Construction Practice and Management

148 views 9:44 am 0 Comments June 2, 2023

Pearson Higher Nationals Certificate in

Construction and the Built Environment


Construction Practice and Management

Higher National Certificate in Construction and the Built Environment (Building Services Engineering)

Assignment Brief


Student Name: ……………..….…………………………

Higher National Certificate in Construction and the Built Environment (Building Services Engineering)

Assignment BriefSpecial Needs Assistance

Student Name

ID Number

Unit Number and Title

4 Construction Practice and Management

Academic Year


Unit Tutors

Ola Siyanbola

Assignment Title

Key stages in a construction project, impacts of Building Information modelling and Health and Safety legislation within construction.

Issue Date

5th May 2023

Submission Date

13th June 2023

Submitted on

(To be completed by Assessor)

Submission Format and Guidance

Read each task carefully before you start.

If you are not clear about any aspect speak to your unit tutor.

Develop a plan of work that will ensure you deliver your submission on time.

Show all your explanations/calculations with units clearly.

All work must be supported with research and all sources of information must be referenced using the Harvard Referencing System.

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.

Student signature: Date:

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO3 Discuss the key stages in a construction project, and how Building Information Modelling informs the different stages.

LO4 Analyse how the construction industry has developed suitable collaboration strategies in support of greater recognition of health and safety.

Submission Format

You are to submit an A4 word-processed document. The choice of font face, font size and line spacing are left to your discretion. However, as a professional report, clarity and readability are critically important. You are encouraged to use diagrams and graphics to help to explain the topics. Any material (images, drawings, diagrams, text) that is derived from other sources must be referenced using a standard form of citation (Harvard Referencing System).

The recommended word limit is 4,000–5,000 words but you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit. Keep in mind that being clear and succinct are key features of professional documents.

DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR WORK AS A PDF – Word documents only.

Use of images/illustration:

Support your work where applicable with appropriate image/diagrams. These should be clearly presented with a clear reference to source.

Submission: All work will be submitted as a hard copy by hand and via electronic submission on-line – details can be found on Moodle. Any analytical work done on paper does not need to be typed, instead scan your work and combine it with the rest of your work into one document.

Assignment Brief and Guidance

You have been working for a small family-owned construction company but under new management there is a desire to begin to undertake larger scale construction projects. As the company is about take on larger projects there is an increasing demand from clients for your company to work with and to use Building Information Modelling (BIM) on the construction projects. The management team has asked you to prepare a report on the key stages in a construction project, benefits of BIM on construction and operations and to evaluate the impact of health and safety legislation within construction.


1.You are asked to identify with examples modern construction processes and sequences used within today’s industry, highlighting the way they respond to sustainability needs, identify where BIM will impact upon operations and construction companies and explain the contract planning techniques used within micro and macro projects. You should analyse how construction has developed in terms of innovation, designs and within contracts for micro and macro projects, and the interrelationship with BIM and provide a detail analysis of how the construction industry has evolved in terms of innovative construction methods and contract.

2. Demonstrate how construction industry has benefitted from changes in health and safety legislation. This should identify the major pieces of health and safety legislation which impact on construction projects, explain how health and safety is now integrated part of a construction process and discuss how collaboration and communication are vital in ensuring a safe working environment. You should evaluate the impact of health and safety legislation, how it has evolved, the drivers for it and what you see as the advantages and disadvantages within construction

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria




LO3 Discuss the key stages in a construction project, and how Building Information Modelling informs the different stages.

P6 Identify, with examples, modern construction processes and sequences used within today’s industry, highlighting the way they respond to sustainability needs.

P7 Explain contract planning techniques used within micro and macro projects.

P8 Identify where BIM impacts upon operations and construction companies.

M3 Analyse how construction has developed in terms of innovation, designs, and within contract for micro and macro projects, and the interrelationship with BIM.

D3 Provide a detailed analysis of how the construction industry has evolved in terms of innovative construction methods and contract.


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria




LO4 Analyse how the construction industry has developed suitable collaboration strategies in support of greater recognition of health and safety.

P9 Explain how health and safety has now become an integrated part of the construction process.

P10 Describe the government legislation which has benchmarked health and safety within construction.

P11 Discuss the role of collaboration and communication in ensuring safe working practices

M4 Demonstrate how the construction industry has benefited through changes in health and safety legislation.

D4 Evaluate the impact of health and safety legislation, how it has evolved the drivers for it, and its advantages or weakness within construction.


Achievement Summary


BTEC Level 4 HNC in Building Services Engineering.

Assessor name

Ola Siyanbola

Unit Number and title

4 Construction Practice and Management

Student name

Criteria Reference

To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:

Achieved (Tick)




Discuss the key stages in a construction project, and how Building Information Modelling informs the different stages.


Identify, with examples, modern construction processes and sequences used within today’s industry, highlighting the way they respond to sustainability needs.


Explain contract planning techniques used within micro and macro projects.


Identify where BIM impacts upon operations and construction companies.


Analyse how construction has developed in terms of innovation, designs, and within contract for micro and macro projects, and the interrelationship with BIM.


Provide a detailed analysis of how the construction industry has evolved in terms of innovative construction methods and contract.

Criteria Reference

To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:

Achieved (Tick)




Analyse how the construction industry has developed suitable collaboration strategies in support of greater recognition of health and safety.


Explain how health and safety has now become an integrated part of the construction process.


Describe the government legislation which has benchmarked health and safety within construction


Discuss the role of collaboration and communication in ensuring safe working practices


Demonstrate how the construction industry has benefited through changes in health and safety legislation.


Evaluate the impact of health and safety legislation, how it has evolved the drivers for it, and its advantages or weakness within construction.

Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student











Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Sign and date, when you have read through the feedback and agree with the tutor comments and grading of the assignment.

Assessor signature:


Student signature

(see disclaimer):


Internal moderator’s signature (if sampled):



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