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Victorian Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
ABN: 41 085 128 525 RTO No: 20829 TEQSA ID: PRV14007 CRICOS Provider Code: 02044E
Higher Education – Exam Schedule & Instructions 2020-1
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Examination Schedule and InstructionsGlobalisation and Corporate Governance Assignment
Semester 2020 -1, June 2020 Examination
1 EXAM SCHEDULE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
2 EXAMINATION GUIDELINES AND RULES………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
2.1 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
2.2 Eligibility to write the Examination………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
2.3 Student ID cards………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
2.4 What to bring to your examination ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
2.5 Allowable Help Material (Reference Sheets)…………………………………………………………………………… 8
2.6 Examination Resources………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
2.7 Attendance at Examinations…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
2.8 Late arrival for Examination………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
2.9 Start of Examination ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
2.10 Material Supplied by VIT………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
2.11 Reading Time………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
2.12 Writing Time …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
2.13 Leaving the examination hall early ………………………………………………………………………………………. 10
2.14 Leaving the exam hall temporarily……………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
2.15 End of Examination………………………………………………………………………………….10
2.16 Unfair Practices & Cheating………………………………………………………………………. 11
3 POST EXAM PROCESSES: Results, Appeals, Supplementary ……………………………………………………………. 11
3.1 Publication of Result ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
3.2 Supplementary Exam …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12
3.3 Appeals…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12

Victorian Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
ABN: 41 085 128 525 RTO No: 20829 TEQSA ID: PRV14007 CRICOS Provider Code: 02044E
Higher Education Exam Schedule & Instructions 2020-1 Page 2 of 13
Examination Schedule and Instructions
Semester 2020 -1, June 2020 Examination
Main Exam Dates:
15-June-2020 to 5-July-2020

Publication of result:
Supplementary Exams:
Week of 20
th July. Detail timetable will be circulated in due course (for special consideration students who missed June exam)

VENUE: (If you are undertaking exams from VIT Campus)
235 Queen St, Melbourne, VIC 3000
SYDNEY: 333 Kent St, Sydney, NSW 2000
Victorian Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
ABN: 41 085 128 525 RTO No: 20829 TEQSA ID: PRV14007 CRICOS Provider Code: 02044E
Higher Education Exam Schedule & Instructions 2020-1 Page 3 of 13

Time Unit Duration Marks (weight) Exam Type
10:00AM-12:00PM ITSU3007 – Manage IT Projects Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
1:00PM-3:00PM ITSU1001 – Introduction to Computer Systems and Networking Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITNE3013 – Advanced Network and Infrastructure Security Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
1:00PM-3:00PM ITSA1001 – Server Administration Fundamentals Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITNE3004 – Wireless Communication and Networks Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
1:00PM-3:00PM ITNE1001 – Network Architecture Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITNE3007 – Advanced Routing Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
1:00PM-3:00PM ITAP1001 – Software Development Fundamentals Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITNE3008 – Advanced Switching Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
1:00PM-3:00PM ITAP2005 – Java Programming Fundamentals Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITDA1001 – Database Fundamentals Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITNE3006 – Design Network Infrastructure Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
1:00PM-3:00PM ITAP2013 – Software Engineering Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online

Victorian Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
ABN: 41 085 128 525 RTO No: 20829 TEQSA ID: PRV14007 CRICOS Provider Code: 02044E
Higher Education Exam Schedule & Instructions 2020-1 Page 4 of 13

Time Unit Duration Marks (weight) Exam Type
10:00AM-12:00PM ITAP1004 – Website Development Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITNE2003 – Install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot medium-size networks Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
1:00PM-3:00PM ITAP3010 – Developing Data Access Solutions Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITSA2003 – Network Operating System and Configuration Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
1:00PM-3:00PM ITAP2002 – Introduction to Windows Application Development Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITNE2002 – Network & Information Security Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
1:00PM-3:00PM ITAP3011 – Developing Windows Application Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITSA2005 – Planning and Implementing Server Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
1:00PM-3:00PM ITAP3012 – Developing Web Applications Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITNE2005 – Develop a Security Infrastructure for a Medium-size Networks Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
1:00PM-3:00PM ITAP2008 – Software Testing Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITSU2004 – Systems Analysis & Design Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITSU2006 – Project Management Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITSA2006 – Server Virtualization Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
1:00PM-3:00PM ITAP3009 – Software Analysis, Design & Architecture Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
10:00AM-12:00PM ITAP3006 – Advanced Java Programming Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online

