Understanding Research in Evidence Based Practice

111 views 7:46 am 0 Comments April 13, 2023

Assessment Component: ESSAY (2500words +10%)

A 2500-word essay that analyses the implications of the findings of a chosen paper and how these findings could be used to improve your practice (you have been given a choice of two research articles – YOU MUST CHOOSE ONLY ONE. PLEASE DO NOT CRITIQUE BOTH)

  1. Quantitative article: “The effect of tobacco and alcohol consumption on poverty in the United Kingdom” (Nyakutsikwa, Britton and Langley, 2020)
  2. Qualitative article: “Is shame a barrier to sobriety? A narrative analysis of those in recovery” (Sawer, Davis and Gleeson, 2020)

The student will: –

a. Introduce the essay and the article you will be critiquing.

b. Critique the research methods deployed. This must include the following information

• Type of research
• Method of samples and/or sampling
• Data collection and data analysis
• Ethics and governance
• Potential for bias
Reliability/Validity/Trustworthiness (Research Rigour) must be considered

c. Identify and critically analyse two of the findings of the paper.

• Additional supporting evidence should be used within this section, with a minimum of 2 research articles relating to each implication, meaning:

– Identify two findings from the original research article you have chosen to critique

– Then find two other research articles that have similar subject matter and similar results, to support each of the finding from the original research article you have chosen to critique (i.e., two research articles per finding – so you must have a minimum of four research articles).

d. Evaluate how evidence-based research can affect/improve practice in your area of work.

e. Conclude your essay

f. Reference List

g. Select an appropriate critiquing tool form from those provided on the module shell

Complete the critiquing tool form with the relevant information drawn from the paper. This should be copied into your essay as an appendix. The appendix should appear at the end of the essay AFTER the reference list.

Students will receive a maximum capped grade of 40% when the critical appraisal tool is not completed and attached as an appendix. This is an important element of the assignment – do not forget it.

Essay plan:

  • A – Introduction (100 words)
  • B – Research Methods (800 words)
  • C – Critical Analysis of findings (900 words)
  • D – Evaluate EBP (600 words)
  • E – Conclusion (100 words)
  • F – Reference List (not included in the word count)
  • G – Critiquing Tool Form (Appendix only, should appear at the end of the essay AFTER the reference list – not included in word count)