Paper 2: Choose anythinker and topic from chapter 10 to chapter 16. Your short research paper should be at least 2pages minimum and 3 pages maximum in length. Write in one page on both sides a titleincluding your thinker and topic/theme found in our textbook (you cannot use the same thinkerand topic selected for your oral presentation or vice versa), and support your Strength andWeakness with at least one selected quotation from anywhere in your textbook and one quotefrom an academic journal (use Galileo and Google academic journals in Philosophy). Forinstance, to cite quotes from our textbook use the following format: “. . . “ (Moore and Bruder111). Or if you have a quote from a journal use in parentheses only the author’s last name orauthors’ last names. For instance, “. . .” (Russell) or (Burns and Caputo). You should cite atleast 3 academic sources (2 quotes from our textbook–including 1 quote for each Strengthand each Weakness–and 2 quotes from academic articles in journals) in the Works Citedpage. Follow the format below and check out the SAMPLE of Works Cited in Blazeview! Typeeach question on each paper.EXAMPLE:Title-For example, Plato’s Theory of the Cave: A Metaphysical Study of Shadows and Light.Serrán-Pagán 71. Find out a significant Weakness (or how others see it as problematic) in your selectedphilosopher using only one specific theme or topic.2. Mention one major Strength using the same philosopher and theme.In your Conclusion, mention at the end what you have learned the most about doing yourresearch. You will lose half a point for each mechanical error (grammar, spelling, and format).Revise your paper by simply pressing the spelling and grammar button on your computer