Assessment cover sheet

117 views 10:21 am 0 Comments June 7, 2023

Assessment cover sheet

Assessment Cover Sheet

Learner’s name:

Assessors Name:

Date Submitted:

The following questions are to be completed by the assessor:

Is the Learner ready for assessment?



Has the assessment process been explained?



Does the Learner understand which evidence is to be collected and how?



Have the Learner’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained?



Have you discussed any special needs to be considered during assessment?



The following documents must be completed and attached:

Knowledge Test Questions, Written Activity and Checklist

The learner will complete the written activity provided to them by the assessor. The Written Activity Checklist will be completed by the assessor.



Practical Activity Checklist

The learner will demonstrate a range of skills and the assessor will observe where appropriate to the unit. The Practical Activity Checklist will be completed by the assessor.



Learner Declaration

I agree to undertake assessment in the knowledge that information gathered will only be used for professional development purposes and can only be accessed by the RTO

I declare that:

The material I have submitted is my own work

I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used in the production of my work

I have given references for all sources of information that are not my own, including the words, ideas and images of others

Learner Signature:


Result and Feedback

Feedback to Learner:

Overall Outcome Competent Not yet Competent

Assessor Signature:


Task 1 – Knowledge test questions and written activity

Your task is to write the answers to each of the following questions.

Question 1: Explain what do you understand by the term customer service policies and service level agreement. Answer within 100 – 150 words.

Question 2: Explain any two network management principles. Answer within 50 – 100 words.

Question 3. Answer the following:

A.) How does network traffic blocking works? Answer within 50 -100 words.

B.) How does network congestion occur, and what are its effects? Answer within30 – 50 words.

C.) What is the role of dimensioning in networking? Answer within 50 – 100 words.

Question 4: Explain the term traffic engineering used in networking. Answer within 50 – 80 words.

Question 5: Provide brief information about traffic patterns used in networking. Answer within 100 – 150 words.

Question 6: Answer the following:

A.) Explain the different types of transmission, which is done in networking. Answer within 80 – 120 words.

B.) Provide brief information signal and types of signals encountered in networking. Answer within 80 – 120 words.

Question 7: Answer the following:

A.) Explain any two network topologies. Answer within 80 – 120 words.

B.) Explain any two switching techniques. Answer within 50 -100 words.

C.) Explain routing techniques. Answer within 50 – 100 words.

D.) Explain transmission techniques. Answer within 80 – 120 words.

Question 8: Answer the following:

A.) What is a network management system? List the three types of services provided by the network management system. Answer within 30 – 50 words.

B.) What are the steps with the help of which network traffic can be monitored?

Question 9. Give any three examples of network traffic problems?

Question 10. In what ways you should communicate in the workplace to discuss changes?

Question 11. What are the different policies or techniques used by different congestion control techniques?

Question 12. What is a contingency plan, and what steps need to be followed to develop a contingency plan? Answer within 40 – 80 words.

Questions 13: Complete the following table and write the function of the elements of networking:


Functions (Write at least three)

System monitoring alerts and alarm

Route and circuit availabilities

System outages

Network management systems

Traffic patterns

Semi-permanent controls

Traffic engineering

Workplace documentation related to network traffic

Questions 14: Complete the following table and write the features of the elements of networking:


Features (Write at least three)

System monitoring alerts and alarm

Route and circuit availabilities

System outages

Network management systems

Traffic patterns

Semi-permanent controls

Traffic engineering

Workplace documentation related to network traffic

Question 15: Answer the following:

A.) What is meant by a contingency plan? Answer must be between 40-80 words.

B.) What is the purpose of having a contingency plan? Answer must be between 30-60 words.

C.) Write the steps, which need to be taken to develop a contingency plan for network traffic. Answer must be between 80-130 words.

Question 16: Briefly explain the following legislation, codes, work practices, standards associated with the designing of the network:

WHS Act 2011

Telecommunications Regulations 2001

Safe work practices

Answer must be between 150-200 words.

Question 17: Briefly explain the following network strategies:

Distributed network


Answer must be between 80-130 words.

Task 1 – Knowledge test questions and Written Activity Checklist

Knowledge test questions and Written Activity Checklist

For this assessment, the learner must complete the Knowledge test questions and Written activity.