Victorian Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
ABN: 41 085 128 525 RTO No: 20829 TEQSA ID: PRV14007 CRICOS Provider Code: 02044E
Higher Education Exam Schedule & Instructions 2020-1 Page 5 of 13

Time Unit Duration Marks (weight) Exam Type
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS5003 – Wireless Networks and Communications Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS5001 – IT Project Management Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS5002 – Software Engineering Methodology Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS5004 – IT Security Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS5501 – Software Quality, Change Management and Testing Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS5505 – Knowledge Management Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS4003 – Database Systems Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS4002 – Object Oriented Software Development Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online

Victorian Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
ABN: 41 085 128 525 RTO No: 20829 TEQSA ID: PRV14007 CRICOS Provider Code: 02044E
Higher Education Exam Schedule & Instructions 2020-1 Page 6 of 13

Time Unit Duration Marks (weight) Exam Type
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS6004 – Enterprise Resources Planning Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS4004 – IT Networking and Communication Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS6001 – Cloud Computing Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS4001 – Business Information Systems Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS6002 – Business Analytics Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS6005 – Big Data Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS5512 – Methods of Data Science Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS5509 – Intelligent Systems for Analytics Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS5507 – Business Process Modelling and Management Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online
4:00PM-6:00PM MITS5502 – Developing Enterprise Systems Writing: 1hr 30mins 50% Online

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ABN: 41 085 128 525 RTO No: 20829 TEQSA ID: PRV14007 CRICOS Provider Code: 02044E
Higher Education Exam Schedule & Instructions 2020-1 Page 7 of 13
2.1 Introduction
In line with VIT Higher Education policies, every unit comprises of an end semester comprehensive
assessment. Depending on the nature of the unit this would be either in the form of a Written
Examination or Project report cum Oral Presentation, the latter termed as non-examination-based
unit. For the non-examination-based unit, the unit lecturer would announce the date of presentation
which would usually be in the last few weeks of the semester and typically conducted during the
timetabled class schedule. For those units that have a written examination HE Administration would
prepare and announce an Examination Timetable. Very occasionally, due to extra-ordinary
circumstances, changes to the exam timetable may be required after the final exam timetable has
been released. In the event of such exigencies, the exam timetable is subject to change up to 24 hrs
prior to the start of exams and students are expected to check for any changes in the copy published
in Moodle and for announcements made through Moodle/Email. Whether a written examination or a
project-cum-presentation, students are expected to take the end semester assessment component
seriously and perform well since a pass in this component is required in order to receive a pass grade
in the unit.
2.2 Eligibility to write the Examination
In order to be permitted to write the examination, the student should have been enrolled in the unit
and should have completed the prescribed coursework in the semester that he/she is writing the
written examination. This may include completion tutorials, practical, assignment submissions and
other elements that may be specified for the unit.
In addition, students should ensure that they have paid all fee dues for the semester prior to the
examination. Students who have fee dues would not be permitted to write the exam and may
consequently receive a fail grade. If you have fee dues and have financial difficulties, you are expected
to contact the finance and obtain clearance at least four weeks prior to the published examination
dates. The seating plan and exam enrolment list would include only those who have paid all
contracted payments.
2.3 Student ID cards
On Campus Exam Attendance
All students MUST present a current VIT Student ID card to gain entry into an examination hall. If you
do not have your student ID card, you should approach the VIT Student Administration Staff before
your examination commences to obtain one.
Off Campus Attendance
Students who opt to sit for the online examinations at another location other than the VIT campuses
must first enter the examination via a zoom link with a video feed. Students must also have their
student ID with them to display if requested.
2.4 What to bring to your examination
You should contact the Exam Administrator or Lecturer to verify what materials will be permitted in
the examination hall. All unauthorised materials if brought into the examination hall should be left at

