Introduction to Stochastic Actor-oriented Models

157 views 9:50 am 0 Comments June 3, 2023

Introduction to
Stochastic Actor-oriented Models
From variables to effectsSpecial Needs Assistance
András Vörös
Department of Social Statistics, University of Manchester
SOST71032 Social Network Analysis
* Thanks to Christoph Stadtfeld for many nice figures and examples.
The heart of the SAOM: the “ministep”
In each step of the simulation of a chain of network
changes, an actor is chosen and prompted to make one
change in his/her outgoing ties
Which tie to change? – a multinomial choice (as many
options as the number of peers)
And no change is also an option
What determines which of the options an actor will

What determines how actors change ties?
What determines how actors change ties?
Given the structure of the data, the possible factors:
network structure around the actor, “Ego”
(~ temporal autocorrelation in the network)
attributes of Ego
attributes of others (“Alters”)
any combination of the above
(e.g. attributes of Alters whom Ego is tied to in the network)
These factors can affect tie changes by actors
– but HOW exactly?
E.g. how does my current set of friends affect my
friendship choice in the next moment?

From variables to effects
Variables we use: the network, actor attributes, etc.
The role of even the most simple variable in network
change is ambiguous
How does gender affect whether I like someone (Bob) or not?
From variables to effects
Variables we use: the network, actor attributes, etc.
The role of even the most simple variable in network
change is ambiguous
How does gender affect whether I like someone (Bob) or not?
Whose gender?
The number of my male friends?
The number of Bob’s female friends?
The number of male friends we have in common with Bob?
And so on…
From variables to effects
Even such a basic thing as gender is not a meaningful
variable to be included in our model as it is
We need to be more specific about the effect of gender
on network evolution
gender of Ego, gender of Alter, same gender of Ego and Alter,
“Effects” in SIENA models:
the specific operationalizations of a variable
i.e. the exact ways in which a variable affects actor decisions
one variable (network, attribute) can affect actor decisions in
multiple ways – multiple effects may be specified for each var.
these effects are meaningful for the model
in SIENA models, we often say “effects” when we talk about
the technical “variables” that are included in the actual model

Please continue with the next topic.

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