University of Miami MTH099101105107108

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<pvlj3fcf0″>1. MTH 099. Intermediate Algebra. 3 Credit Hours. 

Arithmetic with real numbers, polynomials, factorization, rational numbers, and rational expressions. Cannot be used to complete the 120 credits required for graduation.

2. MTH 101. Algebra for College Students. 3 Credit Hours.

Algebraic operations and properties of real numbers; linear and quadratic equations and inequalities; polynomials and factorization; rational expressions; radical expressions; line drawings; systems of linear equations.

Prerequisite: SAT math section score ≥ 550 or Math ACT score ≥ 22 or ALEKS score ≥ 40 or MTH 099 passing score.

3. MTH 105. Algebra and Trigonometry. 5 Credit Hours.

Intensive course in algebra and trigonometry covered in MTH 107-108 , but no analytic geometry.

Prerequisite: SAT math section score ≥ 620 or Math ACT score ≥ 27 or ALEKS score ≥ 61 or MTH 101 passing score.

4. MTH 107. Precalculus Mathematics I. 3 Credit Hours.

Algebraic operations; equations and inequalities; complex numbers; functions and their graphs; polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions; systems of equations.

Prerequisite: SAT math section score ≥ 620 or Math ACT score ≥ 27 or ALEKS score ≥ 61 or MTH 101 passing score.

5. MTH 108. Precalculus Mathematics II. 3 Credit Hours.

Trigonometry, identities and equations, applications involving vectors, systems of nonlinear equations and inequalities, and analytic geometry.

Prerequisite: SAT math section score ≥ 670 or Math ACT sc