Victorian Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
ABN: 41 085 128 525 RTO No: 20829 TEQSA ID: PRV14007 CRICOS Provider Code: 02044E
Higher Education Exam Schedule & Instructions 2020-1 Page 8 of 13
the designated place for the duration of the examination at your own risk. Failure to comply with this
and bringing in unauthorised material to your examination seat may lead to debarring you for the
o Calculators
Some examinations may permit the use of a numerical calculator – please check with your
lecturer / examination administrator what type of calculators are permitted.
o Other materials
No mobile phones, bags, briefcases, laptop computers or other items can be brought to the
examination seat. Mobile telephones must be powered off or set to silent mode. If you are
found to be possession of any unauthorised items while writing exams you will be
disqualified and will have to leave the exam hall immediately.
o Dictionary
You may bring a language dictionary to the examination room (e.g., Hindi-English-Hindi,
Chinese-English-Chinese etc.). The dictionary should be free of any marks and writing. You
should have these verified and cleared by the invigilator.
o Food and drink in examinations
Food is not permitted in the examination room. You may bring water, in a clear bottle only,
with any labels removed.
2.5 Allowable Help Material (Reference Sheets)
o Online Exams are open book in nature; i.e., you are allowed to use texts, notes, or other
reading material into the exam halls.
o If in doubt you should check with the unit lecturer to ascertain if reference sheets are
permitted and if yes, how many pages of hand-written material you are permitted to bring to
the examination.
o Reference sheets/books/texts or other reading matrial should not be shared with other
students during exam.
2.6 Examination Resources
o The examination will be conducted using the Learning Management System (LMS) and other
software tools.
o Good quality Internet connection/Wifi with appropriate bandwidth is essential.
o A computer or laptop is essential for the duration of your examination.
o Mobile or smart phone must not be used for your online examination.
2.7 Attendance at Examinations: Very Important
o Students are able to take the online examination from anywhere.
o VIT will not accept any excuses from students if they have any issues to complete the
examination and as a consequence obtaining a failing grade. The issues not acceptable to VIT
can be and not limited to:
poor or no internet/wifi connection,
an issue with your laptop/Computer,
Victorian Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
ABN: 41 085 128 525 RTO No: 20829 TEQSA ID: PRV14007 CRICOS Provider Code: 02044E
Higher Education Exam Schedule & Instructions 2020-1 Page 9 of 13
power outage,
any other technical issues.
o If students currently have any of the above problems or believe they may face any of the
above problems, then they
must sit for the examination at the VIT venue (either in Melbourne
or Sydney campus).
o Students must book in to sit for examinations on campus so that VIT can ensure the
appropriate measures are in place during the current pandemic.
o Last date to book in for the examination on campus is 31st May 2020
1) BITS Students: Click here
2) MITS Students: Click here
If above links do not work, then copy and paste the following URL in Web Browser
1) BITS Students: e-learning.vit.edu.au/exams-BITS-2020-1
2) MITS Students: e-learning.vit.edu.au/exams-MITS-2020-1
2.8 Late arrival for examination
Examinations start on time. If you arrive late for the examinations or begin the online examination at
another location other than VIT campus, the exam will close at the scheduled time. No extra time will be
2.9 Start of examination
For those taking examinations at VIT campus, please ensure you are present at the examination
venue at least 15 minutes prior to the time listed on the exam schedule. Check at the venue for the
allotted seat number and upon entry into the examination hall, be seated in the allotted seat and
place the student ID card on the table, for inspection by the invigilator. Maintain silence and follow all
instructions given by examination invigilators.
For those taking the examinations off campus must sign in via the Zoom link 15 minutes before the
time listed.
2.10 Material Supplied by VIT
o All examinations with the exception of those units without exams are online
o Students will take the exams on VIT computers or on their own laptop
2.11 Reading Time
Reading time is in built for the online examination. No extra time will be provided for reading only.
Victorian Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
ABN: 41 085 128 525 RTO No: 20829 TEQSA ID: PRV14007 CRICOS Provider Code: 02044E
Higher Education Exam Schedule & Instructions 2020-1 Page 10 of 13
2.12 Writing Time
If you are taking your examination from VIT Campus, and the invigilator announces the
commencement of writing time, you may commence answering your questions using LMS tool.
2.13 Leaving the examination hall early – On campus attendance
You will not be permitted to leave the examination room for the full duration of the exams, 90
minutes. If you leave an examination room without remaining under supervision, you will not be
allowed to re-enter the examination room.
You must leave the examination room as quietly as possible so as not to disturb continuing
If you need visit the rest room urgently, you should do so with the permission of the invigilator
who may (at his/her discretion) require an escort to be arranged.
2.14 Leaving the exam hall temporarily – On campus attendance
With effect from 2017, VIT Higher Education exam rules do not permit students to temporarily
leave the hall and recommence writing examination.
In rare cases where there is an emergency the invigilator may grant permission provided that the
invigilator is convinced that it is an emergency. If permitted, you would be under supervision at
all times while you attend to the ‘emergency’ and recommence the exam. The discretion on
making decision whether the request is and emergency is strictly with the invigilator and you
may be asked to end your exams without appeal if the invigilator is not convinced (a routine
toilet visit is not considered an emergency).
You are advised to visit toilet prior to the commencement of the exam as toilet breaks are not
You may carry water in transparent bottle as you are not allowed to leave the exam hall for
water breaks.
You are advised to carry all relevant material (including pens, ID cards etc) that may be required
for the exam prior to entering the exam hall.
2.15 End of the examination
You are expected to keep track of time on your own.
However, if you opt to undertake the examinations on campus, invigilator may make time
announcements at about 30 minutes and 10 minutes prior to the conclusion of the examination.
The examination will automatically close at the end of the 90 minutes session or you may submit
the exam before the end of the time allotted.

