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BASS – FLD301, Version 3.2, T3, 2016 Assessment Brief Program Bachelor of Applied Social Science Subject Community Work Placement Two Subject code FLD301 Name of assessment Assessment 1: Learning Contract Length 500 words Learning outcomes addressed by this assessment: E  Submission Date: End of week 4, Sunday 11:55 pm Assessment brief summary: Students are required to develop a Learning Contract summarizing  their intended placement objectives Total marks 25 Weighting 25% Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10% penalty per day, calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 40 will incur a 4 mark penalty per day. Students must attempt all tasks in the unit to be eligible to pass the unit. More information can be found in Think Education Assessment Policy document on the Think Education website (http://www.think.edu.au). BASS – FLD301, Version 3.2, T3, 2016 Assessment Description: The “Self Directed Learning Contract” is designed to enable you to have choice in what you learn during  their placement instead of being directed by teacher/faculty.  The contract is a written record of your learning goals during placement and must include the following  information:   Your intended outcomes during your placement   How these objectives are to be accomplished (what resources and strategies will be employed)   A target date for the accomplishment of the objectives   Evidence to establish the achievement of the outcome   How this evidence will be judged or validate  For example:  Outcome  Resources /  Strategies  Date  Evidence  Validation  Increase  knowledge  on Drug and  Alcohol abuse  Read placement  org. literature  on D&A  End  May  Procure  reading  material  Discuss and ask  questions of  super‐visor &  other staff  Develop greater  competence in  inviting clients  to develop new  awareness  Practice  reframing,  respectful  confrontation &  reflection  End  placement  Video  sessions and  compare to  theory  Review and  Discuss  with supervisor  Communicate  more  assertively and  responsibly  Reread “Really  Relating”  & set goals  in weakness areas 1 month  Speak for self  Ask for needs  to be met  Feedback from  staff  Supervisor &  clients  Or ask for it!  Improve abilities  of working  in a team  environment  Staff cafeteria,  Consult staff,  Share information  End placement  Feedback from staff  Supervisor  conference  With staff &  Observation  1. The ‘Outcome’ is a specific task, skill or learning that you are aiming to attain.  2. ‘Resources/Strategies’ will contain the method by which you intend to achieve your outcome.  3. The ‘Date’ contains the final time by which you intend to achieve the outcome.  4. ‘Evidence’ will be some indication that the goal or outcome has been achieved.  5.  The ‘Validation’ column will contain a mechanism for both you and supervisor to establish that the  evidence for the attainment of the outcome is sound.   BASS – FLD301, Version 3.2, T3, 2016 Creating a Self‐Directed Learning Contract  Suggested Steps:   1. Consider the organisations with whom you are planning to work and some of the objectives you  personally wish to achieve during your placement. Taking all these areas into account, create a list of  at least eight (8) objectives that you believe fits in or is achievable with the organisations and  demonstrates the competencies that you wish to achieve.  2. Next to each objective write down how you expect to achieve these outcomes –what resources or  strategies you will employ in order to fulfil the outcome?  3. How long do you estimate that each of these outcomes will take you? Write the   estimate next to each objective.  4. Ask yourself, “Are all the objectives achievable during the time of my placement and are they  achievable within the organisation?” Cull those that are not achievable.  5. Consider how you might demonstrate to someone how you have achieved the outcome (see the  example).   6. Also consider who would be best to judge or validate this demonstration.  7. Write the results in a similar fashion to the example.  8. Provide the supervisor with a copy of your Self‐Directed Learning Contract and discuss your objectives  for this placement.  Marking Criteria: To what extent did the assessment demonstrate the following?  Max in  Category  Your  score  Clear description of milestones  5    Coherent presentation of ideas  10    Thoughtful and comprehensive breakdown of how goals will be achieved and  by when  10    Total  25  Comments:  BASS – FLD301, Version 3.2, T3, 2016  Page 4  What we want to see: Formatting: The assessment MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Other formats may not be readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other formats will be considered LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in Word. What we don’t want to see: Plagiarism: All sources of information need to properly be acknowledged. Please refer to the plagiarism website on blackboardi . By clicking the ‘Upload this file’ button you acknowledge that you have read, understood and can confirm that the work you are about to submit complies with the Flexible and Online plagiarism policy as shown in the JNI Student Handbook. Like other forms of cheating plagiarism is treated seriously. Plagiarising students will be referred to the Program Manager. Word Count: Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count – as a general rule you may go over or under by 10% than the stated length. Late Submissions: Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10% penalty per day, calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 30 will incur 3 marks penalty per day. No submission: Students must attempt all tasks to be eligible to pass the unit. Resources Available to YOU: 1. Academic writing guide link https://laureateau.blackboard.com/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_20163_1&c ontent_id=_2498847_1&mode=reset 2. Writing & referencing: The link to the Learning and Academic Skills Unit (LASU) is on the left pulldown menu on the blackboard home page: https://laureateau.blackboard.com/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_20163_1&c ontent_id=_2498847_1&mode=reset LASU also provides a series of academic skills tutorials. Please contact Caroline Spaans ([email protected], 02 949 232 14). 3. Researching: A guide to researching is available on the library page http://library.think.edu.au/research_skills/. Please contact the online and Pyrmont librarian for Health, Dawn Vaux ([email protected]) if you would like further help or a tutorial on how to do research this way. 4. More information can be found in Think Education Assessment Policy document on the Think Education website. i  https://laureate‐ au.blackboard.com/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_20163_1&content_id=_2498858_1&mode=reset

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