ICT508: Assignment 1 – PMP

102 views 8:55 am 0 Comments September 8, 2023


An Introductory Point

This template is not designed to provide a full Project Management Plan (PMP).  It only includes sections that will be pertinent to Assignment 1.  If you want to see what a full PMP looks like, you can generally find free templates on the internet.  Most major organisations also have their own standards for these, so you would typically use theirs when you need to develop one for your company.

Whichever template you use, the PMP development will typically start during the Initiation phase and be completed during the Planning period for the project. The intended audience for this document is normally the Project Sponsor and stakeholders whose support will be required to complete the project tasks.  Additionally, for some companies, the PMP will also be provided to senior management (e.g. the Board (as applicable), Chief Executive Officer (CEO), etc.).

The PMP must aim to provide a comprehensive framework, which explains the project and delivers an overview of the approach that will be used to meet the objectives successfully.

Using this Template

Firstly, after downloading this template from the LMS, make a copy on your computer using the naming convention discussed in the Assignment 1 Information Sheet instructions.

As discussed above, this template provides some of the standard types of information that you can expect to find in a PMP.  Text that is provided in black Times New Roman font will remain in your final version.  You will need to add the information that is required for each section of this PMP.  These requirements are defined using blue font text shown in square brackets (e.g. [these are the instructions for the information that you need to include]).  Read these instructions carefully, before you do your drafting, as they provide important hints and guidelines.

While you work through the elements of this document, remember that although the PMP covers some of the same concepts as the Project Charter, this document should provide more detailed and richer descriptions of the project information.  This more detailed content reflects the fact that you will know more about the project by the time you are developing the detailed PMP.

When drafting your responses for each section, the key is practical clarity.  Therefore, think clearly about the real-world issues when completing each element of this template.  Consequently, you do not need to provide long detailed prose.  Clear, well-thought-out, easy-to-read, sentences or dot-point sentences will be better in most situations.

Once you have drafted the required content, you should remove the [blue font instructions] so your draft would then be ready to be forwarded to the Project Sponsor (as simulated by uploading this into the LMS).  Additionally, you should remove the information on this page, so your response just starts with the material on the following page.

In practical terms, once you have completed the draft (by taking the preceding steps) and the other required documents, these should be uploaded to the LMS in accordance with the Assignment 1 Information Sheet instructions.

Apart from the changes discussed in the preceding paragraphs on this page, you must not change this template.


1                  INTRODUCTION

This Project Management Plan (PMP) relates to the EduStream Pilot Project, which is under consideration for implementation by EdMedia International Pty Ltd (EdMI).  The intent of this document is to provide a clear synopsis of some of the key issues that need to be considered, so stakeholders can understand how this project should be implemented.

[Instructions for what to include in the PMP:  Much of the basic information for the assignment has been given in the provided materials and content delivered in the Topics 1, 2, 3 and 4 Lectures and Workshops.   The intent is that you will assimilate the material and then put it into your own words.  This approach is important because this is what is required in the ICT industry.  They do not just want people to copy content without giving any thought to the issues.   Consequently, this assignment aims to give you the opportunity to demonstrate that you can explain the ideas/details provided in the materials, by using your own words and insights.

Additionally, if you just include the information that has been provided, you will receive about 60% for those sections as a maximum mark.  Where you will get the best marks is by including real-world insights.  Once again, the objective is to get you to think about the practical implications of the situation.  It is your ability to go beyond the basic information and think about the issues realistically and sensibly that would make it more likely that you can gain success in an ICT career.  The intent of these assignments is to give all of our team members the opportunity to grow this skill now.

Therefore, you can use the material that has been provided, but you need to change this into your own words.  As explained in the assignment material, just copying content will be treated as plagiarism.  The objective is not to catch people out, but to ensure that everyone can build critical skills that can help them gain success in the industry.  Just as importantly, please go beyond what has been supplied, as developing your ability to think about real-world issues can greatly help you in your future career.

Finally, there is no word limit for Assignment 1.  However, being succinct and to the point is highly valued in the industry.  Consequently, get used to covering the pertinent information briefly.]


