Foundations of Information Systems

164 views 10:38 am 0 Comments June 7, 2023

Assessment-1 Details
Unit Code and Title: SBM41O1 Foundations of Information Systems Assessment 1: Applied Project
Due date: Week 12 Group/individual: Individual Word count/ Time provided: 2000 Weighting: 40% Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO3, ULO4, ULO5, ULO6
Assessment Details:
The focus of this report is on the need of information systems within a company of your choice. In this report, you are required to select a company and a product of your choice that has an information system focused. The company needs to have a strong profile of employing information systems to support its business strategy. The information systems chosen need to help the company gain competitive advantage. The report should focus on how information systems contribute to the success of the company.
It is important that you identify three alternative information systems solutions and provide explanation on the viability of each of the alternative solutions. You need to provide a cost-based for each of the three alternatives. Your analysis should also discuss the distinction between in house development and outsourcing components. The report requires identifying an acquisition, rollout and management plan for one of the information system alternatives.
Students need to justify why is there a need for an IS in their selected company, why they have selected IS product for this project. Other relevant information about the case project such as company profile and product selection, case need analysis, three alternatives IS products, strategies of acquisition plan should be presented. Students are also required to present their report in the report format provided.
Marking Criteria and Rubric: The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 40% of the total unit mark
Marking Criteria Not satisfactory Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent (0-49%) of the (50-64%) of the (65-74%) of the (75-04%) of the (85-100%) of the criterion mark) criterion mark criterion mark criterion mark criterion mark Introduction of Poor description of Introduction is Introduction is Introduction of the Introduction is very background information of company, company company background, needs for an information system to presented briefly with some relevance and generally presented in good fashion, however missing one company case study is well written with clear discussion about the well communicated, very clear background, discussion about the needs for an support IS/competitive missing elements such element such as company, an IS needcase study, needs for Information systems advantage strategies as needs for an importance of analysis, linked to an information system information systems information systems company IS systems, in company, gain
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