The Knowledge test questions and Written activity is a stand-alone activity that will allow the learner to display the requirements of the performance criteria and knowledge evidence in this unit that are essential when deciding overall competency.

Learner Name:

Assessor Name:

Has the learner satisfactorily completed the written activity?



Did the Learner provide evidence of their ability to:

Question 1: Explain what do you understand by the term customer service policies and service level agreement. Answer within 100 – 150 words.

Question 2: Explain any two network management principles. Answer within 50 – 100 words.

Question 3. Answer the following:

A.) How does network traffic blocking works? Answer within 50 -100 words.

B.) How does network congestion occur, and what are its effects? Answer within30 – 50 words.

C.) What is the role of dimensioning in networking? Answer within 50 – 100 words.

Question 4: Explain the term traffic engineering used in networking. Answer within 50 – 80 words.

Question 5: Provide brief information about traffic patterns used in networking. Answer within 100 – 150 words.

Question 6: Answer the following:

A.) Explain the different types of transmission, which is done in networking. Answer within 80 – 120 words.

B.) Provide brief information signal and types of signals encountered in networking. Answer within 80 – 120 words.

Question 7: Answer the following:

A.) Explain any two network topologies. Answer within 80 – 120 words.

B.) Explain any two switching techniques. Answer within 50 -100 words.

C.) Explain routing techniques. Answer within 50 – 100 words.

D.) Explain transmission techniques. Answer within 80 – 120 words.

Question 8: Answer the following:

A.) What is a network management system? List the three types of services provided by the network management system. Answer within 30 – 50 words.

B.) What are the steps with the help of which network traffic can be monitored?

Question 9. Give any three examples of network traffic problems?

Question 10. In what ways you should communicate in the workplace to discuss changes?

Question 11. What are the different policies or techniques used by different congestion control techniques?

Question 12. What is the contingency plan, and what steps need to be followed to develop a contingency plan? Answer within 40 – 80 words.

Questions 13: Complete the given table and write the function of the elements of networking

Questions 14: Complete the given table and write the features of the elements of networking

Question 15: Answer the following:

A.) What is meant by a contingency plan? Answer must be between 40-80 words.

B.) What is the purpose of having a contingency plan? Answer must be between 30-60 words.

C.) Write the steps, which need to be taken to develop a contingency plan for network traffic. Answer must be between 80-130 words.

Question 16: Briefly explain the following legislation, codes, work practices, standards associated with the designing of the network:

WHS Act 2011

Telecommunications Regulations 2001

Safe work practices

Answer must be between 150-200 words.

Question 17: Briefly explain the following network strategies:

Distributed network


Answer must be between 80-130 words.

Feedback to Learner:

Result Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor’s Signature:


Task 2 – practical activity

The following task must be demonstrated in conditions that are safe and replicate the workplace. Noise levels, production flow, interruptions and time variances must be typical of those experienced in the website technologies field of work, and include access to:



Equipment and materials

MS office

Web browser software

Project Task:


Career Training is acknowledged as an industry training leader delivering nationally recognised and specialised courses. Career Training is a private registered training organisation (RTO) based in Geraldton, Western Australia with satellite offices in Broome, Derby and Perth.

Registered training organisations (RTOs) are those training providers registered by ASQA (or, in some cases, a state regulator) to deliver vocational education and training (VET) services.

RTOs are recognised as providers of quality-assured and nationally recognised training and qualifications.

Only RTOs can:

Deliver nationally recognised courses and accredited Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) VET qualifications,

Apply for Australian, state and territory funding to deliver vocational education and training.

RTOs can offer qualifications at the following levels:

Certificates I, II, III and IV


Advanced Diploma

Vocational Graduate Certificate

Vocational Graduate Diploma.

Career training has a dedicated network system, which is used by the RTO to use internet services. Career training has given access to staff and students for accessing internet services through a dedicated network.

Career training has around 40 staff members who are using the network regularly and around 150 students.

