Write an evaluation

170 views 10:42 am 0 Comments April 26, 2023

One way to learn to receive criticism constructively is to write an evaluation of yourself identifying what you did well during the placement and areas in which you recognize a need for improvement. You can then imagine that your supervisor is not as positive about your strengths and raises several additional issues that need work. As you do this, notice any feelings of defensiveness, hurt, or other responses that could interfere with your ability to receive the comments constructively. If you detect such responses, practice relaxing and listening attentively without feeling a need to respond or defend. As part of this exercise, you might also imagine yourself receiving critical feedback and still thanking the supervisor for giving you his or her impressions. This may not be easy, and it does not necessarily mean you must agree with all the feedback, but it will help you be more open to hearing what your supervisor has to say. This process of self-evaluation also helps set a precedent of personal reflection that should be part of your regular practice throughout your career.