Work Integrated Learning

196 views 7:50 am 0 Comments May 8, 2023

BABC011, CCOF001, DADC001, IITC001, SATC001



Assessment Item Name

Reflection, SMART goals, & Work Integrated Learning (WIL)



Due Date

Saturday, Week 3

Assessment item description

A description of the assessment item is as follows:

In this assessment, you will reflect on a previous language learning experience in an educational, academic context, choose ONE language skill that you want to improve in order to succeed at UTS College and in the workplace.

Use the template below.

Answer the questions in this template to identify, evaluate, and reflect on your chosen skill.

Follow the activities in the Needs Analysis Module to help you complete this template.

Subject learning outcomes (SLOs) & Language learning outcomes (LLOs)

On successful completion of this assessment item, you should achieve the following outcomes:

SLO 3:

earnestly (i) examine your own communication and study skills in academic, social and professional contexts and (ii) systematically apply academic conventions to maintain academic integrity

Assessment item brief

For this assessment item you are required to produce the following:

The Assessment 1 template (below) has four (4) sections: Section 1; Section 2; Section 3; and Section 4

Section 1:


Make notes about the learning experience by answering questions in point form [not graded] and then write a formal 400-word reflection on a previous language learning experience in an educational, academic context (review Reflections, Needs Analysis pre-tutorial task).

Section 2:

SMART goals in an academic context

Answer questions relating to the language skill you want to improve. You must attempt all parts (review Setting Goals, Needs Analysis pre-tutorial task).

Section 3:

Application of SMART goal to a professional context (Work Integrated Learning)

Find a job advertisement that explicitly relates to the programme you are enrolled in at UTS College (science, design, architecture, communication, engineering, IT, business) on a website. Argue that improving your chosen language skill will help you be the successful applicant. You must attempt all parts.


Section 4:


Include in-text citations and sources; provide a full reference list, following APA 7th edition style.

For formatting in-text citations and references in APA 7th edition:

You can choose to do the assessment in one of two (2) ways:

Option A

Option B

Fill in the template as is.

Do not change or remove any of the writing except to replace information in the square brackets […] the titles of the figures.

Replace the figures with your own.

Some headings for the reflection, some sentence beginnings for the SMART goals, and some formatting for the images have been provided. Use them.

Submit the completed template.

Create a video (maximum 6 minutes) with PowerPoint slides to answer each section of the template.

For section 1: orally present your reflection.

For section 2: put each question on a separate PowerPoint slide and answer each question orally with images (when needed).

For section 3: orally describe the role and explain how your chosen language skill will help with this role. Include the image of the advertisement on a PowerPoint slide.

For section 4: include your complete reference list on your final PowerPoint slide.

Assessment 1 – Sections

Section 1: Reflection: Write a 400-word reflection on a previous language learning experience in an educational, academic context.

Follow the stages of the reflection genre that you learnt in the Needs Analysis Module (pre-tutorial). Attend to the questions related to each stage. Use the language that you learnt in the Needs Analysis Module (post-tutorial).

Brief description

Thoughts and feelings



Action plan

First, answer the questions in point form first and then use notes to write a reflection. Each section is one paragraph.

Note: your notes are not graded. They are provided to help you develop and organise your reflection. Underdeveloped, scant and vague reflections will not pass.

Brief description of the situation

Who or what was involved?

What happened?

Where did it happen?

When did it happen?

What is the issue you are going to reflect on?

Thoughts and feelings

Why did you do it that way?

What were you thinking?

How did you feel?

What was good and not so good about the experience?


Why did things go well or didn’t?

What were your assumptions about the situation?

How might they have informed your thinking?

What theories or research can help you better understand the situation?


What else could you have done or done differently?

What other knowledge might be needed?

Can you identify any factors that impede your learning?

What can be concluded from this experience?

Future Action plan

What are you going to do in this type of situation next time?

What skills do you need to develop to handle a situation like this and other situations better?