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ABN: 41 085 128 525 RTO No: 20829 TEQSA ID: PRV14007 CRICOS Provider Code: 02044E
Higher Education Exam Schedule & Instructions 2020-1 Page 11 of 13
You must remain seated in the examination room and maintain silence until the invigilator
permits students to leave the hall.
2.16 Unfair Practices & Cheating
Cheating of any type is considered a serious offense. If found cheating, you may be penalised.
Examples of what can/may be considered unfair practice (cheating) include:
o Copying from another student, seeking or giving help to another student.
o Being in possession of any material that was not explicitly permitted (if in doubt, you are
required to check with the invigilator prior to carrying these with you inside the exam hall).
o Use of mobile phones or having them in power on mode during the exam. Due to high value
nature, VIT has permitted you to retain mobile phones and wallets with you in good intent
(rather than forcing you leave valuables unattended at the designated place). You are
expected to reciprocate this good intent and comply with the mobile phone non-use policy.
o Speaking to another student.
o Sharing materials including pens, pencils, erasers or calculators with other students. You are
expected to bring your own material.
o Asking someone else to take the examinations.
If you are found to be violating the exam rules or found to be cheating the invigilator may record
this in your answer book, report this the unit Chief Examiner and the Board of Examiners.
All invigilators have been adequately trained on the operational procedures and committed to
academic and societal integrity. Hence, they have been empowered to take immediate decision
on students who are found to violate exam rules including involving in what is considered
cheating will be required to comply with the invigilator decision in the exam hall. The decision
may include terminating the student from answering further if the offense is serious or repeated
after a warning has been given.
3 POST EXAM PROCESSES: Results, Appeals, Supplementary
3.1 Publication of Result
The planned exam results announcement window would be published in the exam schedule.
Once the results are approved by the Board of Examiners, an announcement would be made in
Moodle that the results have been published. It is students’ responsibility to check the Moodle
for this announcement.
Students should receive their progress reports through e-mail within 3 working days of the
announcement. It is the responsibility for students to check their email and if they do not receive
their progress report should immediately contact the HE administration or visit VIT to collect
hard copy of progress report.
Students who have fee dues may not receive their results until they clear their fee dues.
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ABN: 41 085 128 525 RTO No: 20829 TEQSA ID: PRV14007 CRICOS Provider Code: 02044E
Higher Education Exam Schedule & Instructions 2020-1 Page 12 of 13
3.2 Supplementary Exam
The exam schedule would include a window for supplementary exams which usually follows the
main exam period typically (but not necessarily) about 3 weeks from the original exam window.
Students who missed the scheduled exam may be eligible for supplementary exam in the event
of special consideration which may include illness or compassionate reason such as bereavement
in family etc.
Students who absent for an examination should inform VIT in writing at the earliest but not later
than 2 working days
from the date of examination that they had absented. Further they should
provide documentary proof such as a medical certificate prior to sitting the supplementary
3.3 Appeals
VIT is committed to treating students compassionately and with academic honesty. Hence, most
student decisions including those related to discipline matters and student grading are made with due
diligence and following careful processes that leave little scope for errors.
Nevertheless, students have the right of appeal following the process below which is specific to
examinations and assessments. This does not alter the overall scope of the student appeals process
provided in VIT student handbook but only highlights exam specific procedure.
Student reported for cheating:
o Students are entitled to appeal if they have been asked to leave the hall by the invigilator for
student violation of exam rules (cheating).
o Such appeal should be made within 24 hours of their dismissal from exam hall and should be
in writing.
o Students would be required to attend an enquiry scheduled by VIT. If student does not
attend this enquiry, the appeal would be dismissed.
o If the outcome of the appeal is successful, the student may opt for sitting an exam during the
supplementary exam window. No other form of compensation (including moderation of
marks or waiver of re-exam would be granted).
Grades review:
o Prior to making an appeal, students should understand the passing criteria for the unit;
especially the requirement that they should independently pass each hurdle component,
namely (i) the continuous assessment component conducted during the semester, (ii) the
written examination (or project presentation) component conducted at the end of the
semester, and (iii) the overall total.
o Students who consider that their performance deserves a better grade have the option to
apply for review of grades.
o The application should be made in writing and in prescribed format clearly citing the unit
code/name and detailed reasons for their appeal.
o For students who have received a Fail grade, the review would be carried out free of cost. For
a student who appeals for improvement of a Pass grade may be required to pay a reassessment fee as published in the VIT Handbook / rate card (ref fee for re-conducting of

