141 views 4:40 pm 0 Comments September 10, 2023


Unit Code & Title: BSBOPS502- Manage Business Operational plans
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions
Student’s Section (To be completed by the students)
Student Name  :
Student Number:
Assessment submission date:  
I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have provided the acknowledgements of sources and references, where appropriate. Student’s signature:


Assessor section:  
Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to

assess the competency of the student?

Yes          No

(Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the

student for the activity?

Yes          No

(Please circle)

Provide assessor’s comments here:







The student’s

*performance was:

Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory
If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment:  
Feedback to student:







Assessor Declaration:

I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:


Assessor’s signature:





Context and Purpose of the Assessment:

This assessment will assess your skills and knowledge in the subject BSBOPS502- Manage Business Operational plans. The following table maps the assessment activity against elements and performance criteria of the Unit:

Elements and Performance Criteria




PC: 1.1 – Q1

PC: 1.2 – Q2

PC: 1.2 – Q3

PC: 1.3 – Q4

PC: 1.4 – Q5


PC: 2.1 – Q6

PC:2.2 – Q7

PC: 2.3 – Q8





PC:3.1 – Q9

PC: 3.1- Q10

PC:3.2 – Q11

PC: 3.4 – Q12

PC: 3.3 – Q13


PC: 2 – Q14

PC: 1-3- Q15


1. Establish operational plan 1.1 Research, analyze and document resource requirements

1.2 Develop operational plan in consultation with, and with approval from, relevant stakeholders

1.3 Develop contingencies for operational plan

1.4 Explain plan to relevant work teams

2. Manage resource acquisition 2.1 Confirm that employees are recruited and inducted according to the organization’s human resources management policies, practices and procedures

2.2 Confirm that physical resources and services are acquired according to the organization’s policies, practices and procedures

2.3 Identify and incorporate requirements for intellectual property rights and responsibilities related to acquisition of resources

3. Monitor and review operational performance 3.1 Assess progress of operational plan in achieving profit and productivity plans and targets

3.2 Identify areas of under-performance, recommend solutions and rectify the situation

3.3 Plan and implement relevant processes for ongoing monitoring and confirm that support is provided for individuals and teams

3.4 Negotiate recommendations for variations to operational plans and gain approval from designated persons.

Assignment Description:

In this Assessment task, you will be required to answer a series of questions related to the topics covered in the unit. You are expected to conduct online research and refer to the learning materials provided in the unit. Additionally, you may use real or simulated relevant business documentation such as policies and procedures to support your answers. It is essential to answer all the questions using your own words and reference any sources appropriately.

Submission Requirements:

  • The assignment must be typed and formatted appropriately.
  • Use a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial) and a font size of 12.
  • Ensure appropriate spacing between lines and paragraphs.
  • Compulsorily include a cover page with the assignment title, course name, unit name, student name, student ID, and the due date.
  • Number each question and provide clear and concise answers under each question.
  • Provide references for all external sources used,
  • Save the assignment in a PDF format and submit it electronically through Student Portal of the College. Please speak to your trainer if you encounter any issues with uploading your documents.
  • Please keep a copy of your submitted assessment for future reference.

Re-Submission Opportunities:

If you do not meet the requirements or your answers are unsatisfactory, you will be provided with feedback by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate areas that need improvement. You will have the opportunity to re-submit the assignment, addressing the identified issues and improving your performance. The re-submission deadline will be communicated to you by your instructor. Please refer to appeals procedures in case you disagree with the assessment feedback.

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions

Answer the following questions concisely.

  1. What are some methods or tools that can be used to effectively document resource requirements for an operational plan?
  2. Enumerate the advantages that can be derived from engaging pertinent stakeholders in the formulation of an operational plan.
  3. Please complete the table below by identifying the stakeholders who participate in the development and management of an operations plan, and provide examples of escalation points, colleagues, and specialist resource managers associated with each stakeholder.
Stakeholders Description Examples
Top Management Senior executives responsible for strategic decision making and overall direction CEO, CFO, COO
Operations Manager Oversees the development and execution of the operations plan
Department Managers Managers responsible for specific departments
Team Leaders Lead teams and coordinate activities within their respective departments
Frontline Employees Employees involved in day-to-day operations and execution of the plan
Escalation Points Individuals responsible for addressing critical issues and escalating them
Colleagues Peers and coworkers who collaborate on executing the operations plan
Specialist Resource Managers Experts with specialized knowledge and skills required for specific aspects of the plan
Customers Individuals or organizations receiving the products or services provided by the
Suppliers External entities providing necessary resources, materials, or services
Regulatory Bodies Entities responsible for overseeing and enforcing industry regulations



  1. Is it necessary to develop contingencies for an operational plan? Justify your answer.
  2. List several strategies or techniques that can be utilized to effectively communicate an operational plan to work teams.
  3. Why is it important to adhere to the organization’s human resources management policies, practices, and procedures during the recruitment and induction process?
  4. Complete the table below to describe the requirements for resources included in operational plans.
Resource Type Description of the resources and examples How to acquire the resources.
  1. Provide a concise explanation of the significance of incorporating intellectual property rights and responsibilities into the acquisition of resources.
  2. Prepare a list of key indicators or metrics that can be used to assess the progress of an operational plan in achieving profit and productivity targets.
  3. How are budget and actual financial data related to profit and productivity? Discuss
  4. Identify the common causes of under-performance in operational plans.
  5. What are some effective negotiation techniques that can be utilized when discussing variations to operational plans with designated persons?
  6. Describe the role of training and development programs in supporting individuals and teams to improve operational performance.
  7. Illustrate the legislative and regulatory framework that relates to the development and implementation of an operational plan. Specifically, discuss fair trading laws and work health and safety.
  8. Explain how organizational policies, practices, and procedures relate to the operational plan.


End of Assessment Task 1 Question!





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