Career training is now facing difficulty in the network, as many staff and students have raised the issues related to the network. The issues raised are:

The slow speed of the Internet

Traffic congestion in peak time

Availability of network is not adequate

Career training is aware that the current network was installed three years ago when the staff members and students were less, so the network operated very smoothly. But now the staff and student number have increased due to which the issues are occurring. Career training knows the general causes of network congestion, which are:

Low bandwidth

Out-dated hardware

A large number of devices are connected

Career training has also encountered the internet speed, which is required to operate certain devices. The network traffic requirements for some of the devices, which are encountered by the network developer, are:

Low – 100 Kbps (kilobits per second) or less: E-fax machines, VoIP phones, laptops and computers for emailing and simple web surfing

Medium – 100-500 Kbps: More intensive web browsing, streaming, emailing, and downloading

High – 500Kbps – 2.0Mbps (megabits per second): Devices that use cloud-based platforms and software programs

Intensive – 2.0Mbps and higher: HD video conference devices and platforms

Career training also has some tools and websites to test the security, availability, monitor and measure the network.

Access control

Anti-malware system

Email security


PRTC Network Monitor


Network Bandwidth analyser pack

NetFlow Traffic analyser

ISP website to check network availability

You have been part of Career training for the past one year as a network planner. You have been assigned the task to overcome the network issues. You need to develop strategies to overcome the network issues, ways to control network congestion and give future issues that can arise in the network. You need to complete the following activities to resolve the issues related to the network.

Activity 1: Obtaining work details

You need to go through the scenario and research over the internet before starting the activity.

In this activity, you need to conduct a meeting with your manager to obtain information about the work that needs to be performed, legislation, standards and codes that need to be followed while performing the work.

You will act as a network planner who will provide information about the work details; that is, what task will be performed, what legislation is required while performing the task. You also need to provide information about the security arrangements and scope of the project.

Your classmates will act as a manager who provides information about the network strategies for the project. He/she will also provide information about why it is important to comply with legislation, standards and codes while performing the work.

In the meeting, you need to discuss the following:

Obtain detail information about work

Discuss network strategies

Highlight the scope of the project

Obtain site access

Discuss security arrangements

Highlight which legislation, standards and codes to follow

You need to complete the meeting in 7-10 minutes. Your trainer will observe your performance and complete the following performance checklist. You also need to complete the following meeting minutes template and write the information related to the meeting discussion.

You need to submit the completed meeting minutes document to your assessor.

Meeting minute template

Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Objective:





Points Discussed

Actions Suggested

Target Date

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Does the candidate meet the following criteria



Trainer/Assessor Comments

Conduct a meeting:

Obtained detail information about work

Discussed network strategies

Highlighted scope of the project

Obtained site access

Discussed security arrangements

Highlighted which legislation, standards and codes to follow

Completed the given meeting minutes template

Completed the meeting in the given timeframe

Use active listening to understand the manager’s point of view

Allow other people to discuss the issues

Activity 2: Evaluation of network traffic problems and capacity

This activity is in continuation with the previous activity.

You need to perform this activity in the computer lab. Your trainer will provide all the equipment required for performing this activity.

In this activity, you need to prepare a report in which you will provide brief information about the network of Career training and what is the status of the traffic on the network. The report needs to include information about the testing that is done on the network.

You need to perform the following tasks to complete the report:

Security of the network

Network availability

Planned and unplanned outages of network

Restoration time

Monitor network traffic

Identify the network problems

Identify customer complaints about network

Identify threshold, loading and grading level of network

Measure traffic on the network

Controls to regulate traffic

Once you have performed the tasks, you need to prepare a report in which you just need to put the tools, software and website which you used to test the network and get the information about the network traffic.

Your trainer will provide you with the template of the report, and the trainer will also complete a performance checklist at the end of the activity. You need to submit the completed template to the trainer.

Template: Network traffic problems and Network capacity evaluation

Tools used to check the security of the network

Ways to check network availability

Checking of planned and unplanned network outages

Tools to monitor network traffic

Network problems

Customer complaints

Tools used to measure network traffic

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Does the candidate meet the following criteria



Trainer/Assessor Comments

Network evaluation:

Performed the task effectively

Researched the security of the network

Checked network availability

Obtained information about planned and unplanned outages of the network

Listed restoration time

Monitored network traffic

Identified threshold, loading and grading level of network

Identified the network problems

Identified customer complaints about network

Measured traffic on the network

Used controls properly to regulate traffic

Activity 3: Strategies to overcome network traffic problems

This activity is continuing from the previous activity.

In this activity, you need to develop strategies to deal with network traffic problems. For this activity, you need to develop a report, which should include information about the strategies that will be used to overcome the network traffic problems.