How will you develop the skills you need?

How will you achieve your new learning goals? (Do not talk about SMART goals here)

How can you transfer what you have learnt to a different situation, such as a work environment?

Collate your notes and write your reflection below.

Use the headings provided (centred/bold – APA the edition style.

Write your body paragraphs left aligned with the first line indented. Double space. Do not use bold.


Thoughts and Feelings



Action Plan

Section 2:

SMART goals: Answer questions relating to the language skill you want to improve.

NOTE: All questions/parts must be attempted to be considered adequate.

Which area of language + specific skill have you chosen to improve? [for example, reading: inferring meaning from context; speaking: hesitations due to unknown vocabulary]. You must focus on a language skill (not time-management or motivation).

I have chosen to focus on my _________________ skills, in particular, ___________________

Why do you want to improve this skill? [personal, feedback?]

The reason why I want to improve my ______________ skills is because …………………

What is your SMART goal?

Provide a description of your SMART language learning goal. Review how to write a SMART goal (Needs Analysis Module (between tutorials). Your goal must be the following:

specific (state explicitly what you want to achieve by a specified time)

measurable (what are you measuring and how can you measure your improvement? Saying you will get feedback is too vague; Be explicit and convincing in your answer – talk about number of errors decreasing, longer and more complex sentences used in your writing, timing for reading, more succinct notes, less reliant on subtitles, etc).



attainable (saying you want to write perfectly is not an attainable goal; it’s not plausible)


relevant (the goal must meet your language needs)


timebound (you need to focus on what can be achieved each week; make sure the goal is something you can complete by the time you say. It is not acceptable to say, “I want to learn as much as I can at UTS College” because you’d need more than one semester to accomplish the goal)





By the end of this semester, I should be better able to [+base verb] ……


I can measure my improvement by [+ verb + ing] …….





This goal is attainable because …..



The chosen skill is relevant to my studies because …..



I can achieve this goal by the end of semester because …..

What activities have you been doing to improve your skill? (Be explicit. Provide website names, book names, video names, etc.). How have they helped?

Provide real examples and photographic evidence.


To improve my skill, I have been ……………………….. (see Figure 1).

Figure 1

Evidence of doing activities





These activities have helped in that ……

Don’t forget to put any resources in the References

What will you do for the remainder of the semester to help you achieve your SMART goal? (Be explicit. Provide website names, book names, video names, etc.). Why have you chosen these resources?

Which Unit, which modules in the Unit and which activities in the module (in this subject) will help you achieve this goal? Look through the Modules on Canvas and the Subject Outline.

For the remainder of the semester, I am going to…..

The resources I am going to use are ……………..

I have chosen these resources because ……………..

To help me succeed in reaching my goal, I will look at the ……….Unit. In particular the ……… module. Within this module, I will look at the following activities:…………………. and ……………………. These will help me achieve my goals because ….

Don’t forget to put any resources other than Canvas in the References

What problems can you foresee and how can you overcome them? You need two problems which relate to language (do not write about time-management or motivation) and two solutions. 


The first potential problem I foresee is that [+ clause]…..

The solution to the first problem is to [+ verb]…..

The second potential problem I foresee is that [+ clause]…

The solution to the second problem is to [+ verb]…..

Application of SMART goal to an academic context

Choose an upcoming assessment. In which ways might your SMART goal and your chosen activities (Question 5) help you do that assessment task? Write a small paragraph (80 words).

Refer to the name of the subject, the assessment and something in the assessment to justify your choice of language skill.

The next assessment I need to do is [name of Assessment Task] for [name of Subject]. In this assessment we have to ……………My SMART goal is related to this assessment because…………… The activities [name them again] are going to help with this assessment because …..

Section 3: Application of SMART goal to a professional context (Work Integrated Learning)

Find a job advertisement (one that explicitly relates to your Diploma programme – science, design, architecture, communication, engineering, IT, business) on a website and reflect on how your chosen language skill relates to that job. For example, try

Argue that improving your chosen language skill will help you be the successful applicant.