[Instructions for what to include in this section:  You need to explain the project deliverables and scope in this section of the PMP.  A simple way to understand this is to provide the information as discussed during the Topic 3 lecture.  This uses the analogy of explaining a cup of tea as a deliverable and the project scope covers the things that would be needed to provide a cup of tea.  Therefore, if you were discussing the project deliverables and scope for a cup of tea, you could separate them as shown in the following focus box.


·           Explain the Project Deliverables.  Start with an overview of the deliverables, like – ‘We will deliver a high-quality cup of tea in a fine china cup, which meets your requirements for being very hot and strong, with a little milk and one teaspoon of sugar’.

·           Then define the Scope of Work.  Once the reader understands what will be provided through the explanation of the project deliverables (e.g. delivering a cup of tea in this case) you would then explain the key elements (workstreams and tasks) within the scope of work.  For instance, you could define the scope of work in terms of various workstreams and activities.  An example of this could be:

§    In this workstream, you would procure each of the ingredients (enough Indian tea, a seasoned teapot, an appropriate tray, a kettle to heat the water, appropriate spoons, a good china cup and saucer, a tea cosy (to keep the pot warm), sugar (and a sugar bowl and spoon), rainwater, cold fresh milk (and therefore you can also infer that you need a refrigerator) and a china jug to go onto the tray).

§    Once everything has been procured, it needs to be laid out appropriately in the kitchen (in this case), so the following workstreams can be implemented.  This can include making sure all of the utensils are clean and then setting out the cup, saucer, spoons and sugar bowl on the tray, putting the tea near the pot, making sure there is a spoon available to put the tea in the pot, as well as many other steps (give it some thought and identify what else you would need).

§    Put the rainwater in the kettle and boil it.  Remember, this may be broken down into a range of sub-tasks, such as opening the lid of the kettle, pouring in the water, closing the lid of the kettle, plugging in the kettle, checking that the power is switched on at the wall, then switching on the kettle, etc. You might also want to talk about phasing, by pointing out that some of the laying-out activities can be done while the kettle is boiling.

§    Begin by making sure the pot is clean (a bug might have flown into the pot while you were not looking) and put the three spoons-full of tea in the pot.  When the water is boiled, pour the correct amount of water over the tea leaves in the pot (you would have to be specific about this), then replace the lid and put the tea cosy over the pot.

§    While waiting for the water to boil, fill the milk jug to an appropriate level and place this on the tray and then make sure this is covered.  When the teapot has been prepared, move this carefully and put it onto the tray in the right spot, so the layout of things on the tray looks good (it is neat), and the various equipment is well balanced.

§    Carefully check that everything on the tray conforms to the requirements.

§    Carry the tray to where the tea is being drunk without spilling anything.  When working out how to do this, don’t forget about practical aspects like opening and closing doors, knocking on the client’s door and waiting for them to call you in, and so on.

The preceding points are far from exhaustive, but if you wanted to explain how the cup of tea (the deliverable) is going to be provided, you need to carefully outline what actually needs to be done.  This second part is effectively the scope of work.


Obviously, you will not be describing a cup of tea in this section of the PMP, but you would apply a similar approach for discussing the EduStream system deliverables.  For example, include information on the:

