
151 views 10:09 am 0 Comments May 12, 2023

Weight: 20.0 Type of Collabora- tion: Individual Due: FOR COMPLETION BEFORE EACH TUTORIAL Submission: On-carnpus students – your workbooks are mark. during tutorials_ Online-students your workbooks must be submitted online prior to participation in your online tutori discussion forums. ‘ Format: You can earn up to 20., for completing your Tutorial Wakbooks In past years. studen have failed by not taking advantage of marks available . Tutorial Workbooks. There are five tutorials in this subject and each one has a Workbook. Each one is wort 4, of your final mark. Tutorial Workbooks are preparation for tutorials and are directly related to preparatic for Reflection (Learning Journal) 1 and Reflection (Learning Journal) 2 On-campus students MUST complete the Tutorial Workbooks AND attend tutorials (fai to face or zoom) to earn marks_ On-line students MUST submit completed Tutorial Workbooks online prior to the tutori week AND participate in online activities on the discussion forums AND attend two zoo drop in sessions Tutorial Workbooks for online students are due the Monday of the tutorial week – see tt schedule in vUWS Lengt h: Appro. 200 words per tutorial for 5 tutorials (monitor. in-class) Curriculum Mode: Log Workbook
2.4.2 Workbook
This assessment is designed to encourage you to prepare for tutorials so that you are more engaged with the learninj activities and discussions This assessment is not separate from tutorials and tutorial attendance.
You must attend the tutorial to gain marks for the (Under exceptional circumstances. a Workbook may be marked i a student cannot attend a tutorial. but this can only be by the Unit Coordinator’s permission on the basis of relevan docurnented evidence).
Another advantage of completing the Tutorial Workbook activities on an ongoing basis is that you will also be workin, towards writing your Reflections (Learning Journals) 1 and 2_ Work that you do in your Tutorial Workbooks can bi extract.. re organised and polished for the Learning Journals
The Tutorial Workbooks are available in vUWS To earn marks. you must produce evidence that you have complete( the Tutorial Workbooks
1:37 72UT, i175%
Learning Guide… g
For on-carnpus students. ev,dence of Tutorial Workbook completion can be in hard co, or on a laptop or tablet (i.e with a display that enables assessment by the tutors)
— Tutorial 1 – Levels of Analysis – Reflection 1 Preparation — Tutorial 2 – Self I, Identity – Reflecti. 2 Preparation — Tutonal 3 – Prejudice 8, Discrimination – Reflection 2 Preparation — Tutaial 4 – Applying Feedback frorn Refection 1 to Reflection