marked.
  2. Submission deadline for coursework is 11:55 pm Monday of Week 11 (i.e., 16/05/2022). Please submit a soft copy through Moodle. Name the soft copy as follows: student ID Name.doc (or .pdf). Pdf file is preferred, but word file is also fine. Also, on the title page, please make sure you provide the student ID and name correctly.

Notation used in the assignment needs to be typed correctly and properly. Incorrect (or inconsistent) notations are treated as wrong answers.

We are interested in studying whether a mother’s smoking affects the birthweight of her baby. The dataset for this question is birthweight2019.csv available on Moodle. The variables you need are as follows:

  • bweight: infant birthweight (grams)
  • smoke2: 1 if mother smokes 1-5 cigarettes per day, 0 otherwise
  • smoke3: 1 if mother smokes 6-10 cigarettes per day, 0 otherwise
  • smoke4: 1 if mother smokes 11 or more cigarettes per day, 0 otherwise
  • mmarried: 1 if mother married, 0 otherwise

mage: mother’s age

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