  • Project Deliverables. You would start with a clear overview of what is actually going to be delivered (e.g. It is intended that we will provide a flexible and reliable educational video streaming and games system that will ……).  As a key hint, when developing this section, think about the issues that you defined in the Stakeholder Analysis section of the Project Charter.  Your deliverables should address these issues.  Break these down into what you are actually delivering and then put this into some succinct sentences.  This would include:
  • an efficient video and games streaming solution that applies state of the art technology;
  • allowing users to access our educational videos and games using a wide range of client platforms (e.g. phones, tablets, computers, televisions, etc.);
  • supporting existing customers (e.g. educational facilities, businesses and government organisations); and
  • allowing us to deploy the system to individual users in the mass market (e.g. people will be able to subscribe and access the materials from their homes).
  • Project Scope. Then describe the key points that explain the scope of work required to supply the project deliverables.  For instance, you would include statements like:
    1. To implement this system, we are going to develop three pilot nodes (one in Perth, one in Sydney, and one in Melbourne).
    2. Each of these nodes will comprise… – Cover the elements in the EduStream Technical Architecture Overview material as a very short synopsis (e.g. Web server, Client Database, OCA/Video Streaming device/s, Games Server/s, System Health Management, etc.) to describe what will be delivered. Add enough information for each element so that anyone reading the PMP will get a quick overview of what is actually going to be provided.  Additionally, include any pertinent information that explains what is special or different about that element of the system (and what benefits it will provide).
    3. You will do the same for the client application. Remember this just needs to be a quick overview.  However, highlight particularly important issues of which the reader will need to be made aware (e.g. multiple platforms, backward compatibility, etc.).
    4. You would then talk about the collateral issues such as the Datacentres, Service Desk and client support, training, marketing, security, and so on.
    5. You should also provide a clear statement about key milestones (and particularly the end date).

As a general rule, you need to keep this relatively short and to the point.  Around one to two pages of text will be appropriate (therefore, don’t get into too much detail – the level of content discussed during the Topic 2 Workshop will be enough).  It can also be useful to develop a diagram to go with this description (e.g. similar to the one utilised for the EduStream Technical Architecture Overview).  Should you decide to use a diagram, remember that you have to:

  1. provide the deliverables overview, as outlined in Point 1) above;
  2. introduce the diagram (e.g. ‘This diagram provides an overview of the key elements required to deliver this project and it, therefore, defines key elements of the scope of work…’);
  • once you have done this, put the diagram into the flow of the text (e.g. below the text required in Points i) and ii), but above the text defined at iv); and
  1. below the diagram provide the information outlined in Point 2) above.

Please note that the diagram is optional.  However, do not simply cut and paste the Architecture Overview diagram that has been created – you need to build this yourself (guidance on this can be provided in the Support Workshops).  Additionally, you should not directly utilise the wording examples and diagrams referred to in this explanatory information.  You need to develop these for yourself.  In terms of building a diagram, it is highly recommended that you build this in PowerPoint and then import it into your Word document as an image.  This is important because the ability to develop effective presentation diagrams is a critical skill, which will help you in your forthcoming career.]

Insert your deliverables overview and project scope content here, and then delete this line on completion.

3                  PROJECT ORGANISATION

3.1             Project Stakeholders

[Instructions for what to include in this section:  This section of the document should list the key project stakeholders.  You can find most of these in the table that commences on Page 4 of the Assignment 1 Information Sheet.  To complete this part of the PMP, insert the following types of information into the various sections of the following table:

  • Project Sponsor. Insert the project sponsor’s name and title into the first row of the following table.
  • Project Manager. Insert your name and title as the Project Manager in the second row of the following table.
  • Internal Stakeholders. The next part of the table is split into three columns (Name, Role and Responsibilities).  Provide a row of information for all identifiable stakeholders within EdMI (including the Project Sponsor and the Project Manager).  Begin by listing their information as specified within the Assignment 1 Information Sheet.  When developing this, don’t forget about the roles that you will need in the Project Office.  For each of these roles, don’t just insert the information provided in the Assignment 1 Information Sheet.  You must do some more research using the Schwalbe textbook and the internet, to expand on the description of each role’s responsibilities.  Where you cannot identify specific information for a role, think realistically about what they would need to do for the project, based on the scenario information provided.  Make each of these a separate dot point sentence in the Responsibilities’ column.   It is expected that you should be providing a minimum of four (4) responsibilities for each role.
  • External Project Team Stakeholders. As explained in the Assignment 1 Information Sheet, EdMI does not have the skills that will be required to develop the EduStream system.  Consequently, you will need to engage contractors to develop/provide key elements of the deliverables outlined in the project scope.   These should specifically cover the deliverable elements that you identified in the Weighted Analysis worksheet (e.g. a row for the web front-end, the client software, etc.).  As a hint, work through the listing provided in the EduStream Technical Architecture overview and also think about the other services that will need to be provided (e.g. Datacentre, Service Desk, etc. as specified in the proposed organisational structure), to make sure that you don’t miss anything important.  An example covering some of the responsibilities for the Web Server team is provided in the following focus box.  It is these types of insight that are being sought.  By doing this task thoroughly, you will also find that this will make it easier to create your Weighted Analysis and your Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).   Therefore, putting some careful thought into this section will help you in many other sections of your assignment.
Here are some examples of the types of information required for the Web Server team:

