Name: Date:
Water Budget LabQuestions
***Pleasesubmit onlythis document atthe end ofthe labperiod***
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read the lab reader before beginning this exercise. The followinglabquestionswillbebaseduponthematerialgiveninthelabreader.Youwill need a calculator for this exercise. You will also need colored pencils for this lab.
[2.5]Whenthereisadeficitinprecipitation,wheremustthewaterforevapotranspiration come from?
[2.5] While raining, what happens to precipitation when it gets to the soil after field capacity is reached?
[20]UsingtheTable1andtheformulaslistedinPartIIIofthereader,pleasecomplete thetablebelow.Hint:beginwiththeEndingStorage(E.S.)forMay(note:theE.S.for December will carry over to January in this exercise).