176 views 10:07 am 0 Comments June 7, 2023

Your final project is. interview an individual in a human Service agency which interests you professionally The purpose of the in.rview is to gain Matron from human services professional. You will write a paper based on the interview that responds. the questions below. The paper will he muumuus of 3 pages and not more than 6 and must be *nen in an APA-6th edition format. You are expected to cover the following: 1- Name of Agency 2- Type of Human Service Offered 3- Your interert in this type of service Who did you na.rview? Include the …wing: a- name
b. title c how long m the field °Human services d length of time at ammat agency e level of education f_ type of tranung completed rela.dw current position g isthistype of work a permanent part of their life work 5- Discuss what the mdwidual likes and dislikes about their work. Think m terms of whores, current tatoward the population served, legal ethical Issues, etc_ 6- What would your mtermewee change m terms of the service dehvery danytInng 7- What does the m.rmewee see as most important in than work and most ..Uwe m terms of.e service delivery 8- Summarize your .oughts on the mtermew and the mchmdual as a human service professional Additional Points You May Want to Address in Your Paper • Why you mtermewed this person (how did you connect and what motivated you to interview) • Most summing thing you learned from the interview • Most m.res-ling thing you damned from the interview • Something your interviewee told you that you already knew • Significant quotes from the interview and what they meanie the context of your paper • Any other specific mformanon from the mtermew U.. you’d like to relate

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