·           developing and testing the pass-through web server front end;

·           creating the thin client deployment system in collaboration with the client team;

·           developing the interfaces with the Client Database to conduct user validation (e.g. token) and provide users with visibility of their profile information;

·           implementing the pass-through authentication systems for transfer of the session control to the OCR/Video server or Games Server;

·           providing robust security controls;

·           etc.

Work out others and list those for other elements of the system within the appropriate sections of the following table.


Finally, when inserting the information, make sure that you don’t just copy content from other documents such as the Assignment 1 Information Sheet or the preceding focus box (as this would be considered plagiarism).  You need to express the points in your own words.]

Table 1 provides a synopsis of key stakeholders who will need to be engaged to successfully deliver the EduStream project.

Table 1:   EduStream Project Stakeholders

Project Sponsor  
Project Manager  



Name Role Responsibilities



Role Responsibilities

3.2             Organisational Structure

[Instructions for what to include in this section:  This diagram should be your version of the one provided in the Topic 3 Workshop (in the section of the handout entitled PMP Org Chart (Section 3.2)).  Begin by developing the organisation chart in PowerPoint and paste this into your PMP as an image.  The process for doing this will be explained during the Topic 2 Assistance Workshop.  Place the completed diagram below the introductory paragraph.  This organisation chart must:

  • map all of the roles listed in the preceding section (which should capture all of the responsibilities that will be applicable to completing this project);
  • ensure that all lines of responsibility and communication are explicitly shown;
  • start with the Board/CEO at the top, and put the remaining internal and external stakeholders into the structure;
  • aggregate most of the general roles (e.g. administration, security, legals, finance, training, Quality Assurance, testing, etc. into the Project Office);
  • include the required contractor roles (e.g. client software development, web server development, etc.), who will be responsible to you as the Project Manager; and
  • think about other stakeholders (e.g. clients) and where they will fit into this structure (remember that you will not have control over some stakeholders).]

Figure 2 illustrates the organisational structure that is proposed for coordinating the EduStream Project.  This organisational structure is described below the diagram.

Insert your organisation chart diagram here

Figure 2: EduStream Organisational Structure

[Instructions for what to include in this section:  Provide a short (half to one and a half pages) synopsis that describes key aspects about the organisational structure diagram that you have created.   In particular, make sure that this maps back to the points that you made in Section 3.1 (above), so the reader can see the relationship between the roles in the tables and the organisational structure outlined here.  Most importantly, focus on the lines of communication and responsibility that are outlined in this diagram.  Your primary objective should, therefore, be to provide a holistic discussion of the relationships between the roles.  Please give careful thought to this, as it will help you to define the following sections and your WBS more effectively.

Insert your material here and then remove this line.


[Instructions for what to include in this section:  Within Section 4 you need to provide an overview of each of the Workstreams.  Remember that the objective is to make sure that a person who knew nothing about the project would be able to read this section and get a clear understanding of the Workstreams.  Therefore, as explained in the blue text recommendations, you need to provide enough information to make sure that the reader will have a clear synopsis for ALL of the Workstreams.

However, you don’t need too much detail.  The objective of this section is to provide a short overview of each of the Workstreams.  Therefore, in the following table please provide a clear description of the Workstreams that will be implemented.  This should include the Workstream numbers that are provided in the Assignment 1 – How to Develop your WBS guide.  If considered appropriate, add others to include all of the project scope issues described in Section 2 and any of the other issues that would need to be taken into account.

