Chain of command

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I H1
Task 3b: Risk & Crisis Management Plan
• Chain of command: To facilitate coordination and consistency, include a crisis management-related organisation chart in your plan. This is essential as the chart would clearly show who has final authority and who reports to whom. Depending on the scope and seriousness of the crisis event, your plan may require additional layers of command. For example, a crisis situation at a branch office would activate the response team and leader at that particular site, but a company-wide crisis would require a central crisis team that has regional teams operating underneath it.
• Command center plan: You must determine a particular place that will serve as the base of operations for the team during a crisis. Indicate what supplies and utilities the team will require. In case the first command center is unavailable, you should also need to designate a backup command center.
• Response action plans: Demonstrate detailed planning around how you will respond to various likely risk/crisis scenarios. Assigning responsibility for each task should also be included in the detailed planning.
• Internal communication program: Create systems and backup methods for members of the crisis management team to communicate with each other. This would include collecting contact information for all team members as well as anyone they might need to call upon, including emergency services, consultants, and area experts. Establish ways to disseminate urgent information to all employees and implementing a method for the employees to check-in and/or report their safety, etc. Also, consider how sensitive news (e.g. loss of life or threat to the company) will be shared internally. Establish a schedule and mechanism for updates.
• External communication program / Media Management: Describe plans for communicating with the public and key external stakeholders. Determine who will be the company spokesperson. Put together detailed instructions, including who has to be notified (e.g., media outlets). Draft holding statement template, which can be easily filled in later with the relevant information. Prioritize the client’s strategic communication objectives and outline talking points. Make sure the plans align with other communication efforts. NOTE: You can either include media management in the more general ‘External Communication Program’ or you can make ‘Media Management’ a separate section.

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