114 views 9:54 am 0 Comments September 23, 2023








Table of Contents

Aim.. 3

Objective. 3

Implementation. 3

Activities. 7

Results 7

Costing. 10

Conclusion. 10

Evaluation. 11

Reference list 12

Appendices. 13

Appendix 1: Gantt chart 13

Appendix 2: Project timeline. 14





The aim of this assignment will be exploring the implementation of exit light as well as an emergency light for improved fire safety.


The objectives of the assignment are

  • To investigate the impact of installing emergency lights and exit lights for fire safety
  • To explore the benefit of implementing exit light and emergency light on increased safety
  • To investigate the challenges for installing exit lights and emergency lights for safety from fire
  • To recommend ways in which increased safety from the fire can be achieved by implementing emergency light and exit light


In order to implement the activities that can lead to the accomplishing the objectives of the assignment, a few procedures will be undertaken. In order to investigate the effect of establishing emergency lights as well as exit lights for improved fire safety, secondary research will be conducted with the help of previously published literature. As per the views of Ronchi et al. (2016), flashing lights at the emergency exits are considered to be significantly helpful for increasing safety from accidents that can happen from fire. In order to explore the advantages of installing emergency and exit lights, secondary journals based on the concept of implementing emergency lights and also the exit lights for enhancing fire safety will be inspected. According to Olander et al. (2017), emergency lights can help people to escape from fire breakouts due to increased alertness.

In order to find out the obstacles regarding the installation of emergency lights as well as exit lights, a set of secondary particles will be explored. As per the views of Ronchi et al. (2016), the most significant challenge of installing these lights can be the issue of maintenance. Maintaining these lights can be complex as they are not widely used. Furthermore, how the lights can be installed can be different. Therefore, the current assignment will also aim at exploring the procedure of installing these kinds of lights. In order to discuss the ways that are the most effective for implementing these lights, the real-life example of the implementation of these lights will be explored. Furthermore, the assignment will be conducted with the help of journals and articles about the process by which these lights can be effectively installed. The assignment will also be carried out with discussing the advantages of installing these lights as well as the disadvantages that can be encountered in implementing exit and emergency lights. The assignment will also entail the description of the procedure to implement these lights for better safety from fire.

In the case of implementing an emergency light and exit system, there are a lot of activities that need to be completed for this task. Fire safety is the factor that needs to be present in most of all types of areas. This is one of the essential factors that can be treated as the standard criteria. For implementing the emergency system there are a lot of techniques that can be implemented. Firelight is one of the factors of the emergency fire system.

In order to overcome the issue of the emergency fire system, emergency light can be helpful for escaping from the affected area. As suggested by Hamida and Hassanain (2019), in the emergency light system, the fire alarm is also an essential thing that can be implemented. In the emergency light system, there are a lot of sensors and transmitters that are present in the whole system. The electronic thermostat is the equipment set that is mostly used in the emergency fire lighting system (Garis et al. 2016). In the set of the emergency alert system, ELT-10 is the most common equipment that is used in the system. In the system, there is a lot of equipment that has been used to make the system more efficient. The key switch is used in the system to cut the power from the main system to stabilize the system. The system pad is designed by a pre-programmed set of integrated transmitters. After a sudden working time, the power system of the ELT has renewed automatically. This can be one of the advantages of using the ELT system (Scimonello et al. 2019). In the case of other emergency systems, the risk in battery drain is present but in this system, this risk is removed to make the system more efficient. The circuit of the system can be designed by the user requirement such as circuit protection, rely on the unit and live in. Circuit protection can be used to protect the circuit system from damage. According to Kinateder et al. (2019), a thermal liquid or paste can be used to protect the system from thermal issues. In the case of implementing the system in a place, the time-lapse can be set by the user requirement such as 10 minutes, 1 hour and 3 hours.

In order to implement the system successfully, the test run can be performed for 10 minutes. The system again needs to be tested after 1 hour to make sure the system is stable. After successful testing of the system, for disconnecting the illuminated, the power switch can be held and released until the power lamp turns off. In order to increase safety, some requirements need to be maintained by the developer. According to Wadud and Huda (2019), the load part in the system needs to be connected properly and set at the proper position. As suggested by Occhialini et al. (2016), the wiring needs to be isolated and connected to the main distribution board. In order to maintain the power load, some inverters can be connected to the mains supply. The system supply will not be affected by power cut because it holds the power system in a certain time interval.

The controller unit of the system is also needed to be set properly to maintain the working stability. For the connection of the power system, L terminal needs to be to the line and N needs to be connected to the neutral terminal of the ELT-10 system. The power supply does not need to be checked several times because the ELT system is voltage free. After setting the system to the transmitter properly, the power load needs to be connected properly with the NC terminal of the chipset. If the user requirement needs the relay unit in the system, then the unit needs to be connected to the NO terminal of the transmitter system. After connecting and configuring the emergency fire light system, the system needs to be set at a proper position that can easily sense the emergency alert. After fitting the system in the proper place, the power light needs to be checked if it is on.