In the right column of this table, you will provide a synopsis description of each Workstream.  This should include the information provided in Table 1 from the Assignment 1 – How to Develop your WBS guide (which is available in the LMS under the Assessment section).  However, you need to put this information into your own words and explain it in a way that would allow a reader to effectively understand what the various Workstreams entail.

Here are some key hints for implementing this part of the PMP:

  • at the start of each discussion of the Workstreams in the right-hand column of the following table use a clear descriptive heading (apply the convention utilised in the Assignment 1 – How to Develop your WBS guide);
  • keep the description of each Workstream short and to the point (a long description is not required – you just need to make sure that the reader would be able to understand the following key points related to each Workstream);
  • ensure that the reader can map the Project Deliverables and Scope to these Workstreams readily (e.g. everything you discussed in the Project Scope should be linkable to one or more Workstream);
  • make sure that these are the same Workstreams that are shown in your WBS (which you will create in Microsoft Project);
  • ensure that the Workstreams are deliverables-focussed (e.g. 1 – Management, 2 – Client Software, 3 – Pilot 1, etc.) – therefore, don’t fall into the trap of defining the Workstreams as phases like Initiation, Planning, Execution, etc.; and
  • add other rows to the table as necessary.

Table 2 lists the key Workstreams that will be implemented to deliver the EduStream project.

Table 2:   EduStream Workstream Table

Workstream Number Workstream Description

5                  SCHEDULING

[Instructions for what to include in this section:  Provide a high-level overview of the schedule you are proposing.  Do this by building a diagram similar to the one shown during the Topic 3 Workshop.     This is best done in PowerPoint and then imported into your PMP as an image.  Do not just copy and paste the diagram provided in the Topic 3 and later Workshops, as this would be treated as plagiarism.  Additionally, do not just cut and paste in screenshots of your WBS – this is not what is required. Please also note that your diagram does not need to be as detailed as the one provided in the Topic 3 Workshop.  It just needs to be detailed enough, so the reader can understand how the project workstreams will be phased and implemented.  Obviously, the more detailed you make your schedule overview diagram, the higher your mark will be for this section.  It is also recommended that you take the time to build this diagram properly, as it will help you to build key skills that are important in your future studies and career.]

Figure 3 provides an overview of the proposed program for delivering the EduStream Project.  This schedule is defined in more detail below the diagram.  A more granular version of this schedule is provided in the associated Work Breakdown Structure, which is also supplied with this information pack.


Insert your Schedule Overview diagram here

Figure 3: EduStream Delivery Schedule Overview

[Instructions for what to include in this section:  In this section please provide a short synopsis of the schedule illustrated in Figure 3.   The objective for the description of the graphic is, therefore, to give the reader an understanding of the Workstreams and their relationship.  For example, you might want to talk about the fact that Workstreams 2 and 3 are being managed in parallel, to help ensure that both the client software and the key node elements are available for the go-live date of Pilot 1.  You should, therefore, discuss each of the Workstreams quickly, but remember that you should have broadly explained them in Section 4.  Therefore, in this section, you really need to focus on explaining how they fit together and discuss any risks or issues associated with them.  Consequently, you need to think carefully about the practical issues.

In particular, this material should be about half to one page in length, and should cover the following information for each element in the plan:

  • Provide a short description of the Workstream elements that will be provided for each part of the schedule (e.g. a short description for each line in the Gantt chart diagram). Make sure that the reader will be able to map this back to the issues covered in Sections 2 and 4.  In other words, ensure that your description will be coherent with the information provided previously.  Additionally, make sure that the reader will be able to understand the relationship between the information here and the content that you provided in Table 2.
  • For each element in your plan, provide a very short description of any risks or issues that you think will need to be addressed when implementing this plan. Please note that this element of the description is weighted much more highly than the preceding content for marking.  Therefore, put careful thought into this aspect.

Insert your material here and then remove this line.



Remaining elements of a standard PMP are not included in this template.

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