CPPREP4141-3000 words for 3 reports
CPPREP4142-3000 words
CPPREP4103- 2000 words (project 3 and 4)
CPPREP4503-2500 words
CPPREP4105 – 2000 words
CPPREP4121-2500 words
CPPREP4122- 2000 words
CPPREP4123- 2000 words
CPPREP4124-2500 words
CPPREP4125- 1000 words+ required accounts
CPPREP4141-3000 words for 3 reports
CPPREP4142-3000 words
CPPREP4103- 2000 words (project 3 and 4)
CPPREP4503-2500 words
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