For testing the whole system, a test run can be implemented. Some requirements need to be prepared. The supply voltage of the system will be 220 volts and 50 Hz AC supply. The fixing method needs to be done properly such as a 25mm deep plastic surface mount moulded box that needs to be set in the proper position. A 32mm cavity box needs to be prepared for fixing the flush for the emergency system. A class-2 flame redundant abs need to be used for safety purposes of the system implementation and it can reduce or can be workable within -10 – 35 C temperature. Total lighting correlation factor needs to be under 40mf. Some low voltage directive can be used to make the supply system for working in a proper flow. The required lighting set is required such as

  • 10 Amp incandescent light
  • 6 Amp fluorescent lamp
  • 3 Amp low energy light
  • 3 Amp low voltage bulb
  • 3 Amp compact fluorescent lighting

For knowing the output voltage of the system  the calculation can be performed such as  Output voltage= resistance * ampere.

In order to implement the test run successfully, proper sketching of diagrams needs to be prepared. The measurement of the cavity box will help fit the security system properly. The plastic surface module box is to hold the system security at the proper place.

The emergency exit also needs to be set at the proper place so the utilization of the emergency light system will be done properly. The alarm light needs to be indicated to the emergency exit so people can efficiently use the equipment. For the final designing of the project, the system diagram will be helpful to complete the task successfully.


Figure 1: Circuit Diagram

(Source: Occhialini et al. 2016)

After completing the whole process, the final goal of the task has been achieved to understand the system in detail.


(Refer to appendices)


After implementing the process successfully the voltage measurement has been used to know the output voltage of the system to work properly. The deeping design clearly says the measuring depth and cutting the blocks. A clear plan to set and implementation of the emergency lighting system has been designed to set the equipment at the proper position.



Figure 2: Planning of System

(Source: Occhialini et al. 2016)


This planning clearly shows the position and place to set the equipment properly. The emergency system of the place can be implemented properly.

The wiring planning has helped to implement and configure the system transmitter to enhance the working of the system. Proper wiring connection diagram has developed to implement the wiring properly.

Figure 3: Circuit Block

(Source: Occhialini et al. 2016)

For knowing proper voltage rating, the law, Ov= Amp* R has helped to get the proper rating.

Ov has denoted the output voltage, Amp is the system current flow and R is resistance in the system. For calculating the output voltage of the system table can be noted for better knowledge-


System AMP R Formula Result
Transmitter 6amp 5 ohm Amp*R 30 V
Sensing block 12 6 ohm Amp*R 72 V

Table 1: Reading Notation


For implementing the system, the cost is the major factor that can impact. The cost of the transmitter is a bit higher so it can be an issue for implementing the overall task. The probes of the system are 50 $ that is expensive enough that can cause the issue. The price of the transmitter system set is  44$. These costing also an issue for implementing the task and test run. The connecting wires are a bit cheaper than the other equipment which can cost 20$. Another cost issue can arise from the physical measurement and setting plan. The proper deeping and surface fixing can cost a lot. A developer can face this issue also at the time of development. The circuit protection materials such as thermal paste can also be a cost-effective factor for the developer of the system. In order to set the whole system in a place the cost of setting is also an effective factor. The proper setting and placing of the transmitter system are needed to be proper. Thus, if there are some changes needed to implement the system in a fixed and specified place that also need to be developed. In this case, the cost can enhance the overall budget of the system development.


It can be concluded that, in a workplace or any effective place, the emergency fire system is the most important thing that needs to be developed. This system helps people to survive and notice the situation in an emergency condition. The automatic emergency light system will be helpful for people to escape from the affected place. The transmitting system is an important factor that needs to be checked in the system for proper workflow. The transmitter helps the system to transmit the alert signal to the media. The ELT 10 system is helpful for effectively transmitting the signal. The emergency exit in a system also plays a vital role that helps the people to escape from the place. The emergency exit needs to be placed with adjustment to the emergency alarm and light. The overall system helps enhance the security system of a place.


In this project, all the processes for implementation have been completed with care. In order to implement the system, the first step planning was developed. Then a gathering of information and equipment was done to arrange the system. After completion of the transmitting system to the ELT unit, connection the measurement of the place has been taken to cut the place for holding clamp. After arranging all the things into a single unit the suitable place needs to be noted. After connecting all the wires at the perfect place the total project has been completed successfully.




Reference list

Garis, L., Thomas, L., Robinson, S. and Tyakoff, A., 2016. Recovery Houses: Non-Compliance with the British Columbia Fire Code and Implications for Life Safety.

Hamida, M.B. and Hassanain, M.A., 2019. Fire safety in the built-environment: a case study in a residential facility. Architecture Civil Engineering Environment12(2).

Kinateder, M., Warren, W.H. and Schloss, K.B., 2019. What color are emergency exit signs? Egress behavior differs from verbal report. Applied ergonomics75, pp.155-160.

Occhialini, M., Bernardini, G., Ferracuti, F., Iarlori, S., D’Orazio, M. and Longhi, S., 2016. Fire exit signs: The use of neurological activity analysis for quantitative evaluations on their perceptiveness in a virtual environment. Fire Safety Journal82, pp.63-75.


Wadud, Z. and Huda, F.Y., 2017. Fire safety in the readymade garment sector in Bangladesh: Structural inadequacy versus management deficiency. Fire technology53(2), pp.793-814.




Appendix 1: Gantt chart




Appendix 2: Project timeline



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