Victorian Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
ABN: 41 085 128 525 RTO No: 20829 TEQSA ID: PRV14007 CRICOS Provider Code: 02044E
Higher Education Exam Schedule & Instructions 2020-1 Page 13 of 13
assessment). If the appeal is successful and the grade is revised, the re-assessment fee if paid
would be refunded.
o Application for review of grades should be made within 14 days of the publication of results
and under no circumstances would late appeals be entertained. Non-receipt of interim
progress reports to their email or being unaware of the date of results publication will not be
accepted reason for late application.
o Every appeal would be considered by an assessment review committee. In reviewing grades,
the committee shall ensure that all components of the assessment has been assessed and
have been included in the final grade, that these components have been added correctly.
o To provide the student the benefit of academic progress the committee may carefully review
if there were
special reasons provided by the student in his/her application, and may
recommend special consideration e.g., moderation of marks for borderline fails, removal of
any penalty that was previously applied for late submission of assignment. Such
recommendation would be strictly be on academic merit. Hence revision of grades need not
necessarily be due to erroneous marking or computation but may have been an outcome of
special considerations for genuine borderline students.
o The student would be advised of the outcome within 30 days of the appeal. In the event that
the appeal is pending at the commencement of the succeeding semester, the student may
not be required to re-register for this unit in the immediately succeeding semester and await
the outcome of appeal. The student may however be required to register for alternate unit
for which the unit under appeal is not a pre-requisite.
o The outcome of the review may be:
that the original grade stands; or
that another grade be awarded; or
that a supplementary assessment be required/granted before a final decision is
made, in which case the Dean shall determine the nature and time of such
supplementary assessment.
o The student would be advised of the outcome within 30 days of the appeal. In this event the
student may not be required to re-register for this unit in the immediately succeeding
semester and await the decision if the decision. The student may however required to
register for alternate unit for which the unit under appeal is not a pre-requisite.
o If the student is unsatisfied with the review outcome, he/she may opt for a full re-assessment
(re-marking) of his/her submissions and examinations. In this event the student is required to
the re-assessment fee as published by VIT student handbook / rate sheet (refundable if
there is a revision in grades).
o In the event the student makes a re-assessment application, Dean would appoint an
examiner (different from the original examiner) who would re-mark all components. If there
is significant variation in the marks awarded during the second marking, the assessment
review committee would confer with both the examiners and would revise the grade based
on collective consensus.
o After review or re-assessment the revised grade shall prevail over the original grade
irrespective of whether the revised grade is higher or lower than the previous grade.
o If the grades are revised, the student would be emailed the outcome by email. The student
would receive the updated interim progress report updated after his/her results are
approved in the next Board of Examiners meeting.

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