To develop the strategies, you need to gather the following information:

Historical data about network traffic

Network traffic volume requirements

Strategies to control traffic

Strategies to prevent network congestion

Strategies to recover network from network congestion

Your trainer will provide you with the template of the report. You need to research over the internet and take the help of a case study to complete the template. Once the template is completed, you need to submit it to your trainer.

Template: Strategies to overcome network traffic problems

Historical data about network traffic

Causes for network congestion

Network traffic volume requirements

Strategies to control traffic and network congestion

Controlling network traffic

Dealing with traffic congestion and recovering network

Activity 4: Discussion about network strategies and contingency plan

This activity is continuing from the previous activity.

In this activity, you need to conduct a meeting with your manager to discuss the strategies developed in the previous activity and changes that need to be made in the strategies.

You will act as a network developer, and one of your classmates will act as your manager.

In the meeting you need to discuss the following points:

Discuss information collected in activity 2

Highlight issues related to the strategies

Discuss the budgeting of the project

Discuss contingency plan that can be developed to overcome the issues

Your manager will highlight and will provide suggestions for the strategies and contingency plan.

You need to complete the meeting in 7-10 minutes. Your trainer will observe your performance and complete the following performance checklist. You also need to complete the following meeting minutes template and write the information related to the meeting discussion.

You need to submit the completed meeting minutes document to your assessor.

Meeting minute template

Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Objective:





Points Discussed

Actions Suggested

Target Date

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Does the candidate meet the following criteria



Trainer/Assessor Comments

Conduct a meeting:

Discussed information collected in activity 2

Highlighted issues related to the strategies

Discussed the budgeting of the project

Discussed contingency plan that can be developed to overcome the issues

Completed the given meeting minutes template

Completed the meeting in the given timeframe

Use active listening to understand the manager’s point of view

Allow other people to discuss the issues

Activity 5: Contingency plan

This activity is continuing from the previous activity. You need to develop a contingency plan for dealing with the network problem, which will occur during the changes that will be made in the network.

For completing this activity successfully, you need to prepare a contingency plan, which needs to include ways to deal with the network problems. Your trainer will provide you with the template for the contingency plan.

You need to research the internet and understand the criteria and gather information from previous activities to complete the task. Once the template is complete, you need to submit it to the trainer for assessment.

Template: Contingency plan template

What will be the issue


Contingency plan

Malware attack on the system

Unauthorised people are accessing the network due to which network traffic is increasing

The bandwidth of the signal is low, which results in traffic

Activity 6: Implementation of the strategies and contingency plan

This activity is in continuation with the previous activity.

After completing the previous activities, you came up with the strategies with the help of which network traffic can be controlled. In this activity, you need to implement those strategies and contingency plan on the network to deal with traffic congestion problems.

For completing this activity, you need to implement the following things in the network:

Implement software changes

Implement strategies to control traffic congestion

Develop solutions for temporary problems

Allow reversal action if the implementation doesn’t work

Implement contingency plan

Your trainer will observe you while you are performing the activity. At the end of the activity, the trainer needs to complete a performance checklist.

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Does the candidate meet the following criteria



Trainer/Assessor Comments

Implementation of strategies and contingency plan:

Performed activity effectively

Covered all the requirements

Implemented software changes

Implemented strategies to control traffic congestion

Developed solutions for temporary problems

Allowed reversal action if the implementation doesn’t work

Implemented contingency plan

Activity 7: Analysis of network traffic

This activity is in continuation with the previous activity.

In this activity, you need to analyse and test the network again after the implementation of strategies and a contingency plan.

Again, you need to perform this activity in the computer lab. Your trainer will provide all the equipment required for performing this activity.

In this activity, you need to test the network after the implementation of strategies to monitor the traffic and identify problems associated with the network. Your trainer will observe you while performing this activity.

You need to perform the following tasks to complete the activity:

Monitor changes made in the network

Measure the outcome of changes

Test security of the network

Analyse flow of traffic

Check for traffic congestion

Make recommendations

Control traffic flow to prevent processor overload

Once you have performed the tasks, you need to prepare a report in which you just need to put the tools, software and website which you used to test the network and get the information about the network traffic.

Your trainer will provide you with the template of the report, and the trainer will also complete a performance checklist at the end of the activity. You need to submit the completed template to the trainer.