NOTE: All parts must be attempted to be considered adequate.

URL of job advertisement

Name of employer

Name of position

Role description (summarise the description – 25 words)

Image of advertisement and APA 7th edition captioning.

Remove the figure provided and supply your own. Provide a title using italics. Reference the screenshot

Figure 2

Title of the Figure

Refer to something in the advertisement that links to your language skill (highlight this to direct your reader). Provide a figure, using APA 7th edition style (see the example: “strong communication skills (verbal)”.

Remove the figure provided and supply your own. Provide a title using italics. Reference the screenshot.

Figure 3

Title of the Figure

Argue that this job is related to your discipline – to the Diploma programme you are enrolled in at UTS College (25 words).

Argue that improving your chosen language skill will help you be the successful applicant; that is, what is it about the position/role that needs your chosen language skill (50 words).

Section 4: References: Write a full reference list, APA 7th edition style, including all sources that you referenced in this assessment. It must be in alphabetical order.

Here are some resources and models to help you:

APA 7th edition referencing guide

Example of a website:

Organisation. (Year, Month Day). Title of webpage. Title of Website. URL

Seek. (2020, April 25). Data Entry – Sample Reception.

Example of an image

Author, A. (Year). Title [Media Type]. Source. URL

Seek. (2020). Advertisement [Screenshot].

Example of a references list


Halliday, M., & Matthiessen, C. (2004). An introduction to functional grammar. Routledge.

Seek. (2020). Advertisement [Screenshot].

Seek. (2020, April 25). Data Entry – Sample Reception.



Assessment item grading criteria

For this assessment item you will be graded according to the following criteria:








Section 1

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome


Reflect on and evaluate a previous language learning experience

Some features of D are exceeded

The task demonstrates more than adequately the ability to reflect on and evaluate a previous learning experience.

This means that the reflection is honest; all the stages are mostly developed and insightful.

Nearly all the questions in the model have been addressed.

More than one but not all features of D are observed

The task demonstrates slightly more than adequately the ability to reflect on and evaluate a previous learning experience.

This means that the reflection is honest; some stages show some development and some insight.

Some of the questions in the model have been addressed.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

Did not submit or no features of F3 are met

Section 2

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome


Manage learning to enable life-long independent language learning

Some features of D are exceeded

The task demonstrates more than adequately the ability to manage learning in a way that enables life-long independent language learning.

This means that all the questions have been answered.

The task demonstrates that the student has clearly considered their needs and how to achieve their goals.

More than one but not all features of D are observed

The task demonstrates slightly more than adequately the ability to manage learning in a way that enables life-long independent language learning.

This means that all the questions have been attempted.

The task demonstrates some thoughtful consideration to their needs and how to achieve their goals.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

Did not submit or no features of F3 are met

Section 3

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome


Work Integrated Learning

Transfer language learning strategies to a professional context (WIL)

Some features of D are exceeded

The task demonstrates more than adequately the ability to transfer language learning strategies to a professional context.

This means that all the questions have been answered.

The task demonstrates a convincing link between the discipline-specific profession and the SMART goals.

More than one but not all features of D are observed

The task demonstrates slightly more than adequately the ability to transfer language learning strategies to a professional context.

This means that all the questions have been attempted.

The task demonstrates a somewhat convincing link between the discipline-specific profession and the SMART goals.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

No submission

Section 4

Academic Integrity

Apply APA 7th edition style referencing conventions

Some features of D are exceeded

The reference list and citations follow APA 7th edition with unsystematic minor errors.

The reference list is complete and in alphabetical order.

In-text citations are provided for all external authorial voices (if appropriate).

More than one but not all features of D are observed

The reference list and citations demonstrate a very serious attempt at following APA 7th edition but there are systematic errors.

In-text citations are provided for almost all external authorial voices (if appropriate).

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

No submission