Written reflection

121 views 11:50 am 0 Comments May 9, 2023

uitibe 9 Maps Q ECU di my., r Autism d3 cPanel Email Acco… 2. A Written Report in pdf or MS Word file must be submitted on Canvas, written in Arial. 10 font size. t023 Semester I single spaced, no more than 1.400 words (+/-10%) featuring the following:
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• A written reflection explaining whether and how the ChatGPT draft post met the Effective Blog Content Marketing Checklist. In your reflection. identify which parts of the ChatGPT generated post you have updated when finalising it for publication and why you have done so. Clearly articulate which parts of the final post were generated by ChatGPT and which parts were developed by you. (300 words).
• A transcript of all wording in the final post you had published on the website. This is a transcript of all the words you have in your post (approx. 300 words).
A screenshot of your published blog post on the website.
• A write up of your Google Analytics reports’ analysis for the website, including your findings and recommendations, which you had obtained through your analysis. (approx. 800 words)
For more details, refer to the ‘Instructions° section below. Due date & time: Week 10, Friday S May 2023 by 11:59pm AWST. 1. Use Wit contributor log in to publish your blog post onto www.thedigitalmarketingcrew,com/blog
How to submit:
Unit learning outcomes:

2. Submit your pdf or MS Word file electronically, via Canvas>Assignments > Assignment 2 submission link •
ULO1: Appraise digital and social media marketing tactics and/or strategies in the development of an online presence in a global business environment. • ULO2: Assess an authentic social media marketing campaign to identify areas of success and propose recommendations for improvements.
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