Template: Network traffic problems and Network capacity evaluation

Tools used to check the security of the network

Tools to monitor network traffic

Tools used to measure network traffic


Control traffic congestion

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Does the candidate meet the following criteria



Trainer/Assessor Comments

Network evaluation:

Monitored changes

Measured the outcome of changes

Performed the task effectively

Used tools inappropriate manner

Tested security of the network

Analysed flow of traffic

Checked for traffic congestion

Made recommendations

Used congestion control strategies to control congestion

Activity 8: Contingency plan

This activity is continuing from the previous activity. You need to develop a contingency plan for controlling the flow of traffic.

The contingency plan needs to address the ways to deal with the traffic flow problems, and your trainer will provide you with the template.

You need to research the internet and understand the criteria and gather information from previous activities to complete the task. Once the template is complete, you need to submit it to the trainer for assessment.

Template: Contingency plan template

What will be the issue


Contingency plan

Unauthorised people are still accessing the network due to which network traffic is increasing

Traffic congestion at peak time

Activity 9: Future traffic problems

This activity is in continuation with the previous activity.

After completing the contingency plan, you need to prepare a report in which you need to outline the traffic problems that can occur in future.

In the report, you need to provide the following information:


Future traffic problems



You need to complete this report by researching over the internet and performing the activity, and understanding the behaviour of network traffic.

Your trainer will provide you with the template of the report, and you need to complete that template by doing the research. Once the template is completed, you need to submit it to the trainer for assessment.

Template: Report on future traffic problems


Future traffic problems



Activity 10: Discussion of traffic problems and recommendations

This activity is in continuation with the previous activity.

In this activity, you need to conduct a meeting with your manager about potential traffic problems, which can arise in future.

You will act as a network developer, and one of your classmates will act as your manager.

In the meeting you need to discuss the following points:

Discuss traffic problems that can occur in future

Highlight the potential traffic problems

Discuss ways to deal with these problems

Provide recommendations

List the recommendations

Your manager will identify future traffic problems and will also help to provide recommendations.

You need to complete the meeting in 7-10 minutes. Your trainer will observe your performance and complete the following performance checklist. You also need to complete the following meeting minutes template and write the information related to the meeting discussion.

You need to submit the completed meeting minutes document to your assessor.

Meeting minute template

Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Objective:





Points Discussed

Actions Suggested

Target Date

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Does the candidate meet the following criteria



Trainer/Assessor Comments

Conduct a meeting:

Discussed traffic problems that can occur in future

Highlighted the potential traffic problems

Discussed ways to deal with these problems

Provided recommendations

Listed recommendations

Completed the given meeting minutes template

Completed the meeting in the given timeframe

Use active listening to understand the manager’s point of view

Allow other people to discuss the issues

Activity 11: Delivery of updated reports

This activity is in continuation with the previous activity.

After the completion of the activity 9, you need to update the reports according to the recommendations made in the meeting and write an email to the Manage (Trainer) to update him that the reports are being updated and has been attached in the email. In the email, you need to attach all the relevant documents required for managing network traffic.

Activity 12: Regular network traffic management

Additional scenario

It has 6 months now that Career training has monitored the traffic on the network. The staff, students and services on internet services has increased. The speed of the internet is dropping, and the contingency plan is not working either. You need to repeat all the activities one till 11 and come measure the traffic on the network, and develop the contingency plan.

Task 2 – practical activity Checklist

Practical Activity Checklist

For this assessment, the learner must complete the practical activity.

The practical activity is a stand-alone activity that will allow the learner to display the knowledge and performance evidence that is essential when deciding overall competency.

Learner Name:

Assessor Name:

Has the learner satisfactorily completed the practical activity?



Did the Learner provide evidence of their ability to:

Activity 1: Obtaining work details

Activity 2: Evaluation of network traffic problems and capacity

Activity 3: Strategies to overcome network traffic problems

Activity 4: Discussion about network strategies and contingency plan

Activity 5: Contingency plan

Activity 6: Implementation of the strategies and contingency plan

Activity 7: Analysis of network traffic

Activity 8: Contingency plan

Activity 9: Future traffic problems

Activity 10: Discussion of traffic problems and recommendations

Activity 11: Delivery of updated reports

Activity 12: Regular network traffic management

Feedback to Learner:

Result Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor’s Signature:


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