Written Assessment

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Assessment 2 Written Assessment (15%)
Due Date: Week 8
Word Count: 800-1000 words
The goal of this assessment is to assess students’ knowledge and
comprehension of conflict resolution in community services.
Students will watch a video and then be provided a copy of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode
Instrument (TKMI) in the tutorial in week 7. Students will complete the instrument/questionnaire during
tutorial time and discuss the results as a group, exploring the various conflict modes during simulation
exercises; then respond to the questions listed below.
1. Watch video:
2. Complete copy of Thomas-Kilmann Mode Instrument.
3. Look at results provided – student identifies
2 conflict resolution modes on which they score
4. Discuss results with other class members.
5. Use different modes of conflict resolution during in-class simulations/role plays.
6. Read the text-book pp. 266 – 269 and resources on the moodle site.
7. Provide written responses to results – due week 8.
Questions to consider after identification of the 2 Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Modes that you scored
What are the two Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode results identified from the questionnaire,
that you scored highest? Explain these in your own words. (Use the text book and resources
on the unit site to assist.)
Do you agree with these results? To support your answer, provide two examples of when
you have demonstrated these conflict modes in action either at work or in inter-personal
If you disagree, provide two examples of the conflict mode(s) you believe you actually use in
conflict situations.
State which other mode of conflict mode you would like to develop (from those of the TKMI
activity), and
how you would go about developing it. (Articles on the unit site will provide
some insight).
Students may use information and the resources on moodle, or from your own independent research if
it is supported by academic literature.
There is a list of resources on the unit site/moodle page to assist with providing academic sources of
information and discussion – it is expected you will include evidence in your discussion that you have
read some of these (that means they need to be referenced in your essay).
All resources must be cited correctly using APA 7 referencing.

INT102 Assessment 2 – Written Assessment Marking Criteria (15%)

Weight F
0 – 49%
50 – 59%
60 – 69%
70 – 79%
80 >
Presentation 10 No coversheet.
Formatting guidelines not
Coversheet present with
missing details. Formatting
guidelines observed but not in
Completed coversheet.
Most formatting guidelines
Correctly completed coversheet
including word count.
Formatting guidelines observed
with minor inconsistencies.
Correctly completed coversheet
with all required information
provided. Fully observes
formatting guidelines.
20 Poor word choice; Poor syntax;
Incorrect/poor use of language.
Satisfactory attempt in
academic writing; Syntax and
structure with multiple errors.
Correct written expression;
Good syntax and structure of
assessment with some errors.
Clear, concise and correct
writing; Very good syntax and
structure of assessment with
few errors.
Sophisticated clarity, conciseness,
and correctness of writing;
Excellent written expression.
Introduction 10 Introduction absent, poorly
written or not related to the
Mentions topic. Covers topic. Covers topic; Provides direction
for assessment.
Covers topic clearly; Provides
context & direction of
Discussion 30 Little to no stated description of
conflict modes; Poor
understanding of requirements
for resolving conflict. No
examples of conflict mode uses.
Very little stated description of
conflict modes; Some
understanding of requirements
for resolving conflict. Poor
example of use of conflict
Good and clearly stated
description of conflict modes;
Good understanding of
resolving conflict. Good
example of resources that assist
with developing conflict
resolution skills.
Very good and clearly stated
description of conflict modes;
clear understanding of resolving
conflict. Very good
identification of resources that
assist with developing conflict
resolution skills
Excellent and clearly stated
description of conflict modes; in
depth understanding of resolving
conflict. Excellent identification of
resources that assist with
communication developing
conflict resolution skills.
Conclusion 10 No summary or conclusion. Poor summary and conclusion Good summary and conclusion. Very good summary and
conclusion; attempt at
integration of personal learning.
Excellent summary and
conclusion; integration of
personal learning.
Research 10 No evidence of research. References scarcely used;
Weak, outdated or
inappropriate external sources
References cited;
Attempt at using credible
academic sources.
References used well;
Current, peer reviewed
academic sources used
References used effectively;
Credible, peer reviewed & current
academic sources used effectively
and extensively to support
discussion; use of text-book.
Referencing 10 No in-text referencing;
Reference List absent or poorly
presented; APA 7 not used or
poorly observed.
Attempt made at in-text
referencing; Reference List has
errors; APA 7 guidelines
observed but not in full.
In-text references cited;
Reference List has some errors;
APA 7 guidelines observed to
some extent.
In-text references cited with
few errors; Reference list
presented with few errors; APA
7 observed well.
In-text references correctly cited;
Reference list presented with no
errors; APA 7 guidelines observed
TOTAL /15%