write the program in Visual Studio

134 views 10:22 am 0 Comments August 3, 2023

IT 102 Assignment 3

## option Strict should be on in coding program ##

write the program in Visual Studio using (.net framework). ## option Strict on ##

Using the provided script and assignment you did for Assignment 2, Golf-A-Thon in dbSQL1 in SQL Server; Create a program, that will add a golfer and delete a golfer from the TGolfers table. It should also allow the user to add an Event to the TEventYears table. You should use Assignment 2 as a starting point. The add should be done by using a separate form for both golfers and events. This form should be accessed from the Golfers or Events forms from the previous assignment. Once this assignment is completed you should be able to add, update and delete a golfer and add an event.

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