Business Decision Analytics

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MGT602 Business Decision Analytics

War of Talent

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Executive Summary

The decision making in any company has been a continues process, whether it is big or small. For the critical thinking, it is important to focus on beneficial solutions for the workers. The managers can settle the decisions in a consistent manner with the processes to utilize on making decisions which are imperative to the concerns. We see that there is a war of talent in the world. We will be discussing about the same related to the keeping of good staff and handling the mobile factors with willingness to look on new or better opportunities. Being a student, I am working part time in a small coffee shop as a manager, and it is important for me to manage the small decisions effectively, in time. There will be a discussion on Decision Tree Analysis, GDSS or the Leximancer decision making tools for understanding the challenges that I face in the policies of my organization. This will help in analyzing on tools or analysis which is for collecting data. The final analysis is for making proper recommendations and how the company will be able to ensure that there is a retention of employee and satisfaction of customer. The recommendations are for implementing a proper IT infrastructure software to handle a better flow of information or communication.Classification And Types Of Burns

Table of Contents


What’s the report about?

The decision-making process is for the definition of acts with selecting over the main course of action. The selection of possible solutions is for understanding problems or decisions that are for helping intuitive procedures with reasoning procedures or a combination of two. I am working as the manager at a small coffee shop where my point of view is about system thinking and resolving the issues related to the employee problems. For this, I will be working on the different technologies and tools which are for research analytics work.

What theories are used?

As a manager, I have been able to realize that the coffee shop is not providing a proper service quality or food. The bad customer service has led to reduced sales of company. Being a manager, it is my responsibility to focus on customers and try to help them with the problems and guarantee to the needs of customer properly. All the problems are due to the customer dispersion. It impacts the reputation negatively. There is a need to work on the transformation cost, best software for carrying the performance, and suitable programs of training too.


The importance is to analyze different aspects of making decisions so that the goals and objectives are achieved properly. There are given standards of modernization where changes are defined over frequent times. Hence, it needs to make decisions with no issues arising or create any major problems in future too.


Data Sources and Analytics

Decision Tree

It is about the specific flow chart that is used for making decision processes by outlining the blueprints, which are likely as their results. It is a valuable tool that encourage towards multitude of likely outcomes for the given circumstance. It is one of the better decision-making strategies that is due to the intrinsic ease on external conveying of decisions or setting decisions with associated vulnerabilities or consequences. They can be drawn for the supporting of layout and communicating over the basic components of making decisions. One needs to deal with the customers properly and help them to make decisions for everything they order. The data information is about handling working hours of employee and training so that they can properly serve the customers and identify reasons or the solutions under different issues. I have decided to focus on the software and version to store information of customers and employees, so that it is easy to manage them altogether. The software will be helpful to understand the system effectively to resolve queries. I am working on preparing costs for every element which can be helpful for processing the customer requirements too.

I tend to work on fulfilling the needs of research, where I utilize on secondary and primary methods of qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The gathering of data is important, and it can include identifying issues or challenges with enhancement of analytical skills. The decision tree model is effective for me to collaborate and decide for helping customers.

Delphi Technique:

This approach can be helpful for the future occasion probability and consequence. For my small coffee shop, I will be able to exchange views and provide with proper assessments and assumptions about the sales. I will be able to outline the problems in report. In the strategy, the group faciliatory or the changed specialists total on the new suppositions with polls, which are sent a few times to a similar arrangement of specialist. The specialist also needs to offer the avocation with responses under a given main poll. The survey is arranged and sent for the similar specialists group. In the Delphi Method, the group members can identify the identity, which is not covered, and they are also not needed to accumulate for actual meeting procedures. Every member is allowed for offering the input that concerns issue. There is a need to keep away from the compelling impacts of members one can have on the other individual groups. The rounds utilized in the method help in recognizing the totaled with every round common reaction. (Al-Okaily et al., 2021).

Diagnostic Analytics

I have made use of MS Excel to ensure the data analytics. It is about the patterns or the trends for ensuring proper evidence and working on examining sales record. The questionnaire survey is also important to highlight on opinions and setting records to help in identifying over different ways of information. The questionnaire survey is sent to the customers to 60 individuals and 50 of them responded too. (Wanasida et al., 2021).

Rational Decision-Making Model:

I have been working on multi-step process from issue identification through solution and making coherent quality decisions. It helps in giving organized or the sequenced forms of deal with decision making. Using the practices, one can ensure about the control or consistency that is for the decision-making process. The approach includes the consecutive or the prescribed way of exercises which are needed as a manager for the coffee shop too. The rational making decisions will help in choosing the items and providing awards at negligible expense, which can be helpful for the shop, in the later times.

Decision Making Tools

The importance is about carrying out decisions for an effective approach to identify trends and patterns.

GDSS (Group Decision Support System): Since there have been a major war of talent, it is important for me to focus on the retrieving essential information. I need to ensure that the employee retention is focused. I need to work on the problems and the challenges which can help in improving the work standards too. The encouraging of detailing or arranging the unstructured issues is important which is intended to help the groups too. The systems will help individuals to focus on decision rooms that contain computers with individuals accomplishing on personal work and understanding public monitors. GDSS is off-the-rack specific programming that is for arranging, or organizing thoughts under a hierarchical memory or the different tasks that relates to the group work. The achievement of a goal comes from a decision that is measurable or there are meeting goals for the end of the procedure as well. It is needed to focus on timely meeting of goals along with understanding the needs of employees too, so that there is customer retention.

Decision Tree Analysis or DSS:

There are different options which are for resolving on different issues and challenges. The graphical demonstration is for the collection of information with utilizing on different alternative solutions as well. It comes with defining or resolving the analysis with collective response on the questionnaire. I have been able to identify that there are different ways to respond on improvement of satisfaction or decision tree analysis is through identifying a suitable form of solution as per the research. It is defined through specific calculation process with non-parametric techniques that are set for parting on data collected over the information. After that I must record on the outcomes for better results and to resolve issues or challenges. As per the procedural approach, it is important to determine the issues and the characterization process. The assessment is done internally, viewing business to succeed and handle failure too. The different areas relate to decision-making and seeking information from different sources like research of markets, studies, and others (Bordeleau et al., 2020).

Leximancer Decision Making:

The tool or technique is for understanding how coffee shop can resolve the customer helpdesk or the poor customer satisfaction too. The results are related to solving issues and problems, with the help of questionnaire survey to gather information. The major focus is on identifying the techniques which is about creating the tools or the model of data information. Through this, I have been able to segregate on the collection of information and represent the graphical factors to identify solutions and resolve the helpdesk of customers too. There is a need to handle the considerable paths with the potential to make proper access or success with growth too (Korhonen et al., 2021).

Data Analysis and Visualization

There are different techniques to define and proceed with tools of decision-making. It is about the data analytical methods for understanding predictive, descriptive, and the diagnostic analytics. It is for utilizing on authentic and constant data mining with different strategies on foreseeing the results and illuminating the decision making for organizations with different associations. It encourages me to decide the future results as a manager of coffee shop to achieve the objectives too. Through predictive information, it helps me in recording the office exhibition on the improvement of cycles effectively. I can adapt to the changed tariffs and work on the talent and keeping or hiring good employees who could help in increasing the sales record too.

It includes the response for the questions with participants:

Influence of biasedness on effective decision making

The team needs to decide on the prompt clear decisions with multi-step approaches. The commitment is for human conduct with decisions that are needed to remain for the commitment and the individuals who could care less on the commitment than according as far as anyone is concerned. The requirements are for defining big decisions by agreement on groups and commitment with the unity that is to be strong as well. The working style is about the clear approaches for a team where members tend to work in groups, and the stages needed to be formed for solving issues, under the right use of channels and media too (Kaya et al., 2019). It is important to choose the right employee so that we can work on the commitments that are needed to give to organization. This will encourage to handle the growth of the sales and I will be able to learn through the failures or mistakes as well with not rehashing over similar mistakes as well.


The utilization of decision-making process includes advantages through multi-disciplinary research. The inclusive vision is for the arrangements which are proposed and then prompting over efficiency and achievements too. The different technologies include effective decision measures that are for making cooperative decision-making processes. It’s about the predispositions which has a major impact on the measures that are to be analyzed as well. The assignment is about discussing decision-making with the source of data being analyzed, using analytics of data to identify trends and patterns for the forming of evidence with decision-making. The aim of the report is for knowing the types of resources which are for handling decision-making with the proper use of data analytics. This is as per new or current trends in a prompted manner. The highlight is the processing of decision-making or different types of tools and methodologies for effectively making decisions. An effective decision leads towards complete success or growth. The analysis is for different aspects to make better decisions which could be helpful for the enterprise in accomplishing different set results too (Moller et al., 2020).


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